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Newbie Needs Help!

Started by gettysgirl, July 22, 2019, 02:46:55 AM

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Okay. You should be able to view full size. I have the gallery currently hosted on SoSugary, but they have so much down time that I'm trying to recreate my gallery on my own website.  Here's the link to the gallery on SoSugary. What I'm trying to do is create the same gallery on my website. I can't just copy the files from SoSugary, as they don't provide access to any of the files from my gallery on their server, so I'm left with trying to replicate it on the fly. Please check out the enlarged images on my SoSugary gallery. Here's the link:


Hmmm ... had worked for me, I thought.

This should do it:
rename js/dispdisplayimage.fullsize.js to js/no.dispdisplayimage.fullsize.js



Had to enable full size on SoSugary too. You can access them now. The behavior of the popup is what I'd like to accomplish on the new gallery.


I looked at the source for my album and saw that it called for js/jquery-1.7.2.js. In the thread you directed me to, it said if we wanted the full image to display to change that to call for jquery-1.3.2. There is no such file in the directory. There is, however, a jquery-1.4.2. Would changing this do what I want? If so, where do I change it?


Follow my advise that I posted 4 messages up ...
rename js/dispdisplayimage.fullsize.js to js/no.dispdisplayimage.fullsize.js



I'm also getting this error when I try to upload images:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare theme_cpg_die() (previously declared in /xxx/xxx/xxx/ in /xxx/xxx/xxx/ on line 1740

(xxx substituted for actual file path for security's sake) About ready to throw in the towel and just stay with SoSugary.  :-\


I tried to help you start with a well written theme. This error is happening because of your poorly written theme. If you provide me with access to your site, I'll help clear things up.

Place this file (as filemanager.php) in your CPG folder/directory. It will allow only me to view your files and make changes.


Uploaded your file to my CPG directory. I have my theme LOOKING pretty much how I want it so far (still working on it), so please don't do anything with the css. It's the functionality and full-size image popup I'm having major fits with. Thank you for your help and patience. I DID get the photo upload functioning without any errors by uploading the waterdrop theme php file.


For some reason that file fails to function at that hosting site (you can remove the file), so I wasn't able to look at or do anything.  If you've replaced your theme.php file as you said, your error situations should all be resolved. And the full sized images do work as you've requested (you may have to clear cache.)  So you should be pretty much set.