The "curve" (theme responsive) don`t show me the admin tools>> I can`t admin The "curve" (theme responsive) don`t show me the admin tools>> I can`t admin


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The "curve" (theme responsive) don`t show me the admin tools>> I can`t admin

Started by BusAmerica, February 01, 2023, 08:15:55 PM

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At the beginning of the day I have changed my "theme" "Rainy day" to the "responsive theme" "curve".
But since then I don't have access to my gallery admin panel.

Visually there are references to what this panel looks like, but it does not appear and with that I cannot manage the site. Including going back to the old "theme not responsive" "Rainy day".

Is this "curve theme" failed?

How can I solve it or how can I see the administration tools again?

Thank you in advance if someone can guide me as soon as possible

And my usual thanks to the volunteers who contribute their knowledge to Coppermine


Al comenzar el día he cambiado mi "tema" "Dia lluvioso" al "tema responsivo" "curve".
Pero desde entonces no tengo acceso a mi panel de administración de la galería.

Visualmente hay referencias a que se ve dicho panel, pero el mismo no aparece y con ello no puedo manejar el sitio. Incluído volver al viejo "tema no responsivo" "Rainy day".

¿Es una falla del "tema curve"?
¿Como lo puedo solucionar o como puedo volver a ver las herramientas de administración?

Desde ya agradecido si alguien me puede orientar a la brevedad

Y mi agradecimiento de siempre a los voluntarios que aportan su conocimiento a Coppermine


To be exact I must inform that the "curve theme" does not show all the necessary and essential tools to manage the gallery.
But show some.

Attachment screenshot


Para ser exacto debo informar que el "tema curva" no muestra todas las herramientas necesarias e imprecindibles para administrar la galería.
Pero muestra algunas.

Adjunto captura de pantalla


That theme is a CPG 1.5 theme and is not completely compatible with CPG 1.6.

You may follow such instructions as found here to get it to work with CPG 1.6.


Thanks Ron

But the indication that André show [replace the code "mysql_" for "cpg_db_"] it was already done.

Do I have any way to orient the gallery by code to my old theme "Rainy day"?
So I can experiment in a separate folder with the "curve" theme, but I have the gallery working fine with all the tools

As always grateful


Using two different browsers, you can access your site using different themes (it is remembered in a browser cookie).
To reset the cookie for the current browser, just access it with a non-existent theme ..

Fix for curve_responsive
Not sure whether your line number will match, but in file themes/curve_responsive/theme.php replace line #880:
          <form name="sort" action="{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}" method="get">
          <form name="sort" method="get">


Hi ron
As always grateful for you

1) About recovering the theme
Thanks you very much for these metod!!!!
1b- This method has the particularity that later with the same browser in another tab, through "admin panel" it does not allow changing to another theme

2) About the fix of the theme "curve".
2a- The folder is "curve", I don't have "curve_responsive" (but I found a new topic "mnd-cpg12_responsive" which is incomplete in graphics)
2b- The "theme.php" of the "curve" folder, does`t have line 880, it ends in 716
Is this the version I have of "theme.php" in "curve"
2c- For the explain in "2b" I could`t replace the code, since it does not exist.
2d- Are any folder "curve" or "curve_responsive" with mor tha 880 lines ? Where can I see and download?

Thanks again!


Hola Ron
Como siempre agradecido por tu voluntad

1) Sobre recuperar un anterior "theme"
Muchas gracias por ese método
1b- Este metodo tiene la particularidad que luego con el mismo navegador en otra pestaña, por medio de "admin panel" no permite cambiar a otro tema

2) Sobre el arreglo del tema "curve".
2a- La carpeta es "curve", no tengo "curve_responsive" (pero he localizado un nuevo tema "mnd-cpg12_responsive" que está incompleto en gráficos)
2b- El "theme.php" de la carpeta "curve", no tiene línea 880, se acaba en la 716
Es esta la versión que tengo de "theme.php" > "curve"
2c- Por lo expuesto en "2b" no pude reemplazar el código, pues no existe.
2d- ¿Hay alguna carpeta "curve" o "curve_responsive" con más de 880 líneas? ¿Dónde puedo ver y descargar?

Una vez mas, gracias


Sorry for the confusion. You were saying curve responsive so I thought you were referring to this contributed CPG 1.5 theme.

The curve theme is a standard theme that comes with CPG. It is not responsive. It has the links to all the admin items .. they are just not presented in the same way on the menu(s) as you are accustomed to with Rainy Day. For several of the menu items (config, users, etc.), you have to click on the menu name, NOT just choose from its drop down menu.


Quote from: BusAmerica on February 02, 2023, 09:13:47 PM

1) About recovering the theme
Thanks you very much for these metod!!!!
1b- This method has the particularity that later with the same browser in another tab, through "admin panel" it does not allow changing to another theme

For that use ?theme=xxx and that will clear the cookie allowing changes to be mad via the admin panel
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Thanks you very much.
I see I didn't understood in yesterday Ron`s advice.


Hello Ron

I was not aware of that "curve responsive" development , now I will analyze it and rehearse it separately.
Is these the latest version of "curve responsive"?;topic=77662.0;attach=44896

But the current "curve" theme is half standard and half "responsive", the panel responds "responsive" the images are not. It seems that some of the development of 2015 is included in the current "curve". Attached screenshot.

And you are right, it was difficult for me to find the same objects

My thanks to you and Phil


Hola Ron

No conocía ese desarrollo "curve responsive", lo analizaré y lo ensayaré aparte.
Es esta la última versión del theme "curve responsive"?;topic=77662.0;attach=44896

Mas el actual tema "curve" es mitad estandar y mitad "responsive", el panel respnde "responsive" las imágenes no. Pareciera que algo del desarrollo de 2015 está incluído en el actual "curve".Adjunto captura de pantalla.

Y efectivamente tienes razón, me costó encontrar los mismos objetos

Mi agradecimiento a vos y Phill