Cannot access as admin Cannot access as admin


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Cannot access as admin

Started by tomwert, August 24, 2024, 03:04:29 PM

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After undating form 1.5.48 to 1.6.26 I can see my previous album datas. But I cannot access the admin section. I have entered during installation my user and pw but nothing works. In which file of the installation on my server can I find my admin pw? Thanks for your help.


Can you post a link to your gallery? It may be that you are using a theme that is not compatible with CPG 1.6.x

also ...

Did you run the update?

Try with a different theme to see if it is a theme issue.


Hi there
My location is Switzerland. This explains time lag. I opperate Coppermins for more than 10 years! I opperate Coppermine on 3 different domains. One domain s using 1.6.10 since 2022 without any problems at all.

Recently the server made changes and I could not access the 2 domains using 1.5.48 at all. I checked with your web site and have seen it ist  nescessary to update. So I have updated to 1.6.26. Now I cannot access on these two sites my admin account. Cannot upload no more.

O have done follwowing: after update to 1.6.26 and no access to admin, I have deleted all files (exept album data) and wanted to install 1.6.10 to see if it runs.No success. I have then re-installed 1.6.26 more then two times but no success. No access to admin.

I have tried to make update but I am asked to enter admin, wich does not work. Using waterdrop give sthe same result with no access to admin.

I ask again, in which file admin entries as stored?

Hope for a serious help.
BR tomwert



I noticed your theme has "<!--Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.6.21 (stable)-->" at the bottom of the source code.  Did you update all your theme files correctly?
Running SMF 2.1.4  / Tinyportal 3.0.1, bridged with Coppermine 1.6.25, plus cpmfetch 2.0.0


Hi there

I can sse what you are refferring to. The installation of this link shown is 1.6.26. Why it mentions at the bottom 1.6.21 stable is our of my knowledge. The installation 1.6.21 went fully throuhg and finished correctly, but no way to access my admin.

I would much appreciate a real updat patch from the designers to solve the problem. Many thanks.


Strange.  I haven't upgraded to 1.6.26 yet and still on 1.6.25 but although I have upgraded to every version since 1.6 came out my source shows the correct version I'm running 1.6.25, this suggests to me that your theme and possibly other files haven't updated.

I could be wrong though so might be wise to wait for one of the developers to respond.  ;)
Running SMF 2.1.4  / Tinyportal 3.0.1, bridged with Coppermine 1.6.25, plus cpmfetch 2.0.0


The admin user is not stored in a file, but in the database. There are plenty of posts detailing how to recover a lost admin password. Or you can create a new user then use a tool like phpmyadmin to make that new user an admin.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Quote from: tomwert on August 25, 2024, 12:21:04 PMI am adding one domain location if that helps

You did not run the update action on this site (as I asked in my previous post). I used a developer method to force the update action. Please see if you can log into to it now.


Hi there, thank you for all your comments. I am sorry if I have not explained clear enough what my problem is/was. I try again. I opperate 3 different Coppermine dbs on different domains. My access to all the dbs via server / provider and phpadmin tool is running smooth. I have all the user an pw data on file. I am also aware of files include/ which contains the relevant server and db data.

My problem is noted with Chrom browser if I am online and gallery is open. Then I try to access as admin to manage files upload. On Chrome I got several times error and could not enter. So to use the update action as suggested led to the request to sign in as admin, which produced error.

Today I used Edge as browser and at second attempt I could get myself signed in as admin. What a surprise! So I conclude that my getting errors on Chrom browser to get signed in as admin in the gallery for picture uploading is not a Coppermin problem but a problem with Chrom. I will keep you posted on my Coppermin / Chrome problem, while I have access via Edge!

BR and thanks so far.


I am adding an updated status report:
With Chrome
site with version 1.6.21 sign in shows critical error
site with version 1.6.21 sign in shows after too many trials banned from site
site with version 1.6.10 sign in no problem for last 2 years

With Edge
site with version 1.6.21 sign in shows critical error
site with version 1.6.21 this morning sign in possible, now sign in shows after too many trials banned from site

So I am back to square A. Need stil your help to clear the ban and get the other site signed in.


I forced an update action at MCWS so you should be able to log in there. A temporary ban for too many login attempts should clear after 10 minutes. If you've forgotten the password you should be able to use the 'forgot password' link on the login screen.

There should be no difference with browser use.


Thank you so much.
With Edge I can sign in on both sites now.
With Chrome let me sign in. not jet.


Hi there
Could you try to also force an update on my site I tried via Edge but no success. I am not secure with access via Edge, which is not functioning today.

On my site I was able to upload as I habe donne many times before via Chrome.
Many thanks for your attention to  my problems.


Hi there
Comming back to the conversation above, admin login functions on all my galleries thanks to the help from you. But the drop down admin menue does not show, only a list with about ten items. How can I get the full drop down list to show up where I can make my entries?