completely hide private albums - urgent! :-) completely hide private albums - urgent! :-)


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completely hide private albums - urgent! :-)

Started by Berliner Bloggade, October 28, 2004, 02:52:21 AM

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Berliner Bloggade

I searched the forum but did not find the answer:
When a new user - I called one "test", and is marked "registered" all viewers can see, that there is a user called "test" and they will see one tumbnail. Only acces to the users albumlist is restricted. In my understanding a private album means, that this should be so private, that no one even could see, that there is a registered user called "test" with private albums!!!

I allowed this user to make a private album, in the user settings the private album is marked as "viewable" only to registered: So I believe, my settings are correct.

I need a quick solution to hide this user completely. It is enough that this user can acces his albums only via the "my Galleries" button. But anyone else (administrator and registerd users of course may!) sould not see "test"users name, thumbs etc....

>My user galleries are put into the 1st category, called "Fotoblog ... und das ist auch gut so!", so the first headline of my fotoblog is clickable and there you can find my "test"user which I want no to be found by anonymous :-(

Would be fine to get a quick response, because I promised somebody to do so!

BTW: coppermine is great. With some efforts I got nearly that solution I wanted and taking into account, that I am not a proggammer, and have no ideas about MySQL or PHP everything worked fine for me. Big compliments!

Nice greetings to the team

Joachim Müller

You have to set in coppermine config: " Show private album Icon to unlogged user" - "No" and "Users can have private albums (Note: if you switch from 'yes' to 'no' any current private albums will become public)" to "yes".

You have to understand that making an album visible for "registered" means that it will be visilbe for all registered users. If you want it to be accessible for that particular user only, this user has to set "Album can be viewed by" to "me only" in the album properties.


Berliner Bloggade

Sounds good Joachim!

to set:

Quotein coppermine config: " Show private album Icon to unlogged user"

but I can not find this setting!!! Where exactly should this be? I use the german.php language but hopefully my english is so good, that I have should find the right checkbox.

Your other remarks are known issues and I think, I wrote this in my thread partially. I know that I have the alternative  to let private albums be show to the private user himself or for example for the whole group od registered users. In that case the admin menu is clear as water! :-)

Berliner Bloggade


I have found the button :)

Your admin menu is sooo good and sooo great, that I did not see, that this checkbos is direcctly under a headline

Problem solved!!!

Thank You