Login box on non-gallery page, remembers login, easy download? I Will Pay 4 Help Login box on non-gallery page, remembers login, easy download? I Will Pay 4 Help


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Login box on non-gallery page, remembers login, easy download? I Will Pay 4 Help

Started by photono, March 28, 2005, 01:15:01 PM

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Please, if someone can help I really would be most grateful and will pay via Paypal for detailed help to the first person who can make it work correctly! Can anyone give me a quote ?

1) I have a plain PHP page on the front of my site not linked to coppermine. Nothing fancy, just a "welcome to the photography club" text. Coppermine is in a folder called pictures. I want a login box on the top right that people can login into and they are automatically forwarded to their album in the pictures directory. They have already been added by the Admin. No anon users allowed.

2) If they return to the front of our site, they are still logged in and can go straight to their album as the words like "click here to visit your pictures" is displayed. They can log out by clicking the "log out" text on the screen. Would be nice if a greeting could be displayed like "Welcome back Simon!"

3) They only have the option to view the pictures and users cannot register - only the admin can add new users.

4) Easy way to describe how to download the images PC and MAC users - I know PC users can use the right mouse button to save picture - how do people do that with the one mouse button on the Mac.... any other downloading of the images possible so it's as easy as possible for people....

So - can anyone help with all those questions on how to get it working correctly? I know it's not a kings ransom, but I have $10 I can pay via Paypal for help to these questions! I have searched the forums but cannot find anything specific to this - so please, if I have missed a thread post a link to the thread and not just "search for this" as I have spend days searching! :)

Thank you very much indeed everyone :)


http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=14231.0 for the redirect

http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=10962.0 for downloads

i think the rest is straight forward..hope this helps


ps...make backups before editing  ;D


Thank you for the reply and the links for the re-direct and easy download. :) :)

Do you know how to get the rest of my question to work?

I have a plain PHP page on the front of my site not linked to coppermine. Nothing fancy, just a "welcome to the photography club" text. Coppermine is in a folder called pictures. I want a login box on the top right that people can login into and they are automatically forwarded to their album in the pictures directory (thanks for code for the last part btw!)

-  If they return to the front of our site, they are still logged in and can go straight to their album as the words like "click here to visit your pictures" is displayed. They can log out by clicking the "log out" text on the screen. Would be nice if a greeting could be displayed like "Welcome back Simon!"



Is the above not possible without installing some sort of simple CMS?


Quote from: photono on March 31, 2005, 02:52:44 PM
Is the above not possible without installing some sort of simple CMS?

well if you use smf as your forum, you can then call login/logout via ssi.  ;)




That's it foulu! Exactly what I need... can you tell me how you did it? Obviously I will pay you!



thanks, i missed the java actions when trying this..i got it now



@snork13 - np, sometime i cant load it too


i write a small script have some basic funcion + template + language to make it work ( 5.34 Kb), easy to change language and template. To use this script you must change only one setting : path from this file to your cpg folder like "comic/".


Can I please have the link to the file? I presume it's scripts.js? I cannot seem to get it from the server... :(

Thank you for your efforts!!!  :)


Thanks foulu - I sent you another private message about PayPal - but haven't seen a reply yet....
