I need help with password protection for CPG. Will pay for help!!! I need help with password protection for CPG. Will pay for help!!!


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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I need help with password protection for CPG. Will pay for help!!!

Started by photoguy1, April 13, 2005, 03:13:16 AM

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I have CPG, which came with my hosting company (simplehost.com). I'm a professional boxing photographer. I sell to fans (who in the past would e-mail me and then send payment when they saw my photos in the magazines) and I also sell directly to magazines. Some magazines need as high as a 5 meg file for a cover shot. I'd like to have the following:
Have the galleries thumbnail page and intermediate galleries available to everyone (with a watermark). Then, when you click on the intermediate image, I'd like the full file be accesable by password only. Is this possible? If not, would you be able to help and what would you charge. My budget is whatever you feel is reasonable. I'm not looking for free help. I also need help in designing a decent home page template.



Ok, for $60 I can make password protection and protect your full-size images from hotlinking in 2 days. If the price is ok, just let me know, do you need the unique password for each image or password for user to access all full-size files? And if I can work directly on your site, give me FTP/CPanel acces by PM or by this email: george_c@inet.ua. If no, I need a little extra time, because I can't now to work on my server, have some technical problems. Also I can create the design template for your site.


How would this work as far as watermarking? Is it possible to that the intermediate image has a watermark (my copyright), but not the full size image? Obviously, the thumbnail is not an issue here. Also, can I add a "download" button to each image or would they just click the intermediate image for the full size one, then right click, save as, etc?

I'm not asking for free tech advice or the steps on how to do this...Just an understanding before you start of how I'm going to batch my photos, upload them, etc.

I shoot hundreds of images at each fight and I'm trying to make this as easy as possible. Since my web host has unlimited web space, I want to be able to (first fix them in photoshop, if needed) then, add the watermark, batch uplaod my images into my albums and post them. The guy who gets his photos out there first is the one who makes the cover.

Finally, is this something you have to do inside my program that is custom or are these features there and just have to be modified? Again, I will pay you, but I'd like to learn the process.   


1. There are several mods/hacks to place watermarks onto images, just needed a little code modification to place watermark only on normal-size images.

2. Now everybody cans click on image and view full-size picture. I can modify the CPG code to ask the password first. You can set the password when uploading image, and this specific image-based password would be not related with user passords given during registration: you just send image password for customer and he can download the full-size photo. Another way is to just adding PayPal shopping cart for your gallery to sell your images authomatically.

3. Another part of needed modifications is not related with CPG code: it is  some instructions for your webserver to prevent "hotlinking": all your images are stored on the webserver, and user can just type in his browser something looking like this: http://[your_domain.com]/gallery/[album_id]/[any_picture.jpg] and get the picture directly, without any passwords. We need to disable this, isn't that so?


Just let me know, if everything is ok and I can start my work?


I'm having a big problem with my hosting company (Simplehost.com). I uploaded hundreds of photos, they were all fine, but now they are not displaying. They can't figure it out. As soon as I find another hosting company, I will contact you to help me with Coppermine and designing a new web site. I hope we can work out a resonable fee.



Ok, thanks for information. Hope, you will solve your hosting problem successfully :)
And if you want, I can offer you hosting on our company server. We now starting hosting service. Company is russian, but using servers in USA databank. Just let me know, what parameters and features you need :)


I've changed hosting companies. Just waiting for the nameservers to be transfered. I downloaded Coppermine (zip file) to my hardrive and I'm trying to figure out how to upload it to the right directories. Then, I'll have you work on putting in the password protection.

Here are two examples of the way I'd like my home page to look like. Let me know if you could do somehting like this. The first is a boxing template. I like the banner, but of course, I'd want to use my own photos. I just like the layering, smoke, etc. The second is for windsurfing. I like the entire layout. Great for photos. Can the links (windsurf boards) be changed to boixng gloves? let me know what you would charge.



Hmmm... imho, the first is better :)
I can create something like this (but not similar, of course :) ) for $80.
And if now everything is ok with your hosting, send me a login data to start working on password protection for images.


Okay, I have the new hosting company and I was able to figure out how to upload Coppermine to my server (just saved myself about $40.00). I have a few questions about the password protection.

Can Coppermine put a watermark (copyright name) on the intermediate photo or do I need Photoshop or something like that?) Can I have a watermark on the intermediate photo, but not on the full size image? As far as the passwords, will the magazines have to enter a password for each and every photo they want to view in full image or will they be able to enter a password once to enter my site and look at everything? I just want to make sure it's set up the way I need it, which is...anyone can view the thumbnail image. They can also click it to view the intermediate image (which will have a watermark). Then, only the magazines or people I give a password to will have the ability to view and copy any full size image on my site, but they will only have to enter a password once to enter the site.

Finally, how can I pay you?   


The Coppermine basic installation haven't watermark features, but there are some "3rd party" modifications: http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?board=33.0. If you need, I can install and configure one of them to your gallery for extra $15, then you will have intermediates with watermark and fullsize without.

About the password: if you need to allow magazine or user access to _all_ photos, it is more simple way for me. Also we don't need any extra password: gallery admin can manage registered users, and I can add function to give access to full-size images or not. If you authorize some user, he just logging in and can view full-size images. Then user typing his password once, when logging in :)
In this case it'll be cost of $50, not $60.

You can pay me by paypal or western union.


Please give me your Paypal name.

I just saw a new version of CPG released today. I need to figure out how to install the upgrades and we'll get started.



I just tried paying, but Paypal says:
This recipient is currently unable to receive money.

Please advise