Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip - Page 3 Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip - Page 3


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Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip

Started by rphMedia, December 05, 2004, 05:18:08 PM

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Pascal YAP

All, Ron,hama,
QuoteI'm happy about every mod and every help you post!

And me too ! A lot lot !
Recently i made a search about rhpMedia on this board  :D Rph Ron is an fabulous inspiration source for all of us, and i thing, all Ron's Mod user respect the original spirit of tis MOds. Then your mods are really perfect for my Gallery . A lot  ;D



Just an update - if you want the transparent background in non-IE browsers for any of the flash stuff (in keeping with your theme background), just add this to the <embed> tag -


along with the IE param  in the <object> tag -

<param name="wmode" value="transparent">

Didn't think Firefox would comply originally, but it works great.


I think this was the first bit of flash that I have included on my site. ;) That's how much I like your mod. Great job, rphMedia! (

For some reason, there are a lot of blanks where there should be pictures. I didn't have this issue when testing on my local copy. I'm wondering if it has to do with private albums. However, even when I an logged into my online gallery as admin, there are blanks. If I am a guest, there are many more blanks. Photos from private albums do show up occassionally in admin mode.

It's at the bottom of my gallery.


Quote from: TranzNDance on December 22, 2004, 08:18:13 PM
I think this was the first bit of flash that I have included on my site. ;) That's how much I like your mod. Great job, rphMedia! (

For some reason, there are a lot of blanks where there should be pictures. I didn't have this issue when testing on my local copy. I'm wondering if it has to do with private albums. However, even when I an logged into my online gallery as admin, there are blanks. If I am a guest, there are many more blanks. Photos from private albums do show up occassionally in admin mode.

It's at the bottom of my gallery.

My guess is that you have .htaccess issues.  Check your folders beneath 'albums' folder and see if this is the case.  I can parse your php file fine and get all the paths, but I can't input them straight in the browser (it redirects me back to your home page every time).  The Flash file is respecting the .htaccess if this in fact is the case.  If the albums are public; there really should be no reason to restrict access anyway (aside from maybe hot-link protection).  No one has had this problem yet, so I'm assuming that that's what it may be.


Well, it's not really any "issue" since I purposely set .htaccess to prevent direct access. ;)

It makes sense that it would be .htaccess since my local system doesn't use .htaccess.

Strange how some images did show up. And it turns out it wasn't a matter of private vs public albums. It was FF vs IE. I just happened to be logged into FF and logged out of IE.

But as I was editing the .htaccess file, some images still showed up after I edited it until I cleared the cache. That would explain why I saw more photos in FF than in IE since I use FF more and thus more of the photos would exist in the cache.

Good thinking, rphMedia. :) The scroller now works without blanks.

Why isn't the flash file given access? It's running off my subdomain just like the rest of the files.


Yay, it looks good!!  Call me Ron, BTW.

Flash has come a long way with regards to security and, all in all, it's a good thing.  It used to be that you could easily "hot-link" to other servers and render swf files -- no more.  [It] respects where it's coming from and adheres to that standard now.  I have many tricks that will only play a flash file on a respective server only (prevents pilfering a bit).  Just the nature of security issues in general.  The swf was merely trying to access the directory like any user would and was refused.  There could be an "include" statement from CPG that would let the swf file do that (not an expert there), but hey, it's working now.  A few years ago, it would've done that easily.

Anyway, I'm so glad you got it working.  I sorta thought that this would've been a long, drawn-out ordeal.  Solved.

You've seen nothin' yet  :)  More to come.  


Thank you, Ron. :)

I implemented the 715 wide version of the scroller. I thought I was going nuts because there was a huge gap between the strips presentation... It would show 5 pictures, show blankness for equivalent of 5 pictures and then the pictures again. I thought I had seen it scroll continuously earlier.

I then viewed the gallery in IE, and the strip was continuous. I looked at your site in IE and FF and had the same effect. FF showed a break; IE was continuous.

Is it just my browser? (I have the final release FF 1.0).

PS. I don't want to be all nit-picky, and since this is a mod, you're not obligated to provide support. :)


Well, I just viewed your site with both browsers and didn't have a hiccup at all.  Continuous scroll with no blanks.

I think this may be a traffic / Internet congestion type thing.  Ensure that you clear your cache, as you did before.  I realize that there are limits as to what flash can do.  For example, there are times when I check my site (I currently have 3 flash files loading at once for my example showings) and once in a great while, all files don't load as they should.  This is probably a natural occurance that can't be overcome.  It may be that they're parsing all the php files at once, and one of them just quit for some reason.  I don't advocate having more than 3 flash files on a page at once; probably isn't feasible at all unless they're doing minimal work, but I wouldn't worry at all about what you think is going on.  Both browsers look nice at a clean run from here! I think you're good to go.  Let's ask a for a couple of volunteers to check and I think they'll have the same results as me with a fresh load.

Thanks for the accolades and I'm sure that it's just a isolated burp  :)


cool, you were right, it was just a hiccup. ( I had cleared the cache earlier but I guess that wasn't enough. I had to shut down FF. I was probably at the point where it was eating up too much resources and needed a restart.

Thanks, Ron. :)


I recall why I used .htaccess to prevent direct access. It prevents people from viewing private images outside of the gallery. Of course there are ways around that, but I want to use that protection. Is it possible to get flash to work without allowing direct access?


Quote from: TranzNDance on December 27, 2004, 01:48:46 PM
I recall why I used .htaccess to prevent direct access. It prevents people from viewing private images outside of the gallery. Of course there are ways around that, but I want to use that protection. Is it possible to get flash to work without allowing direct access?

The original php file respects the private folders now, but I see what you're saying.

I believe that if you already have the "private user(s)" established, you could put the .htaccess in those folders only.  And for future private users (if you allow that), you could copy a configured .htaccess to their folder while registering (or when they elect the privicy).


Hello Ron,

Let me start by saying how greatful I am for your contribution.  I would like to ask a favor.  Would it be possible for you to provide flashthumb.swf with no filmstrip graphic.  My gallery is very basic and the graphics just don't work with the design.  I understand you are busy and thank you for your time.  I look forward to your response.



Quote from: litup on December 29, 2004, 11:32:09 PM
Hello Ron,

Let me start by saying how greatful I am for your contribution.  I would like to ask a favor.  Would it be possible for you to provide flashthumb.swf with no filmstrip graphic.  My gallery is very basic and the graphics just don't work with the design.  I understand you are busy and thank you for your time.  I look forward to your response.


Well, since you asked nicely :)  Refer to my post #4 of this thread for the instructions; basically the same.  Enjoy.


Wow Ron,

That was super quick!!  It's just what I was looking for.    Thanks so much.



Hi rphMedia,

This mod is truly amazing.  Especially the last tweak with no sprocket thingies ;)  Is there an easy way to make the movie stationary so that the images don't srcoll but do fade in and out?  If this could be combined with the no sprockets version this mod would truly be one for all occasions ;D  Anyways, thanks for your contribution and keep up the good work.



Quote from: hobojoe on December 31, 2004, 02:06:50 PM
Is there an easy way to make the movie stationary so that the images don't srcoll but do fade in and out?

Yes.  If you don't want it to scroll, don't use the "main.swf".  Point the flash file to "flashthumb.swf".


Thanks rphMedia,

I realize now that you had already answered this question.  I just misunderstood the post.  It worked great, thanks a ton.



Hello rphMedia,

This is my second request in 2 days, I guess that makes me a bother :-\\  Would it be possible to get the most recent flashthumb.swf (no borders) but vertical like the one you posted in the "teaser".  My site is vertically oriented and it would work much better.  If you do this for me you will be my hero, and I won't bother you anymore ;) BTW Happy New Year ;D



Quote from: hobojoe on January 02, 2005, 05:46:31 AM
Hello rphMedia,

This is my second request in 2 days, I guess that makes me a bother :-\\  Would it be possible to get the most recent flashthumb.swf (no borders) but vertical like the one you posted in the "teaser".  My site is vertically oriented and it would work much better.  If you do this for me you will be my hero, and I won't bother you anymore ;) BTW Happy New Year ;D


Happy New Year.  This one is same dimensions but vertical & w/o the film graphics (400X190).


Quote from: rphMedia on December 10, 2004, 03:24:14 PM
Oh, I thought you did that on purpose (no scroll), LOL!

If you want it to scroll, point your swf file to "main.swf", right now you're pointing it to "flashthumb.swf".

main.swf loads the flashthumb.swf for the scroll effect.

starttable($CONFIG['picture_table_width'], 'Random scroll from our gallery.');
   <td class="tableb" >
           <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="600" height="190" codebase=",0,0,0">
               <param name="menu" value="false">
               <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000">
               <param name="movie" value="main.swf" />
               <param name="play" value="true" />
               <param name="loop" value="false" />
               <param name="quality" value="high" />
               <embed src="main.swf" width="600" height="190" loop="false" quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" swliveconnect="true">
<?php endtable(); ?>
<br  />

keep main.swf   or   change:   main.swf    to    flashthumb.swf
show the same results, there is no scroll !!!
anyone can help me ???