i am tired..! Help i am tired..! Help


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i am tired..! Help

Started by pinpoint222, December 13, 2005, 01:33:14 PM

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i am using CPG 1.4.2 version with classic theme... i wanted to add  download video link using this procedure http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=24491.0 

BUT the theme.php is blank in classic theme. There is NO code in it to replace.. one suggested method written at the end of that post was to copy paste code from Theme.php of Sample theme. I did that and got a LINK below video for download .i saved download.php in the root as welll....BUT when i click the link for download it causes whole page to go white and nothing happens...No error shown even..

what should i do about this in classic theme???

Abbas Ali

Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


ok got it working...

but i would let other know what i understood so far.. Changing anything in theme.inc.php will effect all the themes you use. Now if i use classic theme or ice blue theme or anyother theme..all will show download link Only below videos.

Joachim Müller

Edit include/theme.inc.php
That's not recommended - you shouldn't use that. As suggested in the theme guide that comes with your coppermine package, you should copy the needed section from the sample theme that comes with coppermine and modify accordingly. I repeat: although the suggestion by Abbas Ali works, it's not recommended to do this, as it will break when upgrading in the future. Instead, create your own theme based on the classic theme and do as I suggested above. The way you describe what you did in the first place sounds right - post theme.php of your custom theme, we should be able to fix this.


Yes i knew it . But if i remember the Post i gave refrence to at the start of thread was Labelled SOLVED. I think labelling is incorrect if one is using that procedure in 1.4.2 CPG.

I am using 1.4.2 and theme is classic. I have attached the theme.php file Now.

You can check out that  changing theme.inc.php works by going to my future launch at

Now kindly help how can i do that with classic theme file .File is attached with this message.

Another CPG killer Killer problem is Kindly check out if u can , the yahoo, gmail,hotmail blocking ecards loading as images are external (i.e. not attached to ecard sent).

Joachim Müller

the file you attached is a vanilla copy of the file. I asked for the modified version, as you said
Quote from: pinpoint222 on December 13, 2005, 01:33:14 PMto copy paste code from Theme.php of Sample theme. I did that and got a LINK below video for download .

Quote from: pinpoint222 on December 13, 2005, 08:50:25 PM
Another CPG killer Killer problem is Kindly check out if u can , the yahoo, gmail,hotmail blocking ecards loading as images are external (i.e. not attached to ecard sent).
One issue per thread! You already started separate threads about this issue, don't cross-post! >:(


thanks for having a looks.. i got the problem solved...

copied the theme.php from sample theme and overwrote the theme.php of classic theme.

ya i know it wasnt good letting one know that there is another issue.. but i didnt ask to reply to that issue in this thread..:)

For 1.4x users Future help
For those who will be searching forum for the feature of " Allow Video download Link " option. Here is what u gotta do

1: open this thread first http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=24491.0

2: Create download.php and upload it in the root folder that is http://wwww.yourwebsite.com/cpgfolder/download.php or yoursite.net/gallery/cpgfolder/download.php

3: IF your theme.php doesnt contain any code , as is the case with "classic theme" theme.php. Then simple copy theme.php file from "Sample theme"  and overwrite the "classic theme"  theme.php.

4: Now, change code in that theme.php file as described in this thread http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=24491.0

5: Upload the theme.php file in the theme folder you are using .

6: and it will work :)

7: Dont change theme.inc.php to get this feature as this will create problem in updating CPG in future release. ( as told by GauGau )


Don't copy ANYTHING from sample.php that you are NOT modifying. Doing so will only increase the amount of work you have to do to upgrade that theme in the future.

Keep your theme.php as light as possible. Only override what you absolutely must.

if you are ever tempted to edit include/themes.inc.php DON'T.  Almost anything you could want to do by editing include/themes.inc.php can be done with a simple plugin. See master_template over on cpg-contrib.org

If one was inclined to do so, that mod could also probably be made into a plugin, and not be tied to any particular theme.


I'm a novice, but after a few hours of study, I learned that the coding is very logical and very very very well documented. If you look in the sample theme (make a copy or back up of everything you are about to fiddle with), you'll notice that the comments // detail what is about to follow.  You can then copy and paste only what you need into the copy of the theme.php for the theme you are using (eg. Mac OS or fruite etc).    Make sure to look for this term  EOT which I'm guessing stands for End of template.   Copy everything to the ending code bit which I noticed is either  ;   or } depending on what the template is written to do.   I know it worked for me just taking my time and reading.   I hope you can follow this logic and I hope I have explained myself clearly.   
(they need an emoticon with a lightbulb above it to stand for "idea" or "revelation")

learning requires patience; teaching requires more