Critical Error//500 Internal Server Error when trying to Batch Upload Critical Error//500 Internal Server Error when trying to Batch Upload


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Critical Error//500 Internal Server Error when trying to Batch Upload

Started by wanderingdream, October 02, 2007, 07:43:47 PM

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I've been searching the help topics and I tried a few of the suggestions, but still when I hit the Batch Upload Button after about 600 seconds it times out and gives me a 500 Internal Server Error that says the following:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I tried upgrading, and when trying to delete the 1.0-to-1.2.php thing, it came up with a critical error:

While executing query "INSERT INTO cpg1411_pictures (approved, pid, aid, caption, filepath, filename, filesize, pwidth, pheight, hits, mtime, ctime) SELECT 'yes' as approved,, aid, msg_body AS caption, filepath, filename, filesize, pwidth, pheight, hits, mtime, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ctime)FROM CPG_pictures AS p LEFT JOIN CPG_comments AS c ON p.caption = c.msg_id " on 0

mySQL error: Table 'coppermine_me.CPG_pictures' doesn't exist

I don't know if that's related or not, and I'm very confused. Could someone please help? This started about a week ago, since the internal server error started I've only been able to batch upload once, and I don't know why it allowed me that time and it hasn't allowed me any other time.


Upload Troubleshooting: I did follow those instructions before posting here, and I get the same error message with no debugging information.

Asking for support: Sorry! Here's my test user info:
username: test_wanderingdream
password: bunny13

but when i tried to activate it, i got the following error message, and i'm not entirely sure how to fix it:

An error has been encountered in accessing this page.

1. Server:
2. URL path: /register.php
3. Error notes: File does not exist: /home/groups/c/co/coppermine/htdocs/register.php
4. Error type: 404
5. Request method: GET
6. Request query string: activate=90114ad4deeb33b409cfd03a4c03aa6b
7. Time: 2007-10-03 15:12:25 PDT (1191449545)

Reporting this problem: The problem you have encountered is with a project web site hosted by This issue should be reported to the project (not to

If this is a severe or recurring/persistent problem, please do one of the following, and provide the error text (numbered 1 through 7, above):

   1. Contact the project via their designated support resources.
   2. Contact the project administrators of this project via email (see the upper right-hand corner of the Project Summary page for their usernames) at

If you are a member of the project that maintains this web content, please refer to the Site Documentation regarding the project web service for further assistance.

Hein Traag


QuoteWhen asking for support on the coppermine forum, post a link to your site and a test user account (the test user mustn't be in the admin group!)

You're not supposed to post a password??? Or you haven't setup your gallery correctly (home URL)!

Joachim Müller

Quote from: wanderingdream on October 04, 2007, 12:13:10 AM
1. Server:
That's not your URL, isn't it (in fact I'm pretty sure that this is not your webspace, but ours). You failed to set the URL in Coppermine's config to your webspace. Instead, you left the default URL there after install, which is only meant to explain what you need to fill in. Go to coppermine's config and change the URL, then your issues will be gone.


Updating the config in coppermine

Thank you, I had a feeling it might have been that, but I wasn't sure where to go to fix it. I'll post again if I continue to have problems =D


I have upgraded to 1.4.13, b.t.w. to the one person, and I can upload single files, but cannot upload batch files. It's continuing to give me the internal server error that I posted about previously. In the test account, I didn't see an option to batch upload files, so I didn't get to see if it would let me on the test account. So, what else can I do?


As I said earlier, I've already looked through the help guide. I would not keep posting here if I had found my answer there so either I'm so much a beginner that I didn't see the answer to my problem in there, or my answer isn't in there.

Hein Traag

Follow the steps as described in upload troubleshooting. Provided the information asked for in those steps.
Follow the instructions  ;) it's not rocket science.


My point is that I have followed the instructions in Upload Troubleshooting, and am still getting the same error message. I've also gone through and made sure I upgraded, and it says that I'm completely upgraded. It allows me to upload single files, but not Batch Uploads. That continually gives me the 500 Internal Server Error, and nothing I've read on the Coppermine FAQ has helped me understand why I'm receiving this error message. Is it possible that it's not Coppermine, but actually my webhost? That's the only other thing I can think of. I'm not receiving any error message from Coppermine, just the 500 Internal Server error. When I went to my php info, there is some things in red, which the Coppermine FAQ says means I need to fix it, so I'm thinking that perhaps my version of php is out of date, however all my GD info is enabled like it's supposed to be according to the FAQ.

From the FAQ: Post a link to your gallery, with a test account ID and test account password, is most often the only way to help - provide it with your question, or even better: edit your profile on the support board and enter the url of your page there!

Test Account: test_wanderingdream
Account password: 5rem2f2y

So far I have yet to see my question answered in the Upload Troubleshooting. The only upload trouble I'm having is when I try to batch upload, that's when it gives me an error message. Otherwise, it uploads just fine. Seeing as how I do albums of 1,000 files+, I would like to have my Batch Upload button work again, but I don't know if it's coppermine or Dreamhost (which is the company that gives me the services for my website).

Hein Traag