cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart - Page 2 cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart - Page 2


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cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart

Started by Stramm, October 11, 2010, 05:04:51 PM

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This results from your attempt to install the plugin under another path.
With a tool like phpmyadmin delete the plugins database entry in the plugins table (by default that's cpg15x_plugins).


screwed up, deleted cpg15x_plugins table, now can't get into coppermine. So I guess I have to re-install Coppermine, right? I refuse to accept that even at over 60 I can't get this right!!


no, you shouldn't delete the plugins table but the shop plugin entry. Recreate the plugins table using phpmyadmin
Run that SAL in phpmyadmin when viewing the cpg database. Replace CPG_ with the prefix you're using eg. cpg15_

  plugin_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
  path varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  priority int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (plugin_id),
  UNIQUE KEY name (name),
  UNIQUE KEY path (path)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Stores the plugins';


I've lost you I'm afraid.... "run that SAL.........."  I've spent hours today trying to work it out, but it's beyond my depth. Is there another way?


copy the above code into sql/update.sql (at the very end is a good place) then run update.php ( http://www.pictorious.fi/coppermine/update.php ). When done remove the code you've added to update.sql.


At last! Gee thanks very much for your help and patience, I very much appreciate it, and it's a brilliant program too! Hope I didn't take too much of your time.

All the best, John



With the help you previously provided I have been able to get the shop configured and working - thanks!.

I have a question - I'm trying to use only COD as the gateway and I want the COD fee to be $0. If I set this in the config, I get this error on Checkout:

There is a problem with cart or shipping data. Please go back and fix:

    * Data inconsistent: It seems that product data has changed since you're shopping. Please start the checkout again and verify the values

The only way to clear the error and finish checkout is to set the Gateway fee to something other than $0. Is this behaviour expected?



If you do not want to charge a fee, then disable the fee


Sorry, I should have added - if I disable the COD fee then I have no gateways, which doesn't work either. It won't the checkout continue if you have no gateways.


You need a gateway... how do you want your customers to pay? The minimum is to display the wire information. That one you can customize to show the wire info or if you want, that your customers should bring cash when they pick up the goods.


At this point, my "market" is constrained to a group of people at a skating club so I print the photos and accept payment on delivery. The Wire Transfer options appears to work. How do I change the text of "Wire Transfer"? do I edit the language file?


yes, cpgshop_wire_enable is the key

However cod should work also if you enable cod but disable charging a fee for it


ok, thx

On the COD, as far as I can tell I did enable it with 0 fee which generated the error that I put in one of my previous posts. The $0 fee seems to be triggering some condition that generates that error message during checkout.


That's why I told you to disable charging a fee if you do not want to do it.

Edit: the error message is not really an error message. I use that to verify if the shops form data hasn't been modified in any way. If something seems to be fishy then you get tha 'data inconsistent' message.


Hi again. Having activated cpgShop in general shop settings and configured some settings, there appears no box or icon for the user to make a purchase, just a small window of "view cart(0)" which appears in all wndows, even in admin config windows.
Furthermore, (and I don't know if it's relevant but it didn't happen before I installed cpgShop), there comes an Error message when clicking on "Register" and "My profile."
Whenn clicking on My profile:


    * Notice line 184: Undefined index: dbcharset


    * Notice line 197: Undefined variable: fileORcontent


    * Notice line 589: Undefined variable: lastComByText
    * Notice line 592: Undefined index: thumb
    * Notice line 593: Undefined variable: lastComDate
    * Notice line 600: Undefined variable: lastUploadByText

when clicking on Reigster:


    * Notice line 184: Undefined index: dbcharset


    * Notice line 197: Undefined variable: fileORcontent
    * Notice line 197: Undefined variable: fileORcontent


    * Notice line 384: Undefined variable: icon_array
    * Notice line 388: Undefined variable: icon_array
    * Notice line 388: Undefined variable: icon_array
    * Notice line 388: Undefined variable: icon_array
    * Notice line 388: Undefined variable: icon_array
    * Notice line 388: Undefined variable: icon_array
    * Notice line 388: Undefined variable: icon_array
    * Notice line 388: Undefined variable: icon_array
    * Notice line 390: Undefined variable: icon_array


That's debug output you probably have enabled in config. Disable it if it means nothing to you (that's not shop related).

Have you read the documentation of the shop and configured it properly? Otherwise you won't see purchease options.


I've disabled debug..... I just wanted to show it to you. My problem is that when I disable plugins (cpgShop is the only one I use), the Registger and Profile work properly, but not when I enable the plugin.
If you like you're  welcome to get in there, but I'd need to let you have the password somehow.


Switch to english and see if the login problem persists. And of course a testuser account would be useful.


it IS in English, and there's a test user account that I use.


Quote from: johnbcheetah on November 05, 2010, 05:09:50 PM
there's a test user account that I use.
Stramm asked for the login details so he can perform some tests ::)