Spanish support board re-opened Spanish support board re-opened


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Spanish support board re-opened

Started by Joachim Müller, November 17, 2005, 08:25:21 AM

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Joachim Müller

ribanet has volunteered to do the support in Spanish, so I have again unlocked the board. Thanks for volunteering.



Joachim Müller

Only recently a user has posted a flame, complaining that nobody replied here on the Spanish support board. Let me clarify this: none of the coppermine developers speaks Spanish good enough to provide support in this language. The Spanish support board can only exist if the moderator or other users volunteer to provide support. If they don't know the answer or don't come here that often, you shouldn't blame them. After all, any supporter is a volunteer.

Maybe someone who speaks Spanish well enough could translate the above section to clarify things for users.

Joachim Müller

Apparently, ribanet has chosen not to support here, so I'm closing thes spanish support board once more and changing the subject line of this thread.


Hello, GauGau, you can open the spanish forum?. Please

Joachim Müller

no, I won't - there have been people who volunteered to moderate the Spanish board (so far three of them). All of them promised that they would moderate the board. None of them actually did. As a result, there were a lot of frustrated users who posted their questions in Spanish on the re-opened Spanish sub board and didn't get an answer to their question (because the moderators had left). I'm not going to go through all those complaints again.
I'm going to re-open the Spanish support board only if some user who speaks both Spanish and English proves that he/she will actually stay around longer. To do so, the possible future moderator of the Spanish support board should give support on the "regular" English Support board first.
Please don't get me wrong: I appreciate your willingness to help, and I don't want to acuse you of behaving just like the other guys who turned up and boasted that they were going to moderate and support the Spanish community and then just vanished.
The concept to let possible moderators first do some support work on the English board worked perfectly for the French community - the moderators of the French support board started as users on the English board first, giving support as their skills rose.

My Spanish isn't good enough to translate all those policies and such into Spanish, although I have asked from possible future moderators that they should translate the sticky threads first. Please go through the Language Specific Support-board (especially the Spanish sub-board) first; maybe you could translate some of the English postings made there into Spanish.


Bueno, pues es una pena, lo siento enormemente.  ;) Yo intentaré localizar usuarios como yo, de vuestra galería, en otros foros, Aunque creo que sin duda el mejor lugar de reunión sería este foro.

Me gustaría hacer de moderador, pero no se hablar ingles, aunque manejo vuestra galería suficientemente bien.
Bueno, seguiré visitando este foro, a ver si se reaviva, me gustaría ayudar en agradecimiento a lo contento que estoy con vuestro software.



Si alguien no ha entendido este tema, Aquí lo que pasa, es que los señores que han hecho posible la creacción de esta galería ( Que amí me va de perlas) Quieren encontrar gente dispuesta y comprometida para moderar este foro y dar soporte a los usuarios de esta galería en español.

Yo no se Ingles, me cuesta horrores leer mas de 3 lineas seguidas, uso Coppermine, con facilidad por que está bastante bien traducida y me ha sido sencillo aprender a usarla.

Si hay algún voluntarío que sepa ingles, y que se quiera poner deacuerdo conmigo para realizar conjuntamente la moderación de este foro, Estaría encantado de colaborar, pero al no saber ingles ya veis que no les valgo como moderador, si podeis contestar este hilo hacerlo por favor.
Un Saludo. A todos

Zaragoza - España


Me he equivocado antes al poner el link de mi página El bueno es este:

Ah por cierto, a todos los que vais visitando este hilo, mirar a ver si podeis contestarlo.

A ver si animamos este foro, que la galeía esta va muy bien y hay que agradecerselo a los desarrolladores...  ::)

Joachim Müller

If your postings have been directed towards the dev team, you should post both in English and Spanish

Fabricio Ferrero

Joachim Müller: I'm not trying to bugging you... Please, there is no Spanish board to post this topic. I can not start a topic in <no support> boards....  There is no way to contact you and I'm trying to help, no to bother... Where do I post my willing to help cpg?

I really don't expect some bad reply from you. I'm just trying to help!

What do I have to do in order to contribute?
Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)


Theres probably somewhere, perhaps a FAQ, in another subforum that discusses contributers  ???

Joachim Müller

OK, I merged your new thread with the existing one. Let me explain some things for others: you proposed to re-open the Spanish support board with you as a moderator by sending me this PM:
Quote from: fabri on May 18, 2008, 01:17:11 AM
Hi, first of all, sorry about sending you a PM. But I really don't know where to post this. (Spanish sub-forum it's closed). Well, I don't "want to" be the next moderator of Spanish forum, I will be. I already started to support (only a very few issues) on English board.

I'm not php expert but I have really spent many weeks playing whit cpg. And, the issues that Spanish users have, almost all have been already asked in English board.

I'm not asking you to considering re-opening the Spanish sub-board right now, but give me the chance.

Where to start?

I'm the translator of Stram's moddpack (will be included on the next release).
I want you to indicate me which "must read" post translate to put as sticky in Spanish sub-board.

Did the user of "Documentation and manual" finish his work? Am I allowed to do it?

Please, help me and I will contribute. I think Spanish board will be so great for many several users. So, if you like the job that I will do, you re-open the Spanish forum, deal?


You then hijacked a thread that deals with the Danish language file with this posting:
Quote from: fabri on May 19, 2008, 04:11:17 AM
Joachim Müller: I send you a PM. Yes, I know I don't have to do it. But there is no board to place what I wrote you. It's a BIG contribution. Please read it. Erase this reply if you want.

My reply there:
Quote from: Joachim Müller on May 19, 2008, 08:55:00 AM
Your PM is not related to this thread at all. You could easily have posted the content of your PM publicly, since it doesn't contain sensitive data, but just a proposal to become the moderator of the spanish sub-board, coupled with the suggestion to re-open that sub-board. We expect moderators to understand board policies and respect them. Thread-hijacking as well as unsolicited PMs are definitely against board rules. Locking.

We need to make sure that there is long-time contribution/support for the non-English support boards, as we (the dev team members) can not control the language-specific sub-boards. We need to make sure that the moderators there understand what they are doing and that they actually understand board rules and respect them. I'm all ears if you're willing to contribute a (partial) translation of the docs into Spanish, but this is not related to opening the Spanish support board. I'm looking forward to see your continued support on the English sub-board as well. We'll decide later if it's time to re-open the Spanish support board. Right now I'm not convinced that we should re-open the Spanish support board though, as you seem not to have fully grasped the board rules and the concept behind it, so I would like to mintor your progress as a supporter first before re-opening the Spanish board.
Bottom line: please don't be upset if I don't re-open this board right now - my hesitation is caused by the concerns explained above; this is nothing personal against you - I just need to make sure that you are fit to fullfill the task.


Joachim Müller

OK, so there are two users who volunteered to moderate this board and do the support in Spanish. just_some_guy joined fabri in his quest for support in Spanish.
Therefor, I have re-opened this board and renamed this thread once more from "Spanish support board closed" to "Spanish support board re-opened". Let's see how it goes.



Fabricio Ferrero

Joachim Müller: Could be possible to add an small "Spanish forum re-opened" somewhere (for example in the news) in order to get post from Spanish speakers? I think there is already a lot of users (registered) that have inconvenient with English but they still thinking that it's closed. (Just wondering)

Then, you become Quinti moderator. It's ok, but he was last active on July 03, 2007, 11:34:05 AM. I noticed this 1 month ago but I was waiting him to login. He didn't.

Both issues are just advises. I mean, just things that I think everytime I login.

Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)


¡Felicidades por la reapertura! Ya era hora. ;D


I can also help around I have my own site with some nice hack I learn from here, so I can check this site twice a week 2 see if any one needs help.

Joachim Müller

Just a thumbs-up for fabri: you're doing a great job - keep up the good work.

Fabricio Ferrero

(I didn't answer yesterday because I was thinking about replying or not)

First of all, I feel very flattered, thank you very much!  ;D
But, the reason I'm replying is for asking you considerate a pair of things:

  • I would love to be able to have some permission as: Tag some topics as FAQ (Not [this-ones] I mean, the image "FAQ", "Tutorial", and others. The FAQ I created is 780 views right now and is just a month old. I would like to create some tutorials and add more questions on the FAQ topic but I feel more motivated with those little images. (Silly things, but I do care...)
  • Be able to put some Karma on Spanish sub-forum. If it is technically 'impossible' because if you do you're going to allow me to add or rest karma on the whole forum, I will not do anything but in Spanish sub-forum. This is not to play to be bossy, and you will not see the user's karma up and down like a carrousel horses (typical phrase in my country...) I need to do it because I want to encourage to users to have good behavior. I see how you handle it and imo it will be better to have at least one user (me) with that possibility on Spanish sub-forum.
  • Quinty didn't login yet... He still being a moderator, how lucky he is! (Don't get me wrong... Just joking...)

When I start to unsderstand how forum works I knew that I was going to be moderator (I told you...) Now, I told you that the Spanish sub-forum is going to grow. I will love to handle, just give me the tools...

P.S: Don't worry about me quitting supporting. I do on my free time, and I think I found my medicine...  :D I enjoy it a lot!
P.S 2: Every time you (or some adm) add me some karma, you draw a smile on my face. (I feel  :-[ saying this but it is true!)

Thank you for letting me be part of this,  ;)

Fabricio Ferrero aka 'fabri'
Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)

Joachim Müller

Quote from: fabri on July 24, 2008, 06:02:47 PM

  • I would love to be able to have some permission as: Tag some topics as FAQ (Not [this-ones] I mean, the image "FAQ", "Tutorial", and others. The FAQ I created is 780 views right now and is just a month old. I would like to create some tutorials and add more questions on the FAQ topic but I feel more motivated with those little images. (Silly things, but I do care...)
Sorry, can't do that - the feature has been dropped. Currently, nobody can flag threads that way.

Quote from: fabri on July 24, 2008, 06:02:47 PM
  • Be able to put some Karma on Spanish sub-forum. If it is technically 'impossible' because if you do you're going to allow me to add or rest karma on the whole forum, I will not do anything but in Spanish sub-forum. This is not to play to be bossy, and you will not see the user's karma up and down like a carrousel horses (typical phrase in my country...) I need to do it because I want to encourage to users to have good behavior. I see how you handle it and imo it will be better to have at least one user (me) with that possibility on Spanish sub-forum.
Will need looking into - this used to be a hack I applied long time ago. I guess I'll rather turn the whole karma thing off, since it's upsetting people only.

Quote from: fabri on July 24, 2008, 06:02:47 PM

  • Quinty didn't login yet... He still being a moderator, how lucky he is! (Don't get me wrong... Just joking...)
His moderator status indeed needs review. Thinking about it: I removed him from the list, as it appears not to be needed any longer.



Fabricio Ferrero

Hi Joachim,

Just for the record:

I'm going to star flagging topics in Spanish from now on:

[Solved]  =  [Resuelto]
[Closed]  =  [Cerrado]
[Invalid]  =  [Inválido]
[Turned down] = [Dado de baja]
[Fixed]    =  [Corregido]
[Done]    =  [Hecho]
[Bug]      =  [Bug]
[Know Issue]   = [Problema conocido]
[Outdated]     =  [No actualizado]

If you agree I keep on doing it. (I already flag two topics as "Resuelto" = Solved). I know there are a lot of flag that there is almost no chance to use them on Spanish sub-board. But like I said, just for the record, I translated all of them in order to start to use them from now on no mather whom be the moderator.


Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)