Generating XHTML 1.0 strict & tableless output... Generating XHTML 1.0 strict & tableless output...


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Generating XHTML 1.0 strict & tableless output...

Started by jul, October 05, 2004, 01:08:36 PM

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Hi all,

I'm almost finished with my xhtml tableless template, but two problems prevent it from validating: the powered by coppermine target blank code ( I know you won't help me on this) and the ampersands in the urls generated. For compliance to xhtml, I have to replace & by & in every url, and I don't find the place where urls are generated. I looked in the file, did the modif on every & which I thought generated the url, but the number of errors is still the same.

I know cvs files fix this but I dont want to change everything else... Could you tell me what to change?

Thanks a lot for your help,


Tarique Sani

SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


Quote from: jul on October 05, 2004, 01:08:36 PM
Hi all,

I'm almost finished with my xhtml tableless template, but two problems prevent it from validating: the powered by coppermine target blank code ( I know you won't help me on this) and the ampersands in the urls generated. For compliance to xhtml, I have to replace & by & in every url, and I don't find the place where urls are generated. I looked in the file, did the modif on every & which I thought generated the url, but the number of errors is still the same.

I know cvs files fix this but I dont want to change everything else... Could you tell me what to change?

Thanks a lot for your help,


Could you send your url to see your tableless version ?



Thanks for your help... In fact, I had to do change not only in theme.php, bat also index, thumbnails, displayimage... Long and boring but now every ampersand is fixed... 2 error remain: attribute "align" and target in the footer. I hope I'll find how to delete them one day!

If you want to have a look, I am still testing the gallery, I did not transfer much pics and  its not public yet. I removed a lot of features I did not want and  the admin part is not tableless yet, but everything you'll see is absolutely table less, even the thumbnails page. (link in profile)



Tarique Sani

Quote from: jul on October 06, 2004, 02:56:34 PM
Thanks for your help... In fact, I had to do change not only in theme.php, bat also index, thumbnails, displayimage...
Oh! I thought that you had already done that part index thumbnails etc
Good work - would you like to share it with the community?
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz



I would be glad to share with the community, but there are three issues:

It's rather a hack than a theme, as I had to modify a lot of files other than theme files, so how should it be published?

I disabled a lot of functions in the theme to suit my desires, so if anybody wants to use these functions, there will be work to put them back in the theme.php (and change them to validate).

And I was to lazy to edit all the admin and config pages to remove tables and create divs, as I m' the only one to use them, it's really chaotic... It would take a good couple hours to do it...

I'm quite running out of time, exams are coming up, but if somebody want to help building a complete hack for this, I'd be glad to give the files I changed and answer questions about them.

Would anybody with knowledge or will to learn xhtml/css want to join this project or should I just release the files in the nature and let everybody do the work for themselves?

Thanks for your replies!



I'm ready to work with you if you want : I have another "way" of the tableless version : maybe could you able together to not separate all is "customization" between displayimage and theme ?


Hi Rodinou,

I did not get what you wrote, would you want to change only the theme and displayimage.php? It wont validate and won't be really tableless in this case... If I work on something, I want to be sure that it will be w3c standard compliant, so that every visitor can see the same thing, whatever the browser is...

If you want to write in french, feel free to post a pm




OK pour moi
> (c mon MSN)

Mais quand tu dis "chaque navigateur voit la meme chose", je suppose que tu parles de tout navigateur datant de moins de 1 an :)


Rodinou, he said a PM.  Please keep all public posts in english.  Thanks.

Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


Quote from: jul on October 05, 2004, 01:08:36 PM
...two problems prevent it from validating: the powered by coppermine target blank code ( I know you won't help me on this)...

Are we not allowed to edit this section?


You are allowed to edit it, providing the credit and link are still clearly viewable on your page.  This is basically the only thing we require for the use of coppermine.

But due to the number of people who seem to want to deny us even this, or even claim it as their own, we will not post how to edit this code.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here

Joachim Müller

The "Powered by Coppermine" tag will be / is changed in the next coppermine version (devel/cpg1.4.0) already, although it doesn't interfere with xhtml compliance anyway. I'm not sure why it has to be discussed on this thread once more.



Quote from: GauGau on October 08, 2004, 08:06:22 AM
...although it doesn't interfere with xhtml compliance anyway...

In the version I have (1.3.2) the "Powered By..." link has a target attribute. That will prevent it from validating as Strict XHTML. (I think it will validate with Transitional XHTML)

Joachim Müller

anyway, it has been changed in the devel version (as stated above) like this<a href="" title="Coppermine Photo Gallery" rel="external"> - should validate perfectly well. Having the whole coppermine gallery validate as xhtml strict is quite a task though, I'd rather go for transitional for now.




Sorry to have lit up another post about the footer... However, it is a problem for validating, because of the target  and the align tags. And by the way, adding a rel external doesnt open the page in a new window, so what is the point?

I am almost validating everything in xhtml strict 1.0, and I started to learn xhtml a month ago. It really isnt a great deal if you have a bit of time to do the changes. I'd be happy to share what I allready done, tell me if you are interested...




Quote from: jul on October 08, 2004, 09:59:35 AM
And by the way, adding a rel external doesnt open the page in a new window, so what is the point?

If the <a> tag has a 'rel' attribute, you can use javascript to modify the target of links with a specific 'rel' value. That way it can open in a new window (in browsers using javascript) and still validate as strict xhtml.



I didn't know that, I just tested it on Tarique's gallery... But however, won't this action be blocked by an anti pop up software? And wouldn't a visitor clicking on this link be experienced enough to open a link in another window?

Anyway, this is not the most important...

My coppermine gallery is now validating in xhtml strict 1.0, the only problem I couldn't solve yet is 6 errors due to the javascript code when you launch a slideshow. But apart from this, every page I tried to validate was valid, as you can check with the link I placed at the bottom of the pages...

I will pack the files I've altered and post them here when I will have cleaned up the pages in the admin part, but this might take a few days...



Hi all,

I turn back to the community for some problems I couldn't solve myself.

I have two problems with the slideshow javascript (in include/

-the javascript seems to require that the image name is "slideshow" on the displayimage.php page, but an image can't have a name attribute. I  searched on but there seems to be no update for this javascript. anyone has an idea to convert this "name" into an "id", for example ??

-the end slideshow function is not working on non-ie browsers when I replace the ampersands by &amp; . if I leave them, they generate htmal errors but the function apparently works... Don't like the 10 errors though!

I removed the cat  in order to reduce them but don't know what to do with the ampersand for the pos, tried to change it by %26 but it wasn't converted as it should be...

Maybe the problem is that it's php in a javascript? Clueless...

Heres the code as I changed it:
function endSlideShow(){
       self.document.location = 'displayimage.php?album=<?php echo isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['album']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['album'] : ''?>&pos='+pos



- Last problem, when the picinfo is displayed on displayimage, one error is generated by the datetaken exif info: the w3 validator says the last figure for seconds is a "non SGML character number 0"... Didn't find out what it means and how to correct this, even if it is minor...

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

The rest of the gallery seems to be validating (you can still check, I stil haven't put a lot of pics but it will give an idea), still have to clean off the tables in admin pages and I will post all my modified files, probably this week end... I noticed that the pages generate were on average 40 to 50% lighter without the tables... not bad!  ;)

Best regards and thanks in advance for your help
