Password Protect Albums - Theory and Practice - Page 2 Password Protect Albums - Theory and Practice - Page 2


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Password Protect Albums - Theory and Practice

Started by Oasis, October 29, 2003, 05:10:01 PM

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Hi friends,

I don't know if this post belongs here. I just want too know if this is possible.
The user creates a gallery and has private albums, which only he and  his family and friends can access.
But he does not want others in the family editing his albums, so if he gives them the username and password , they will de able to edit or delete the photos. Could he have another password where his family can see,rate comment ,, but not delete/edit photos.
??? sort of admin mode and user mode for users gallery???


Joachim Müller

The family members mustn't use the uploaders username and password, but register for their own username and password. You (as gallery admin) will have to make them members of a special group (e.g. called "Family members"), and the uploader then grants permissions for this group to view the gallery.
It's basic for any application that deals with users and permissions that people have their own username and password, you can't have several people use the same username and still have different permissions for them.


P.S. Your posting does not belong here. If you have problems configuring coppermine, post on a separate thread (start your own) with more details on what you actually want to do.


i would like to use the solution oasis posted in this thread but he didn´t answer to pm or my post in this thread  :'(


Unfortunately for us, Oasis has been too busy in his life to help on coppermine for some time now.  We hope he returns when he has the time.

But we ask that users of this forum DO NOT send unrequested PM's or emails to the supporters of this board.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Quote from: kieranmullen on April 22, 2004, 05:59:08 PM
Private Album Name would be made into a group. Admin could grant permisson to that group or the album owner could. Only album members would be able to view pictures from that album.
I see two options (both are have different purposes)
1. Password protected album
- A password field albums table, if empty no password
- This is the fast and easy way

2. User group permission (like above)
- A new table with user groups access rights
- This is a more organized way of doing it

BTW, I will probably make the number 2 if I have time


Quote from: Einstein on April 28, 2004, 06:20:15 PM
Quote from: kieranmullen on April 22, 2004, 05:59:08 PM
Private Album Name would be made into a group. Admin could grant permisson to that group or the album owner could. Only album members would be able to view pictures from that album.
I see two options (both are have different purposes)
1. Password protected album
- A password field albums table, if empty no password
- This is the fast and easy way

2. User group permission (like above)
- A new table with user groups access rights
- This is a more organized way of doing it

BTW, I will probably make the number 2 if I have time

i prefer nr.1 because it's easier to handle for the users and you can invite peope which are not registered in the gallery. if somebody knows how to do this, please send it here


Quote from: doggystyle on April 18, 2004, 06:23:03 PM
so oasis, can you please send the changes you did to the files to get the pw-protection work?! :(
yes please, I've been trying to do it but no luck yet! :( :-\\
Shake it Sakis!!!!


i have read this and still do not uderstand it  ???

i want my gallery only to be viewed by regisetered members only.
and do not allow them to create their own gallery

and only make my cpg gallery visble only to the memebers that i have activated their regiesteration

sorry if this has bee ask before


Quote from: dt on June 17, 2004, 11:18:15 AM
i want my gallery only to be viewed by regisetered members only.

see this mod.

Quote from: dt on June 17, 2004, 11:18:15 AM
and do not allow them to create their own gallery

In groups, change 'can have personal albums' to NO for all groups.

Quote from: dt on June 17, 2004, 11:18:15 AM
and only make my cpg gallery visble only to the memebers that i have activated their regiesteration

There is no way at the moment to allow registration requests be approved first, but you can do the following workaround.
In config, set 'allow new user registrations' to NO.  Then edit your login page to tell unregistered users to email you requesting membership.  You will have to create the new user yourself, and email them the details.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


To be honest, I think this is one of really important features.
Most of my friends are not enough skilled to register and login. But they can fill in some password to see pictures.
So, friends, if it is possible, let me know. I am going to migrate from Menalto Gallery to Coppermine soon :-)



i believe a hack that i posted before could solve this issue
see here

it requires the album owner to click on a link and send it to his friends/family

Joachim Müller

password protected albums are currently under development and will probably be in cpg1.4 (once it is going to be released).



One pretty important note about this feature...
Categories as well as albums under protection would be great. I think that categories are even more important. I am looking for 1.4 therefore :-)
But... I think that password is sometimes kind of "correct answer" to some question (of course, usually the question is "Type current password").
But it could be like "type first name of our high school professor" and only responsible persons would know that it is "joachim". I am sure you got the idea - password protected without sending a password. So please let the owner set the question to be asked correctly.

This would move CPG big step forward comparing with similar products.


Quote from: GauGau on July 28, 2004, 09:54:01 AM
password protected albums are currently under development and will probably be in cpg1.4 (once it is going to be released).

great news, when this is done i really don't have anything to ask for  :) . will there be an "invite user to this album by email"- link for every album?


Quote from: matkoo on August 03, 2004, 04:09:24 PM
But... I think that password is sometimes kind of "correct answer" to some question (of course, usually the question is "Type current password").
But it could be like "type first name of our high school professor" and only responsible persons would know that it is "joachim".

This is very easy to acheive.  You would just have to edit your language file, and replace this;
'enter_alb_pass' => 'Enter Album Password',

with this;
'enter_alb_pass' => 'Type first name of our high school professor',

This is taken from the version 1.4 language file, you wont find it in 1.3x
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Quote from: Casper on August 05, 2004, 02:59:32 PM
Quote from: matkoo on August 03, 2004, 04:09:24 PM
But... I think that password is sometimes kind of "correct answer" to some question (of course, usually the question is "Type current password").
But it could be like "type first name of our high school professor" and only responsible persons would know that it is "joachim".

This is very easy to acheive.  You would just have to edit your language file, and replace this;
'enter_alb_pass' => 'Enter Album Password',

with this;
'enter_alb_pass' => 'Type first name of our high school professor',

This is taken from the version 1.4 language file, you wont find it in 1.3x

I think this is not the best way to do it, this question can be for every kategory/album different. Language file would change all questions for password.



Yes, I didn't think of that. :-[

So what would be needed is an extra field in the database, along with the password, for the album admin to set an 'password prompt'.
And a box to input it, next to the password set box in modifyalb.php.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Quote from: Casper on August 05, 2004, 05:30:46 PM
Yes, I didn't think of that. :-[

So what would be needed is an extra field in the database, along with the password, for the album admin to set an 'password prompt'.
And a box to input it, next to the password set box in modifyalb.php.

Yes, that is it. Prompt+password should be part of category/album table in database.
Believe me, many many people have photos which are not completely confidentail, but not for public audience as well - family photos, photos with friends etc.



This is obviously feasible, but I will ask Tarique (the developer of the album passwords) if this will be easy to implement, and of course the dev team if it would be a function that is of enough value to add to the core code, or if it would be better as an available hack.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here



Tarique is adding this (password prompt) to the development version, so should be in 1.4.  ;)
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here