Catlist error Catlist error


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Catlist error

Started by NorbertGutscher, November 03, 2003, 10:28:49 AM

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After upgrading to 1.2 CP works 10 days no problems. Nothing was changed. Now since saturday there is an error at catlist (Teilnehmer).

There was an error while processing a database query.

Debug info:

While executing query "SELECT COUNT(*) from cpg11d_pictures WHERE approved = 'YES' AND aid IN (33,2,14,4,13,6,7,8,11,12,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,31,32,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44) " on 0

mySQL error: The SELECT would examine more rows than MAX_JOIN_SIZE. Check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok

File: ..... /galerie/include/ - Zeile: 105

Gallery frame:

Please help


Joachim Müller

did your webhost make any changes on the webserver config (PHP / mySQL)?



Quote from: "gaugau"did your webhost make any changes on the webserver config (PHP / mySQL)?

Oh yes - now I remember. That can be the reason.
A new version of MySql 4.0.16 was installed at 29.10.2003

An now?


Joachim Müller

Norbert, I'm afraid that this strange behaviour may be caused by a corrupt mySQL table - see for details and keep us updated.



Repair was my first action as the error occured. No positve result. :-(
All tables are also well shown with browse.

There are 21 lines in with string


and I have no idea witch of them produce the error.  as line 105 of the debug-info is the the line with the error message.

cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $out, __FILE__, __LINE__);

Strange is also, that all other functions with pictures are OK - but how long?

In the moment I put CP again in debug mode. There are many other messages without any influence:

CP start:
Notice: Undefined index: cat_albums in .... /cm/galerie/themes/water_drop/theme.php on line 1028

click on picture:
Notice: Undefined index: user_name in .... /cm/galerie/displayimage.php on line 234

Notice: Undefined variable: header in .... /cm/galerie/themes/water_drop/theme.php on line 1349

Notice: Undefined variable: template_tab_display in .... /cm/galerie/themes/water_drop/theme.php on line 1354

Notice: Undefined variable: lang_thumb_view in .... /cm/galerie/themes/water_drop/theme.php on line 1357

Notice: Undefined index: inactive_tab in .... /cm/galerie/themes/water_drop/theme.php on line 1358

at config screen:
Notice: Undefined index: disable_flood in .... /cm/galerie/config.php on line 61


Still no solution.
Now I have disabled the features producing this error, as i don't like to show my members a database error message.


Joachim Müller

the notices in debug_mode aren't pretty I must admit, but they're probably no point to be concerned.
To narrow down the problem, could you make a dump of your coppermine mySQL tables, make a fresh install somewhere else on your webspace (with a different table prefix )and use the dump to populate the new install's database (remember to change the prefix in the dump files)?



Quote from: "gaugau"To narrow down the problem, could you make a dump of your coppermine mySQL tables, make a fresh install somewhere else on your webspace (with a different table prefix )and use the dump to populate the new install's database (remember to change the prefix in the dump files)?

Thank you for this hint, but the result of this test is the same behavoir:


Joachim Müller

in the test gallery you set up there's no mySQL error for me. Of course all pics don't work because they don't exist.
Try switching the prefix of your live gallery temporarily to the prefix of the new gallery and see what happens.



klick on "Teilnehmer" there is the error also on the test-gallery

now it's going serious.
the main gallery accepts no uploads:

There was an error while processing a database query.

While executing query "INSERT INTO cpg11d_pictures (pid, aid, filepath, filename, filesize, total_filesize, pwidth, pheight, ctime, owner_id, owner_name, title, caption, keywords, approved, user1, user2, user3, user4, pic_raw_ip, pic_hdr_ip) VALUES ('', '4', 'userpics/10001/', 'DSC_1256-1~1.jpg', '127381', '160979', '512', '640', '1068053006', '0', 'Norbert' , 'test', '', '', 'YES', '', '', '', '', '213.70....', '213.70....')" on 0


there are very strange things.
after deleting some unused tables, the upload works again.

perhaps that are timing problems at server side.


If I define ONLY catlist in config, there is no error.
If I add anything like alblist, the database error appears.



As perhaps nobody has this timing problems or nobody has more as 10 users, here is the workaround:

1. dont' use catlist in config

2. Make a user list userlist.php like described here:

3. hack in include/

                foreach ($breadcrumb_array as $category){
//                      $link = "<a href=index.php?cat={$category[0]}>{$category[1]}</a>";
                        $link = "<a href=userlist.php>{$category[1]}</a>"; // new
                        $breadcrumb .= ' > ' . $link;
                        $BREADCRUMB_TEXT .= ' > ' . $category[1];


What do you mean with step 1???
<a href="" target="_blank" class="postlink"><img src="" border="0" /></a>


Quote from: "danmar"What do you mean with step 1???

If I define content of the main page catlist only, it works. But any combination with an other function (catlist/alblist/random,2/lastup,2) this SQL error occours.

Therefore i have this work arounded and show only breadcrumb/lastup,2/lastcom,2 without "catlist" and included a link to a user list.


The same time out error occours (sometimes) on upload pictures if i define intermediate format pictures.


Thank for your fast answer and help!
Oh, i understand you, yet!
I look on your Galerie, I think i have the same Problems!
But this solution is not the best, because I will have over 100 and more user! And I want special catogories for contests for example!

Is anybody here, who has an other solution????
<a href="" target="_blank" class="postlink"><img src="" border="0" /></a>


Can anbody say me what is the reason of the problem!
A MYSQL update i think no!
From time to time everybody must update his Mysql database!
I think it´s a big BUG from the coppermine Gallery!

Can I save all data. Delete old Data and make a new install! And put then the old data (database and JPG) in the new installation!?
When yes, how can i do this!
<a href="" target="_blank" class="postlink"><img src="" border="0" /></a>


Quote from: "danmar"Can anbody say me what is the reason of the problem!

The reason is perhaps a to deep query at the users that produces a server timeout. Perhaps it is solveable by software, but I know not enough PHP (in the moment). I have also no rights by my provider to change the PHP/MySql timeout behavoir.

I have also made a database backup and installed it new. The same procedure - the same errors.

The other side is, that coppermine is perhaps designed for a singel user, not for great community.  

Is it possible to show your site?



@NorbertGutscher: Danke für deine Schnellen Antworten, hast du daß mit den Single User, nicht für Communities irgendwo gelesen???
Für uns ist das eich echtes Problem, wenn die nicht angezeigt werden können!

@Developer: Is it right, that coppermine isn´t for a community?
<a href="" target="_blank" class="postlink"><img src="" border="0" /></a>


I'm not one of the team, but there are clearly many galleries running with thousands of images and hundreds of users, so I think this is incorrect.

Take a look at the thread 'share your galleries' in the general forum, and you can see some of them.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here