SMF link in post profile to Coppermine gallery SMF link in post profile to Coppermine gallery


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SMF link in post profile to Coppermine gallery

Started by Roger, February 09, 2005, 05:07:00 PM

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I would like to do the following:

- I have a special membergroup that is allowed to use the gallery.
- I want this membergoup to have a link under their avatar (in the post section) to their personal gallery
- Only this membergroup should have that link, other membergroups should not

Can somebody provide me with the needed code?  I have no clue about php code, sorry.

Thanks in advance!



I did this for all users, and it was as discussed on this thread on the smf support boards,

I'm sure it could be done to show only for certain groups, but as this will be making changes to the smf code, not the coppermine code, you should ask your question on their boards.

Hopefully one of their helpers will give you this info,
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Thanks for the info.  I did ask this question at SMF, but I didn't get an answer and even signing up as a charter member did me no good, since they "don't provide support for third party software".

I just don't ave any clue on how to do this, so any help is appreciated.



Got the code from someone over at SMF.

// Show portfolio gallery?
if ($message['member']['group_id'] = '1')
echo '
', '<a href="', $message['member']['id']+10000, '"/>Gallery</a><br />';

Pretty cool, just switch the '1' in the first line for the user group id number that you have set up for gallery access.



This is actually a nicer result than the one on the thread I mentioned above, as it shows the users gallery by albums, not just all in the lastup album done before.

It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Glad I got us a nicer solution ;)

I think we can mark this one a sloved then.
