Making registered users able to create public galleries in categories. Making registered users able to create public galleries in categories.


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Making registered users able to create public galleries in categories.

Started by plastikaa, February 14, 2005, 11:39:08 PM

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Basically each month I create a new category for the month, I then want to be able to let all registered users create galleries in these folders. How do i set this up? At the moment only me, the admin, can create albums.


At the moment, and for some time to come, you can't.  it is something we are looking at for the future, but would not be an easy change to the current setup.

It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Is there any alternative/similar solution anyone knows of that could possibly give the same result? It seems a little strange than only admins can create galleries.

Joachim Müller


Cant i just make the link to the galllery edit menu viewable to users by placing it in the same bit as the myprofile or something. Then how can i edit the page albmgr.php so that registered users haebv access to it. I cant see why this would be so hard to change.

EDIT: Okay i copied the link to edit the albums so its viewable by everyone who is registered (via the themes.php files.I also replaced the code in albmgr.php from:

if (!(GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE || USER_ADMIN_MODE)) cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_errors['access_denied'], __FILE__, __LINE__);


if (USER_ID){

} else {
   $redirect = $redirect . "login.php";
   header("Location: $redirect");


This is so all unregistered members are redirected to the registration page and it also removes the admin only setting to view the page. Its got me a little way as it doesnt tell me Im not allowed to view the page but instead tells me I dont have access to perform these operations. Does anyone know where I might be able to find the place where I can edit the access rights to perform these operations?



I removed this also from albmgr.php:
else cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_errors['perm_denied'], __FILE__, __LINE__);

the reusult is now the add new albums bit appears but the drop down menu to choose category doesn't. I get the following error:

QuoteWarning: mysql_fetch_array(): 15 is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/plastika/public_html/pics/include/ on line 114

Any ideas/suggestions? I think its almost working now.

Joachim Müller

if it was that easy, we would have added this feature in the past already. If you don't accept a "no" for an answer and decide to accomplish what others haven't been able to do, you're on your own with any problems you encounter.


Mr Teroo

You're a rude f**ker Joachim! He was only asking a civil question. Do you need a poo or something?


Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots

Joachim Müller

interesstingly enough "Mr Teroo" is on the same IP address range as "plastikaa" ;)


Mr Teroo

Sorry mate - no conspiracy theory here, just coincidence.

Seriously though, you should try being polite when people ask reasonable questions. You just come across as an arse otherwise.

Take Care

Mr Teroo

Joachim Müller

thanks for the netiquette lesson, I'll consider it next time when I come across a user who requires something that is hard or impossible to achieve: I won't tell him so, but let him try to work it out. At least people learn something this way...
