Batch-Adding-Problem - Just adds a few files! Batch-Adding-Problem - Just adds a few files!


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Batch-Adding-Problem - Just adds a few files!

Started by scorpy, November 12, 2004, 08:07:33 PM

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I searched the forum and the documentation before!

  • All the folders are set to chmod 777.
  • The resolution of my images is 1024x768.
  • No image is bigger then 138kb.
  • No more than 24 images!

My Problem:
I uploaded all the files to a subfolder of the albums-directory. When I click on "batch add files" I am able to choose all the images (all in all: 24). When I click on "Insert selected files" gallery shows me a list of alle the images that have been added ("Adding new files to the gallery" - see picture below.)


Just the two images with the OK have been added to my album (with thumbnails, etc.). The other images have NOT been added and NO thumbnails have been created. The value of the images that are added to the album vary. I guess, that it is always the 14th file, that gets added, or so...

I hope somebody can help me. As mentioned above, I searched the forum, but didn't find the answer. I also didn't change much of the source-code and as far as I know nothing that relates to the batch-upload. I also made no changes at all to the theme.php and the templates.php, because I use another theme for uploading, than I use on my regular page...




Quote from: scorpy on November 12, 2004, 08:07:33 PM

  • All the folders are set to chmod 777.
  • The resolution of my images is 1024x768.
  • No image is bigger then 138kb.
  • No more than 24 images!

This is a blind guess, but I would think this is due to your server settings.

1.  The folder chmod is not the cause, or none would be done and you would get other errors.
3.  Not a problem.
4. also not a problem.

2.  probably the cause.  when the images are being copied and new images (the intermediate and thumbs) are being created, the memory required to perform the actions is directly proportional to the pixel size(and a lot more than inexperienced users realise).  Try making smaller copies of the same images, say 800x600, and see if they then upload. 

You could also try uploading these images by using the upload link, and see if that works.
Try setting the 'groups' management to single upload only and see if the files that failed upload then.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Decreased images to 800x600. It added every 9th file, but still didn't add the rest.
I thought if I would decrease the resolution farther down it would add more files. So I changed it to 200x150, but it added still just every 9th file.

It also changed the setting in the group management to "Single Download Only" but still no change.

I used the Upload-Link with 10 images and all had a resolution of 1024x768 and it worked!
I could use the upload-link, to add all my pictures, but would like to use the batch-upload, because then I would get a better structure (with folders and subfolders) and wouldn't have everything in one folder (userpics).

Perhaps I didn't describe very clear that I uploaded the pictures with an ftp-client to an subfolder of the albums-folder and now I just want to add the pictures with thumbnails and medium-size-images (in my case 700x525). Again: The pictures with the resolution of 1024x768 are on the server but I'm not able to add them with the batch-upload to my album. And so it also doesn't create the thumbnails and the images in medium-size.

(Didn't want to let this sound arrogant, but I think it does...  ;) Sorry!)

The only thing I changed outside of theme.php is the following line in


I replaced it with:

I don't think this relates to my problem, but just wanted to post it for the case that it is relevant.

Thanks to Casper for his suggestions!

Hopefully he or somebody else has some more...  ;)

Thanks, Bjoern.


No other suggestions?

I have absolutely no idea what the cause of this could be.

Please Help!  :( ;D


It's me again!  ;)

I still have this problem and it is really annoying!

I thougt it might help to find the cause of this problem, when I give yout some informations about my Server.

The gallery is running on a private Server of an friend, so it is no problem to make some changes in php.ini or whereever...

This is what phpinfo() shows:

If you have any suggestions about how to solve this problem please answer!

Thanks a lot, Bjoern.


Try uping the memory limit, from 8mb, up to say 32mb.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Has anyone come up with a solution to this problem.  It is driving me up a tree!  I have successfully uploaded and added the photos before but now it only picks a few photos at a time and I have to repeat or add from the single file upload interface.

Please Help!


I am going nuts trying to solve this problem.  I have successfully uploaded many galleries and files before but now when I go to add a batch of files, it appears to work fine and gives no errors.  The problem is that it is only successfully adding 2-6 files at a time.  I will then show them as added the next time I add but again it will only add a few files and seems to skip the rest.



Mike Cheliak


How big are your files, pixel and filesize?


There is an identical posting about this problem. To keep this board clean, please post to this thread

[edit GauGau]
OmegaGOD ist right: you replied to this existing thread and then started a new thread on the very same thing >:(. I merged the second thread you started with the one your replied to in the first place (which of course makes OmegaGod's above link obsolete).
Please do not PM me with support questions. Please read the manual and then if posting questions please place them in the proper sub-boards.


Thanks for the merge...I got a little skippy trying to make sure I got an answer.  To the inquiry about file size; my files are already pre-sized for the web adn constrained to no more than 400 pixels.  They are quite small in size ranging from 25-75 KB in size.  I don't know why this is happening as I have successfully uploaded using batch before.  It has only happened recently.



I am not sure why but here is a little light shed on the problem.  Apparently my computer is INSANE!  On a whim, I went over to my kids computer and performed the batch add to an album I was working on.  Lo and worked.  I guess now all I have to figure out is WHY my $4000 Dell Inspiron 9200 notebook has all of the sudden decided to act like a schizo-fritz.  Although not Coppermine related...if anyone has any clue why this may happen, please shed some light.


Mike Cheliak


Let's see... possible virus/trojan; security settings; firewall settings; configuration problem; background processes; browser issue (try Firefox/Mozilla instead of IE)

Just to name a few.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


Thanks to Bjoern who got back to me, we were able to isolate the problem.  It has to do with McAfee Security Centre.  Specifically the Privacy Service.  I disabled it, went to batch add and successfully added all the files as was the case in the past.  There are some settings the privacy service that has to do with cookies and the like.  It may be that you have to allow the site in this control panel.  As it goes, you only need to disable that portion of McAfee for as long as you are batch adding.  Once you are done you can then enable it and continue.

Many thanks for all the advice, help and cooperation to solve this "PITA" problem.




Just wanted to add my thanks to you guys for pointing out the McAfee solution. I had been tearing my hair out for days trying to sort out why I could not batch add my photos. At last I found this thread and someone else with the same problem. Turned off my Privacy Service and Eureka!!! ;D ;D ;D Everything works flawlessly. To be honest I was close to giving up on Coppermine, but was loathe to because I could see that it was better than anything else I had tried.

At last now I can get on to sorting out my gallery properly and start uploading...

Cheers, Clock