[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 9 [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 9


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x

Started by Joachim Müller, July 04, 2005, 10:05:27 AM

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Hjort, I haven't received anything from you yet.
I've been running coppermine for about 2 years now, and it doesn't get any better. Thanks guys :)


Quote from: rmaryan on January 24, 2006, 01:16:34 PM
This is not exactly true. On our portal we used Coppermine for a really long time, also it is integrated into Mambo portal. Thus at this point I have a large database of data in cp-1251. The simplest way to use cpg 1.4.x was to create cp1251 language file and force CPG working in CP-1251. And actually it works just well.

The alternative approach is to convert all our portal databases, static pages, Mambo etc totally to UTF-8. Unfortunately this will take the amount of time I can't currently afford.

So, if you need to use CPG in non-utf codepage - you'll need no more than the alternative codepage language file. I beleive this alternative could be helpful for some sites with non-utf heritage.
I didn't say, that CPG can't work with cp1251.
I said that CPG 1.4.x is now based on UTF-8.
If you create cp1251 language file for one language, than you have to create all other language files for your gallery.
I just wanted to say that including cp1251 laguage file in translation archive is not right and can confuse some users which even doesn't know what cp1251 is.


Quote from: Makc666 on January 24, 2006, 02:42:31 PM
I just wanted to say that including cp1251 laguage file in translation archive is not right and can confuse some users which even doesn't know what cp1251 is.

Agree. So the proper way is to publish UTF-8 translation + hint about what to do if you are using other codepage.

John Hjorth


My name is John Hjorth - just call me John in here. I don´t know what You are talking about - please send me a PM for further communication about this.
"-Take good care of, and stay focused and present to all Your beloved one´s - otherwise You get jealousy adressed to the Gold Wing - and You - in Your personal Sphere ...!"
- My daughter : "phpBB, CPG & GoldWings - get a life ! - And You end up loosing your reputation as IT Mongol as well !"


Hi  GauGau

in credits of galician translation 1.4.3 show only I, but isn't true, was www.ciberirmande.org and I,

is need waht a member of www.ciberirmandade.org will be registered here to show in credits?



En los créditos de la traducción al galego de la 1.4.3 salgo solo yo, pero no es verdad, fué www.ciberirmandade.org y yo

¿es necesario que un miembro de dicha web se registre aquí para aparecer en los créditos?



Hjorth, no if you're already working on the translation that's fine with me.

I would just like the translation soon, 'cause I really need it.
I've been running coppermine for about 2 years now, and it doesn't get any better. Thanks guys :)

John Hjorth



- I have already recieved some kind of asking for hand outs for my work in progress from You ( I think I can deduct from Your handle which one among several), without offering cooperation on this and starting an openminded  discussion about how to cooperate on this task, for faster achievement of the goal for this Open Source project, thereby
- rejecting my puclic invitation to put in Your contribution,
- You don't have a clue about how this work has to be done, ref. Your own questions in this topic,
- You just ignore what I wrote in public to You earlier in this topic,

In my opinion, that's really Open Source project attitude.

Enough said.
"-Take good care of, and stay focused and present to all Your beloved one´s - otherwise You get jealousy adressed to the Gold Wing - and You - in Your personal Sphere ...!"
- My daughter : "phpBB, CPG & GoldWings - get a life ! - And You end up loosing your reputation as IT Mongol as well !"

Joachim Müller


Hi !

I was looking for a hungarian language file for the new coppermine version. I believe, that someone is working on it. How can I contact this guy, maybe I can help, or take over the work, if he is too busy ?  ::)

Or shall I start a new translation ? :o


Omg, Hjorth what is your problem? Sitting here, acting all ignorant about the whole thing?

At first, I offered Coppermine my help because there WAS and uhm.. yes, there ARE no danish version yet for 1.4.x. That's a problem, don't you think?

Second, when approaching me, your answer was all rude, and no, you did not, and I will say it twice; you did NOT send me a pm.

Third, you're not even acting like a opensource-dude yourself. No you seem consider yourself the danish-translate-master. Anyway, there is no problem in doing a project yourself - but you should release this translation, so other people could have pleasure of translating their gallery into their own language.

- By the way, this is not a competition. If I choose to send in another version of the danish translation, you shouldn't whine all about it. But sure, go ahead - if you believe that you're able to do the translation in a near future, go translate it. I think we're a lot who would really like to be able to download the danish.php.

So don't be a smartass, alright? Jesus..
I've been running coppermine for about 2 years now, and it doesn't get any better. Thanks guys :)

Joachim Müller

Quote from: trikepilot on January 25, 2006, 10:24:24 AM
I was looking for a hungarian language file for the new coppermine version. I believe, that someone is working on it. How can I contact this guy, maybe I can help, or take over the work, if he is too busy ?  ::)

Or shall I start a new translation ? :o
Thanks for volunteering. Petardo has agreed to do the cpg1.4.x translation for Hungarian, yet I haven't heard from him for quiet some time. Please try contacting him, offering help. If he doesn't respond in time, please start your own translation. Thanks.

@webmok and John Hjorth: please calm down, stop the flame war, it will not lead to a productive outcome. If you can agree an working together on the Danish translation, that's fine. If you can't, go ahead and do your own translation. We're looking forward to any contribution.



I'm a professional editor & writer so I have to undeline that there are some mistakes in Russian translation. It looks like if I would translate from Russian to English. If somebody cares about it u r welcome to send me e-mail.

Joachim Müller

why not post publicly instead of sending emails? Let others benefit from you insight. Post your fixed russian language file on the board. There's an official translation thread I'm merging your thread with.


Thank u) I wil. But as a matter of fact there is no reason to change ALL FILE. Those who use Russian only need to replace very few words, for example - до свиданиЕ with до свидания. Another mistakes r in  cases. I named this mistakes awfull because it's about elementary/primary school, not university education & when I received admin message " Кто-то разместил комментарий в вашей галереИ", I was really shocked. However I apprisiate the great job done by translator:)


Polish translation for the 1.4.3 version.
There's a problem with the month names, the gallery seems to ignore them. Also, I skipped the FAQ for the moment.

Joachim Müller

thanks for the contrib - it's a pity though that I have to flag it as partial translation only. Added to stable branch of cvs and demo.


Sorry about that. We're testing it right now, if everything will look ok then I'll finish it, but it might take some time. We're currently hunting down stupid translation errors. I mean, there shouldn't be any at this stage, but... you never know...


Here is Turkisch lang file for 1.4.
it is not yet off


Slovak translation cpg 1.4.3. made by Robert (Piranha) 04/02/2006. Revision 1.00.

Slovakian user also pls change in file fuctions.inc.php
row 2449 in this manner (for correct slovak flag on page dispalyed) :
$lang_language_data['slovak'] = array('Slovak','Slovensky','sk');

Joachim Müller

Thanks for the contribs - turkish and slovak have been added to the stable branch of the cvs. Looking into Ukrainian (Українська) now.