[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 14 [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 14


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[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x

Started by Joachim Müller, July 04, 2005, 10:05:27 AM

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I will do the Macedonian translation, if there isn't any.
(In fact I have translated the most part but I have problems selecting it in the Admin menu)


I'm translating coppermine to Vietnamese, and I was upload it to my server for testing. But it's not work, I was check in config, it was go back to English. Can you tell me why, admin? You can contact me at maiphuongtu@gmail.com


Joachim Müller

this is not a support thread, and there will be definitely no support by email. Start a new thread on a support board, and attach your translation (even if it is not working) to your posting.



Here is a missing Finnish translation... I found a very old version, which helped me a little (although it had lots of spelling & grammar mistakes). If you are a Finn, feel free to correct any mistakes in this new version.

And thanks to everyone developing this nice gallery :)


any news about the Romanian translation ?

Joachim Müller


Quote from: mptu on May 16, 2006, 07:10:35 PM
I'm translating coppermine to Vietnamese, and I was upload it to my server for testing. But it's not work, I was check in config, it was go back to English. Can you tell me why, admin? You can contact me at maiphuongtu@gmail.com


mptu, GauGau could tell you to try this in adition to the information which gave you:



Files were deleted!
To get new one go here -> http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=26757

Joachim Müller

speaking of being one day too late... ::)


Would it be alright if I re-translate the Dutch languagefiles? The current one contains a lot of mistakes in the translations.


Joachim Müller

Yes, go ahead, but please do only replace strings that are obviously wrong. There has been a flame-war on the dutch translation for cpg1.3.x already, basically because various dutch translators had an argument over stuff that I considered "matter of taste" rather than actual bugs or typos. Re-doing a translation requires tact as well as language skills. I recommend providing alternative translations commented out and adding comments about questionable strings as well.


That was my idea already. Not the entire translation is wrong, but there are strings (like "Approval" in the Groups panel has been translated with "Akkoord", which means "Accept") which were translated very wrong, and may cause misunderstandings. :(

I'll post a new version here once I've finished the corrections, it may take some time since it's exam time at school. :)


Posodobljena verzija prevoda v slovenščino. Nekaj popravkov, dodani dve manjkajoči vrstici.

Fixes for several minor issues in Slovenian Language.
Napravleno vö Prekmurji


Hello i'm new here  ;D
In the attachment i have a updated Dutch translation, because the actual language file has some incorrent Dutch sentences or wrong written words. I don't say all the errors are disappeared, but they are really reduced.

Maurits Vink
Utrecht, The Netherlands


Thanks Maurits. As I offered a few posts before, I wanted to correct them as well, but since you already done it, I don't think it is necessary anymore. :)



Full Persian language for cpg 1.4.6
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Joachim Müller

Split posting about Lithuanian translation for cpg1.3.x from this thread and merged it with the proper announcement: http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=14404.msg150891#msg150891


Hi GauGau, after a short break I am coming back to support the project. The most recent Polish language file (downloaded with 1.4.8 ) was corrected by me. I have completed some parts that were missing, like bridge support, and added some minor additional corrections. I have also added my details (Jacek Domoń) to the translation file, hope this will be OK.

Wish all the best!


There are some mistakes made in the Dutch translation... Is the original translator willing to make
the corrections, so that in another release the corrected translation is distributed? Or shall I (I'm better in Dutch then in English  ;D)?

Roland Middelveld
(O.o )
(> < )