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cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Share your galleries

Started by, September 23, 2003, 03:25:09 PM

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Just started a gallery about boats & anything to do with boating . Only 135 pix so far but am adding more each day.
Any comments/suggestions would be welcome and if you have any good boating pix I'd be happy to include them. I dont allow user uploading but will upload any e-mailed to me.

Joachim Müller

@marian: the coppermine license doesn't allow you to obstruct the "Powered by Coppermine" notice at the bottom of the page. Changing the color scheme to let the notice appear with white text on a white background is in fact the same as removing it completely (and don't you tell us it happened "on accident" - you are running a standard coppermine theme with only this "minor" change applied).
I think we can have all rights to ask users to have this link back to the Coppermine homepage, removing it reveals your character: you get free software and free support and you're not even ready to help others find a similar piece of software; instead you try to make site visitors believe you coded the gallery by yourself.
You already misbehaved in the past, so there is no more support for you here. You are temporarily banned to post for at least 10 days (and don't you dare re-register with another name). >:(



I've reported you to a moderator, I just hope one other than you reads it.
READ MY OTHER POSTS. I never mess with php files, I told you that. I wouldn't know how to change that colour. I used Fantastico to install Coppermine, I couldn't have even done that otherwise.
Furthermore, I can ask my ISP to check the server logs and confirm that I haven't modified any Coppermine php files.
You have been rude and arrogant to me before, you dont offer support, you just put people down and now you've falsely accused me. I am very angry.
I hope you can manage to find the grace to apologise.
PS. Furthermore, my so-called "misbehaviour" has consisted of not understanding that I wasn't supposed to post on more than one topic, in a thread I started myself. Coppermine is a great product, its only drawback is YOU.

Tarique Sani

@Gaugau - MarianM seems to be running the default Rainy Day theme and the copyright notice in that theme apprears as it is appearing now... White on Light Gray background -  Was it any different before?

@MarianM - Cool down - there seems to be a real misunderstanding in this case.....
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


A couple of galleries...

Http://   (my server)

and for those of you who like digital photography, check out this new site dedicated to it!


Joachim Müller

OK, I validated this and have to confess I was wrong to acuse you of removing the "Powered by Coppermine" tag - it is there on your page. I apologize for doing so. The reason I didn't notice the link was: I was using my notebook sitting in my garden while I checked this thread - the sunlight must have made the contrast between white and light grey undistinguishable. Sorry again.

But I'm not sorry for banning you, after reading "Coppermine is a great product, its only drawback is YOU" in your reply. Also, you were meant not to re-register - I think that means we're even. If you don't like me, I don't care.

Here's what I'm going to do: I'll lift the ban for your original user (and delete the other user "MarianM" you created instead), I will ignore you (as much as possible) on the forum. This is a cease-fire in my eyes, hope you're ready to accept.



Quote from: GauGau on June 28, 2004, 12:15:42 AM
I'll lift the ban for your original user (and delete the other user "MarianM" you created instead), I will ignore you (as much as possible) on the forum. This is a cease-fire in my eyes, hope you're ready to accept.
Sounds good to me.  :) ;)


Quote from: Tarique Sani on June 27, 2004, 02:11:24 PM
@Gaugau - MarianM seems to be running the default Rainy Day theme and the copyright notice in that theme apprears as it is appearing now... White on Light Gray background -  Was it any different before?

@MarianM - Cool down - there seems to be a real misunderstanding in this case.....
Thanks for your help. I've cooled down.  :)



This is my LotR-Gallery! There aren't many pictures yet
ans I', still working at the design. I also have to say, that
it's a german gallery!! ^_~

Just tell me, if you like it or not!!  ;)

:D Ithi


Quote from: Ithildin on July 01, 2004, 03:18:43 AM

Just tell me, if you like it or not!!  ;)

Love the pix, would prefer it if they opened on a page that didn't have the top half filled with something else.


@ Ithildin,

Nice, but you have a theme based error.  See the screenshots below, there is a warning in your theme, but when switched to water_drop, the error is gone.

[attachment deleted by admin]
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Our gallery has over 11,000 images of stock car racing at our track from the past 4 seasons.




There are a lot of nice photo galleries here.
I Used Coppermind For A Gaming Download Site.


I've got my avatar lab gallery to work!!

OK, so it isn't a huge gallery and I actually haven't done any modifications to the template other than a few small changes to the template.html of one of the supplied themes (thanks DaMysterious for that one!). I just wanted to show my appreciation for a fantastic gallery. It's the best!

I have animated avatars online too! I got around the .gif file problem by simply batch converting my files (adding thumb_ to the start of each file) and uploading them a second time through ftp. Not a big deal, the avatars are all 40kb or less.

Anyway, I'll be changing a few small things on the site but will probably not alter the gallery anymore.
So here, go check it out: (click galleries on the navigation).

Feel free to grab an avatar or two while you're there.  ;D
psst: make sure you download the actual avatar file and not the thumb_ file as they may be lower resolution.

visit :: the avatar lab :: for custom made avatars and icons

the fallen weeble

Well... this is my first foray into posting here.  I've taken Coppermine and integrated it with my website.  I've recently changed the implementation of my site's design to accomadate WordPress and made it validate to XHTML 1.0 Strict.  I didn't want to have different segments of my site validating to different specifications, so I hacked a bit at coppermine and have gotten it to spit out markup that validates to XHTML 1.0 Strict (at least, for the non-administrative sections - I was mostly concerned with what rendered out for the users).  The biggest pain was finding and fixing the coppermine credit footer (XHTML doesn't like the "align" attribute).

Some caveats:  I know the site renders like ass in IE and I'm caring less and less.  There is one issue that I'd like to resolve, though.  My custom footer tends to occasionally render improperly on some of the pages that render dynamically (like when popping up the image information from displayimage).  It fixes itself if you reload the page, but it is rather annoying.  Is this something that can be fixed with a display:block css attribute applied to the footer div, or does anyone know?

At any rate, hop on and let me know what you think.  I'm curious about what folks' impressions are.  The content is a little light, but I'm adding more each day.

The site is and the gallery is


Hi All

Here's my coppermine gallery site. It's my first one and I'm really happy with it. Got great results from using cpg-nuke.

It's basically a site dedicated to wallpapers for the Motorola vXXX series of phones. Its sorta got an anime/asian theme to it for the gallery. I really like the private album optionand I hope that this picks up on my site. Anyways, I just opened it up and would appreciate any and all constructive feedback.



a2z - Capture Your City

I've been working on this site for the last 9 days and think it's good to go now. Thanks to the help provided on this forum, especially the prompt replies from GauGau, which allowed me to solve what would be complex problems with simple solutions.

The forum - is phpbb Version 2.0.8a with a few mods installed, mostly admin side. The 'a2z checklist' and 'a2z themes' are custom coded to link in with the gallery, a2z checklist showing the images taken by an individual, updated as they upload an image.

The gallery - is Coppermine cpg1.3.0 with phpbb integration.  The theme used is Hardwire which has had basic alterations to add a few links at the top.

The site has 26 albums, lettered A-Z, and each letter is a 'theme' that the user should go out and take a photo of, thus capturing their city in images.

Now I have to dig out my camera and go and shoot stuff :)

Thanks for the software and for the help in getting everything running smoothly. Coppermine is obviously linked from the gallery, and also briefly linked on the 'about us' page. I look forward to seeing the software develop further in the future, keep up the excellent work.

Imagination is more important than knowledge ~ A Einstein


Hey Copper-boys and Copper-girls  :P
please comment my gallery :

the fallen weeble

Quote from: the fallen weeble on July 04, 2004, 07:48:43 AM
Some caveats:  I know the site renders like ass in IE and I'm caring less and less.  There is one issue that I'd like to resolve, though.  My custom footer tends to occasionally render improperly on some of the pages that render dynamically (like when popping up the image information from displayimage).  It fixes itself if you reload the page, but it is rather annoying.  Is this something that can be fixed with a display:block css attribute applied to the footer div, or does anyone know?
Well... I fixed part of the problem, I think.  The thumbnail generation code was only spitting out the width.  Without the height, the render engine was prematurely placing the footer higher than it needed to.  Fiddled with the compute_img_size function and fixed that.  The only place it happens now is when I click the "Display/hide file information" button when the actual image is being displayed.


If any of you like Nintendo, or super mario in particular, you might like our galleries. Some of the art is mine, but most of it is the other admin's (kaptain_H) and our forum members. Probably the largest collection of video game fanart on the internet, and probably the best quality IMHO.