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Share your galleries

Started by, September 23, 2003, 03:25:09 PM

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AlexanderPriem, my site that is devoted to macro photography    ;D


My Gallery
Just done quite a bit of work on it. Intergrated the entire site into coppermine.

Selling going well. Layout is now a lot easier and dumb user friendly.

Thanks for this great photo gallery !

Sion - Comments welcome + any orders  ;)



Our gallery now has over 10000 pix in 130+ albums. I'm beginning to get moans about loading time, but as I'm on 18 megs I don't notice it.
Do you think its slow? If so, what would you change to improve it?


Quote from: marian on October 05, 2005, 12:44:36 PM
Our gallery now has over 10000 pix in 130+ albums. I'm beginning to get moans about loading time, but as I'm on 18 megs I don't notice it.
Do you think its slow? If so, what would you change to improve it?

I wouldn't have the patience to wait If I'd be on a modem ;)
240k html and 650k gfx just for the index is a lot


Quote from: Stramm on October 05, 2005, 01:18:43 PM
Quote from: marian on October 05, 2005, 12:44:36 PM
Our gallery now has over 10000 pix in 130+ albums. I'm beginning to get moans about loading time, but as I'm on 18 megs I don't notice it.
Do you think its slow? If so, what would you change to improve it?

I wouldn't have the patience to wait If I'd be on a modem ;)
240k html and 650k gfx just for the index is a lot
Thanks, I suspected that. Any suggestions?


Don't show album thumbs but only categories on the index... maybe a category thumb if just text looks to boring.


Quote from: Stramm on October 05, 2005, 01:29:28 PM
Don't show album thumbs but only categories on the index... maybe a category thumb if just text looks to boring.
Right I'll do that.


Joachim Müller

Arck, your content is much to wide for the theme, it doesn't display properly on 800x600 or 1024x768. There appears to be some improper table nesting as well.


Well :) we have finished :)

No table, creation of a cache system for categories (faster of first loading), url for each layer.


Our gallery used to look like it does here in the coppermine gallery Because it had loads of album thumbnails it was slow loading, so I got rid of them and it now looks like this The person who has uploaded most of the pix hates it. She says "I don't think it looks like a gallery of over 10,000 photos anymore and it is boring, it does not encourage people to look in the albums. Marian thinks this way is better for dial-up, but I think dial-up connections are in the minority now and you expect a gallery to be slower to load than a normal web page."
What do you say?

Joachim Müller

Still way too much content for my taste. Having the albums shine through definitely would be overkill. I'd even reduce the page more. You might want to create a splash page before sending visitors to your actual gallery overview. This is of course no technical advice, but a matter of taste only.


Just wanted to share my gallery that I recently created.  It doesn't have a lot of content yet but I think you'll get the idea.  Here's my URL.  I went with the Kubrick theme because I thought it complimented the color scheme of the rest of the site.  Also, feel free to explore the whole website if you like.  ;)



My very plain rainy day coppermine gallery
13244 files in 81 albums and 20 categories

Pictures from trackdays, carshows etc. in Finland.
And a few nature shots, some from my summerholiday trip to Nordkapp.. (5000+ km)

Used cameras include Minolta Dynax 500SI Super, Konica KD-400Z, Canon Powershot A400 and Sigma SD-10.
Older pictures are scanned from negatives with Minolta dualscan IV.
Sorry about bad bad watermarkings iin some photos, no longer have the originals, Norman IBAS couldn't restore everything =(

- Sami Partanen .

It's an insane world.. But I'm proud to be a part of it.


here you can find my coppermine version (based on 1.3.2 release) : (sorry italian language only)

Click on Gallery Tab or Charts Tab.

Our mods are:


- New theme (smiles, votes, graphic, tools position and more..)
- Frame version with different background (one for thumbnails and one for images)
- MMS Support
- Scroll Menu for the Album Archive


- New theme
- Monthly charts (the most viewed and the most voted)
- Archive for past months

Mods are made by: Colosoft ( and AG (




very nice and a smooth integration into your website


Ok Ok GAUGAU, Could you recomnend me a best style for my gallerie plz,,,