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Share your galleries

Started by, September 23, 2003, 03:25:09 PM

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hello  :D

if you like look at my gallery at

now i have pictures (very nice wallpapers !), funny classic 3d-animation short-clips (avi, wmv, mpg) and selfmade music (mp3's and videos).

i'm "a little bit proud" of it and it would be very nice for me to have new visitors to my website.

take a look and thank you for your visit !

P.S.: there's one flv-file, that does not work at this time - but i'm trying to fix it.

<<<<<<<< NOT SUITABLE FOR WORK >>>>>>>>>> - PL.


Quote from: donsenilo on May 29, 2009, 09:25:05 PM
hello  :D

if you like look at my gallery at

now i have pictures (very nice wallpapers !), funny classic 3d-animation short-clips (avi, wmv, mpg) and selfmade music (mp3's and videos).

i'm "a little bit proud" of it and it would be very nice for me to have new visitors to my website.

take a look and thank you for your visit !

P.S.: there's one flv-file, that does not work at this time - but i'm trying to fix it.

ok, flv works now  ;D


Some nice stuff there.

Please always post "Not suitable for work" on galleries even with soft nudity. Some employers have very strict policies and we wouldn't want anyone getting into trouble after viewing your gallery.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Joachim Müller per board rules
Quote from: Joachim Müller on September 28, 2008, 10:27:07 AM
8. Post links
When posting a support request, it's helpfull for supporters in most cases to see what the actual page looks like, that's why it's recommended that you always post a link to your coppermine gallery page when asking for support. If your site contains adult content, make sure to post a warning together with your link!

Supporters might get into issues if they accidentally visit a page that interferes with their employer's internet policy. If your site contains adult content (even mild nudity even falls into this category), post the words "not safe for work" next to the link.


I've used Coppermine to create what is quite possibly the most useless gallery on the web:  A photo gallery of silica gel packets.

It's here:

Enjoy. :)

Fabricio Ferrero

Quote from: Xangis on May 30, 2009, 10:41:08 PM
is quite possibly the most useless gallery on the web
I totally agree.
Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)

Joachim Müller

I find it funny - I guess nobody on this planet has got a similar collection. Just the visual representation is a bit lame - I suggest sending your users from the splash page to instead of Otherwise, that's fine.


P.S. In your gallery's footer, you have various translations for the words "do not eat": the German translation would be
QuoteNicht schlucken
instead of



Wow there are definitely some nice ones here. Bravo everyone!

Jim Mason - Telephone Service Engineer and Installation Expert


Here is my gallery:

It is about my daughter's soccer team.


My website thanks all.
[edit] moved in the appropriate board[/edit]

Joachim Müller


My gallery:
5600+ files, 350+ albums, 318,803 views.


Hallo everyone ;D
I'm a professional photographer using coppermine since 2005, it really rocks!
Just wanna show the photos I'm taking in Rome, during the


It's all here:

I'm using stramm's mod to sell images on-line and implemented a random using mini csm and cpgfetch by vuduu.
I hope version 1.5 comes out soon to implement SEO over my photostock.
If you have any suggestions or questions send me a msg!

Live long and prosper!



I would hate to see all your work destroyed by a hacker so please updrade asap.

Coppermine version: 1.4.19
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Here is my gallery

Includes many different photoseries. Most popular series seems to be my Chernobyl pictures ( I was there couple years ago and it was a amazing place to see what happen if there is no anymore any people living in the city (about 60.000 people city just empty).

My friends and I were also in The New York Times magazine after that trip :)

Othervice about my pics... I like take pics from people and animals so on gallery has many of them  :)

You can share my gallery link to your friends etc. if you like.



Quote from: Xangis on May 30, 2009, 10:41:08 PM
I've used Coppermine to create what is quite possibly the most useless gallery on the web:  A photo gallery of silica gel packets.

It's here:

Enjoy. :)

:D  I like it. 


If you're looking for day trip ideas in England then my photo gallery that I have just set up might be of interest to you!



Quote from: Fazza on July 27, 2009, 01:26:23 AM
If you're looking for day trip ideas in England then my photo gallery that I have just set up might be of interest to you!

Some nice pics of places I know well there. But is Berkhampstead Castle all you could come up with for Hertfordshire?
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.