phpbb users without a group can upload in CPG without any restriction phpbb users without a group can upload in CPG without any restriction


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phpbb users without a group can upload in CPG without any restriction

Started by tacitus, October 18, 2005, 11:32:49 AM

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I bridged CPG with my phpbb board and all works... I mean it works to much  :D :

I got the basic CPG groups Admin, Banned etc.
After brindging the phpbb-groups are added (Forenmoderator, Mitglieder etc.)

I want the uploaded pictures in CPG first to be checked by the admin (me) and set all permissions like this.

Now the problem:
When a phpbb- user without beeing in a group upload a file it appears in the user Galeries at once?!
I think the problem im that CPG don´t check the permissions when a user is not in a group?!

Do I have to put all phpbb users in a group first to solve this problem (over 1000!) or is there a CGP feature that can solve this?!

Thanks for help!!!!



in coppermine groups manager set 'Can upload files' for guests to 'no'



"guests" and "bannded" do have 0kb disc space and the upload is set to "no"

Thats not the solution?!



if you're logged in as admin you see all newly uploaded files in the albums even if they haven't been approved yet. Others don't...

tacitus, even when I am logged out I can see the pictures?!

And the "approve- album" is allways empty (when I am logged in as Admin ;))



have you messed with the bridge file, especially this part

define('PHPBB_ADMIN_GROUP', 1);
define('PHPBB_GUEST_GROUP', 3);
define('PHPBB_BANNED_GROUP', 4);

and do your phpBB groups show up in the CPG group manager?

if  'Can upload files'  is set to no they shouldn't be allowed to upload in the first place. Setting the limit to 0 means unlimited



My bridged file is as you posted it- what are the numers 1-4 about? Is this the DB- ID or the order to show?
Maybe I must be shure that -if this is the ID- it is the same as in my db?!

Yes, my phpbb- groups are shown in the CPG group manager- the problem is about the users who are not part of a group... for those the settings seem not to be valid?!

The "setting 0" is understodd... and changed ;)

Thanks Tacitus


How about posting a link to your site, along with a test user and password.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


no problem: [edit GauGau]Warning: link not worksafe[/edit]


User: tester
Passwd: test

The "tester" is not in any group- so normlay the upload should be hold still approved...


Joachim Müller

Quote from: tacitus on October 18, 2005, 01:31:28 PM

"guests" and "bannded" do have 0kb disc space and the upload is set to "no"

Thats not the solution?!

"0" means unlimited. Set upload permissions to "no", that's about it.


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