How do you install this thing into your website? How do you install this thing into your website?


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How do you install this thing into your website?

Started by hotlimefreak, October 24, 2005, 04:24:47 PM

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Can someone help me install a gallery into my site? I really want to learn about coppermine but, no one is really telling me anything...... what file do you install to get this software I see a bunch of files but none to really install a program just a bunch of files I don't see the use for.....
If you decide to help please go to
and register as a member then PM me Limefreak ...... I own an invision board and we really want and need a gallery for promotion purposes so if you are interested again go to thanks and I hope my questions are answered soon!  ;D

Joachim Müller

hehe, we have to register at your site to be able to help you? Come on, be serious: do as Nibbler suggested and RTFM. And while you're at it: read


All of a sudden out of the blue I received this PM:

Quote from: Limefreak
Can you set up a coppermine gallery onto this site for me?
my FTP account is (removed)
password is (removed)
connect to (removed)

IF you choose to accept this mission please PM me cause I need to know if you will do it or not.... :)

I think I don't need to answer such rude questions.

Why on earth do you send people your account details, I'm allmost positive I'm not the only one who got this message.

I just had to post it here and say as the others suggested: RTFM!
Don't ask me: Can you do this .... or Give me that...or I need Quick help in PM's. I'm not Santaclaus so post your questions on the board so it will be in the benefit for everyone.


I'am sorry for posting this thread I was just at such a loss.... considering that I'am at a young age I wish people wouldn't be so impatient with me :( I'am sorry if I "offended" anyone here at coppermine with my silly thread in the future I won't ask people for help ........


i'm helping him out. i don't mind installing something.

but i do think you need to understand the stuff a little bit better. usually people don't like to blindly do things for someone else (thats what a job is for [and thats why some people want to charge you to set up stuff on your site]).

since i can actually remember not understanding how CPG (and other suites) worked on the website, i will say that you don't "install" a script like you install a game or program on your computer. instead, the server which your site is on already has programs running on it. There's a program for actually serving the webpages out to people who request them (with their browser) [i think the most commonly used server app is apache, but there a bunches of others i'm sure]. There's a program that handles databases (i don't understand anything about MySQL myself, but i know i have a program running on my server that does stuff w/ databases somehow). There's also modules for your server (like php and cgi which are pretty much programming languages that the webserver can interpret).

So to install coppermine you pretty much just copy the files the server needs up to a certain folder. then you can browse to some webpages that came with coppermine and all. that webpage uses the "scripts" [or modules or whatever] that the webserver can interpret, to install and change config settings and whatnot.

i only know enough to give you a rough basic, but there ya go.


and i don't think he's being too rude about this. i've PMed a couple of people before because i saw they were online and i was looking for a quick answer to some questions. i'm sorry if I've insulted or ticked off anyone, but you all know how it is. between homework assignments i tend to procrastinate, and lately my procrastination has been setting up a 3rd webserver thing. and what's the wrong in asking for assistance? generally i'd say no if someone asked me to install their site for them unless they paid me, but i was feeling generous when i got his pm. hadnt even seen this thread.  i've seen people asking for 50-100 bucks to set up scripts and whatnot. i personally paid a guy 45 bucks to simply THEME my CPG cause i had no idea and no time at the moment and needed it to make my site look professional. the guy did a great job.

anyway, thats my two cents on this thread so far.  and thats all ill post here. no need for any flaming or anything. i think everyone on this board is very helpful and i think they contribute alot to the community, wether that community is the CPG community or the entire open source community. open source rules. and therefore, so do you guys.

Joachim Müller

Supporters don't like to be PMed, because the whole point of running a forum is that answers to questions users have are visible for others as well for their benefit. The whole concept is based on freedom: we're free to answer a thread or not. Sending a PM is an invasion of my privacy, only my friends are allowed to do that. I won't accept to be sent PMs by total strangers. The same thing applies for almost all other devs and supporters. The only exception to this rule is if someone should find a security flaw in coppermine - then it would be wise to send such information privately to a developer to enable the dev team to come up with a fix. So far, this hasn't happened very frequently, that's why I'm considering a mod that will allow PMs to be sent only if a user has already posted a certain amount of regular postings.
I can understand that newbies want a gallery, they want it fast, they don't want to read details. On the other hand, developers don't like answering the same newbie questions over and over again. After all, we're dealing with technology - it's not rocket science, but you can't teach a total newbie in just one minute all aspects of internet technology that took the experts years to learn. Often, newbies then ask "why has this got to be so complicated?". The answer lies in the mutlitude of different server and client setups: there are so many parameters that have to be taken into account, you simply can't create an application that will run on all platforms easily without manual trouble-shooting (although coppermine is doing a pretty good job imo).
Coppermine is a very powerful app that has got a lot of features, with the drawback that it's a bit more complicated. If it's too complicated for someone, then this person should look for an app that is easier to set up, but has less features. There's a myriad of apps available that will allow you to display some pics on a web page. Coppermine is just one of them, serving the needs of those who actually need all those features it comes with. Those who need much less should go for less. We're happy if a lot of people find our "product" usefull, but we don't earn one penny with it. The devs keep working on the project for as long as it is fun. If the trouble and negative user feedback outweighs the fun, we'll quit. I don't need users kissing my ***, saying thanks all the time and how great the product is (I know that already), yet there's a lot every user can give back, at least by trying to solve things on their own and if they fail to do so turn here for help, respecting board rules and some common sense.


Abbas Ali

Quote from: GauGau on November 12, 2005, 05:15:15 AM
that's why I'm considering a mod that will allow PMs to be sent only if a user has already posted a certain amount of regular postings.

@GauGau: If we really need that then i can code it.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


i understand, sorry for invading previously!

and im not kissing ass when i say i like the work you guys have done, well i guess i am but not yours in particular... just the whole thing works lovely and i'm really glad you guys did it. i dont have any time to get involved with this stuff as i don't even know php all that well.

have you ever seen It has a feature like what your saying but people have to be added to someones "buddy" list basically. perhaps that would work better?

anyway sorry for the offense!

Joachim Müller

soldstatic, I wasn't refering to you with the "kiss ***" thing. It's OK that you were ready to help even though Limefreak "misbehaved".

As I said: I'm not sure that we should implement a limit on sending PMs, as it would mean as well that legitimate PM contact would be blocked. Maybe, I'll just add some nagging JavaScript alerts to PMs sent by users with a posting count of zero, something like "Are you aware that supporters don't want to be contacted by PM on personal support issues?" or similar...
