CPG1.4.2 released as stable - Page 2 CPG1.4.2 released as stable - Page 2


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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CPG1.4.2 released as stable

Started by Joachim Müller, November 23, 2005, 11:00:40 PM

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Quote from: Nibbler on November 26, 2005, 10:59:00 PM
None of those are serious imo.
I have another point of view.
I think that these one are serious:
QuoteResizing gif/png with transparent background doesn't preserve alpha info
Wrong charset in emails sent from coppermine
Thumbnail sizes over 120px causes edit fields to run over it's edge
No album thumbnails for albums that contain only pics linked by keyword
Possible stability issues with PHP5 and plugins
Rotate causing distorted image for large files
EXIF and IPTC information are lost when rotating
Banned group doesn't work as expected
Album created using XP publisher despite upload failure


Jesus, stop bitching.  If you don't want to use this FREE software, go pay some one else to use theirs.


Thanks for all the hard work folks! It is truly appreciated.
I just upgraded my sons gallery and it went great. Now to read up on all the new stuff!
Thanks again!

Joachim Müller

@Makc666: are you just nagging or is there going to be going to be an actual contribution from you? So far, I haven't seen any real contribution from you. If you're such a genius coder, then post on the bugs board, replying to the individual thread you're refering to, making a suggestion for fixing the known issues. If you have  no idea, just shut up.


Congrats. to the team on such a fine piece of software.  Well done.


* Resizing gif/png with transparent background doesn't preserve alpha info
Ask the developer of GD to fix this

* Wrong charset in emails sent from coppermine
Fix email client old clients don't support UTF (like Outlook)

* Possible stability issues with PHP5 and plugins
Which are ???

* Rotate causing distorted image for large files
Ask the developer of image manipulation library to fix this

* EXIF and IPTC information are lost when rotating
Ask the developer of image manipulation library to fix this

* Banned group doesn't work as expected
What do you expect ?

* Album created using XP publisher despite upload failure
Bug report ? I don't use XP since SP itself is buggy

Anyway as the others say you've broken some forum rules so please be kind and do the following or we are forced to take action:

- Post bug reports in the appropiate forum
- Don't use coppermine if you don't like it
There are 2 kinds of users in this world: satisfied and complainers.
Why do we never hear something from the satisfied users?


User contributions to fix Known issues are welcome, just submit the fixes to the appropriate board.

Thanks in advance, we appreciate your hard work and dedication to make Coppermine the best open source gallery available.


Hmm, i will waiting for the next update, i have 1.3 and it's stable and have more than 1000 users. I read many problems??


Quote from: Maik on November 27, 2005, 10:22:34 PM
Hmm, i will waiting for the next update, i have 1.3 and it's stable and have more than 1000 users. I read many problems??


A few problems, as with any new script or program. Not anything glaring, most, if not all can be addressed with relative ease or within an acceptable time frame.  As the release post suggest, there are a few known issues, a couple of which have already been resolved.  Personally, I think many of the new features and advantages outweigh these issues. 

Anytime you have hundreds of people switching over from an incomprehensible array of custom installations, both stand-alone and bridged, you have to expect a few dips and bumps in the road. Especially when the new release incorporates so many new features and benefits. The more bells and whistles, the more problems, one can and should expect. Yet, over all, people with "shared" issues seem very small in number, which is a very, very good sign as this indicates that most are isolated cases and not a general rule of thumb. 

The fact that we have so many users with so many different configurations successfully upgrading their set-ups is a testimony to the ingenuity and integrity of this new release.

If you feel better waiting and watching until the so called "issues" peter down, that is, of course, your perogative and, I'm sure, there are many who will do the same.

Me? I love to get my feet wet, hands dirty, put a little grease on my elbow, even skin a knee or two, if need be.  The best part is that I can sneak my silly questions in the melee of questions and not feel the least bit embarrassed about asking the same question for the 100th time.  After all, it is a new release. So the question probably hasn't been asked, yet.  ;)


Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.


does CPG1.4.2's bridge file for invision power board - invisionboard20.inc.php - work for invision board 1.2 also or just for 2.0.x versions and higher?



This is great news!

We put a lot of work into the beta release, learning what we needed to do to integrate this into a community website.  Most of the work is template related, soem is bridge related, and we loaded quite a few photos.  Are instructions available to upgrade from the beta, or do we need to scratch and reinstall?

I am hoping this will be a file replacement only, but we knew it was beta when we started the work.



It's just a matter of updating the files and running update.php.



Quote from: Sotsirh on November 30, 2005, 06:38:37 PM
does CPG1.4.2's bridge file for invision power board - invisionboard20.inc.php - work for invision board 1.2 also or just for 2.0.x versions and higher?

Also interested by this question... Anyone has yet tested this new version with invision board 1.x ?

Joachim Müller

yes, this has been asked and answered: no, you can't use cpg1.4.x with IPB1.x.

Please don't clutter this thread with individual support requests, as suggested above. Please don't force us to lock every announcement thread because users don't respect the "no individual support on announcement threads" policy. Instead: search the board first. Start a new thread if you can't find the answer to your question. Reply to the announcement thread only for very generic questions on the release itself. If devs don't answer a question, there's often a reason for it - bumping is not wanted on announcement threads.



In mod-rewrite albums page navigation not working i add the following in .htaccess and it is working now

RewriteRule index-([0-9]*)-page-([0-9]*)\.html index.php?cat=$1&page=$2 [NC]

Is it correct as it is working


megri: As people have said above, this thread is only for vague comments about the release, not specific support or bug reports or mods.

I assume you are talking about the SEF_URLs plugin, so your post should go in the Plugin board for 1.4 StandAlone.  (I'm not saying it's valid, just speaking from an organizational point-of-view and hoping you don't get this thread locked.)

I assume you posted on this thread without reading the whole thing (since the last post above yours says very clearly not to do what you did).  Since this is your first post, I hope you learn to read a thread completely before posting in the future.