Modpack with bridge support: PM, avatar, watermark, cropped/ sharpened thumbs... - Page 28 Modpack with bridge support: PM, avatar, watermark, cropped/ sharpened thumbs... - Page 28


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Modpack with bridge support: PM, avatar, watermark, cropped/ sharpened thumbs...

Started by Stramm, February 24, 2006, 01:34:35 PM

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Great mod.  I'm really enjoying it!

My gallery will have photographs from different people in shared galleries.  It's a hobby site where people freely trade photographs and the common understanding is that credit will be given to the original photographer even if someone else uploads it.  For example, a photograph might be marked:  "Bob Jones Photo" even if "Joe Davis" uploads it.

What I would like:  A way to add a text field at the bottom of the image using the content of a Custom Field such as Field Name 1.  An example of how it would look can be seen here:

The bar at the bottom is added to the image instead of being a 100% watermark overlay.  This way, if someone already adds their own watermark before uploading, it is not overwritten.  Example:

Is this possible?



Am reading thru all threads I can possibly find to try and sort a problem out we are experiencing.

We use, CP ver 1.4.8 and Stramms modpack, and oranje theme.

I just cannot get the download link plugin to work.

When we enable it, it either stuffs up our thumb images. For files other than images , is wav files.

Also doesnt appear as required under the image in gallery view as expected.

Any help please.

Sample login
user = test
pass = 12345

Thankyou Steve


Quote from: eruss on July 27, 2006, 05:52:21 AM
For example, a photograph might be marked:  "Bob Jones Photo" even if "Joe Davis" uploads it.

What I would like:  A way to add a text field at the bottom of the image using the content of a Custom Field such as Field Name 1.  An example of how it would look can be seen here:

Is this possible?

Of course possible but not that trivial cause the dimension of the image will change -> Coppermine calculates width height in the img html tags for thumbs and normal images from the originals dimensions -> probably the 'mark' will be then everywhere (thumb/ normal/ fullsized image) or some border etc.
However I'm not able to code that right now. Maybe a freelancer has some spare time...


Quote from: roobok on July 28, 2006, 03:19:29 AM
I just cannot get the download link plugin to work.

I do not know the download link plugin nor what it's doing. So I can't be from much help here


Quote from: Stramm on July 29, 2006, 11:30:26 AM
Of course possible but not that trivial cause the dimension of the image will change -> Coppermine calculates width height in the img html tags for thumbs and normal images from the originals dimensions -> probably the 'mark' will be then everywhere (thumb/ normal/ fullsized image) or some border etc.
However I'm not able to code that right now. Maybe a freelancer has some spare time...

Stramm, thanks for your reply.  If the bottom bar was added as an overlay, like a watermark, but with adding the data from a custom field, would that be easier?  Then the image dimensions don't change.  I understand you don't have time right now.  I have no expectations.  I just want to understand which is more complicated.

Since an overlay would really be a watermark (maybe an image 2000px x 15px) I guess the only missing part is the option to add the text from a field.  But maybe this is the complicated part if the watermark process is done during upload, before the custom data is entered.

I may look into your freelance suggestion.



If you don't have much visitors ---> easiest would be an 'on the fly' solution. However this uses a lot of CPU/ mem

The data gets added to the database after the pic has been processed. To add the text from a form field isn't a problem at all. If you add your 'bar' to the fullsized image and don't mind having a 'shrinked' version on the intermediate and the thumb it's possible without a lot of big problems.

Then before all the pic processing starts you grab the temporary (the just uploaded) image, add your bar and save it again. After that you run the creation of intermediate and thumb and then save the pic data into the db (means the new image dimensions get stored)


Quote from: Stramm on July 30, 2006, 09:27:02 PM
If you don't have much visitors ---> easiest would be an 'on the fly' solution. However this uses a lot of CPU/ mem

The data gets added to the database after the pic has been processed. To add the text from a form field isn't a problem at all. If you add your 'bar' to the fullsized image and don't mind having a 'shrinked' version on the intermediate and the thumb it's possible without a lot of big problems.

Then before all the pic processing starts you grab the temporary (the just uploaded) image, add your bar and save it again. After that you run the creation of intermediate and thumb and then save the pic data into the db (means the new image dimensions get stored)

Stramm, thank you for explaining when the data gets added to the database (after image processing).  Another image gallery calls this process "Annotating".  It is similar to watermarking because it adds data to an image using ImageMagick, but it is different because it adds a bar at the bottom of the image.  The twist I need is to have it look at a database field to get data for the text.

Since my topic is becomming a "feature request" I will stop posting on this thread unless I have a specific watermark or modpack question.  Since the features are similar, I started here.

Thanks again!


As said, the form data is available all the time
watermarking means adding an image to a picture
annotating: adding text (ttf) to your pic. Most other progs don't add the bar to the existing image but just overwrite parts of the image (exactly not what you want). You want to create a new image (height > than orig), copy the origs content in the new image and then start the annotate process. This is similar to watermarking and I described above how to best implement it into CPG.

Good luck


Maybe a stupid question but how do i make a transparent watermark file ??
Now i've made this:

But i don't like it. Is there a beter way?



from the modpack docs

QuoteWatermark... (default off)
The transparency settings in config will make the entire watermark transparent to the image background (ImageMagick only).
If you use GD2 then the transparency setting in config has no function. If you want the watermark to be transparent against the background, then reduce layer transparency of your watermark image in your paint proggy to eg. 50 (this I did for the sample watermark)


Got everthing installed and it's working great! I really like the mods. I only have one thing that I am not sure about. I have it creating the intermed image with the watermark, but when you click the image to view the origional it is not getting the watermark. I have it set to watermark both. Any ideas why one would get the mark and the other wouldn't? Thanks...


you're batch adding I guess... then chmod the uploaded folder to 777 and the files to 666 (depending on your server setup)


Quote from: Stramm on August 04, 2006, 09:51:34 PM
you're batch adding I guess... then chmod the uploaded folder to 777 and the files to 666 (depending on your server setup)

I do have the folders and files setup with those permissions. I am attaching a screen print of the premissions for each folder.  Permissions



Quote from: Stramm on August 08, 2006, 06:34:57 AM
try http upload and tell me if that works

Sweet the http upload works! That is cool. Is there a fix to get it working for the bulk upload?

BTW: Thanks for the help! Your Mods Rock!


it's def permission problems. Depending on your server setup just chmodding might not be enough. Eventually you need to chown


Hi Stramm, my questions are:

1) how to display the pic name, pic poster name and uploaded pic date in a right side of the thumbnails? I've set "YES" a "Display info right of thumb" and info is effectivly shown at the right side but the pic name and the pic pubblished date are always below a pic. See my pics portfolio in this site for example

2) I've fixed the max number of PM storage at 200 in the PM admin panel but when my PM stored are more than 200 no warning is shown. I receive one error message in a blank page only

3) in the my PM user page the PM storage indicator bar is always blank and my PM store are 97 (see attacched pic please) how to fix it?

Sorry for may poor english

Many tnx Stramm

Best regards


1. copy $template_thumbnail_view from include/ to the theme.php you're actually using and modify it to your needs
{CAPTION2} contains the right side adjusts... so it should be enough to move the {CAPTION} placeholder from a few lines below next to it
                                <td align="right" width="50%" valign="top">
                                        <a href="{LINK_TGT}">{THUMB}<br /></a>
                                <td align="left" width="" valign="top">
<p class="album_stat">
                                <td align="center" colspan="2">

2. yes, if someone sends you a PM with your inbox beeing full he'll get an error message
3. you'll have to add that to your css.. have a look at either the classic, oranje or tentacle css


Quote from: Stramm on August 11, 2006, 12:42:34 PM
1. copy $template_thumbnail_view from include/ to the theme.php you're actually using and modify it to your needs
{CAPTION2} contains the right side adjusts... so it should be enough to move the {CAPTION} placeholder from a few lines below next to it
                                <td align="right" width="50%" valign="top">
                                        <a href="{LINK_TGT}">{THUMB}<br /></a>
                                <td align="left" width="" valign="top">
<p class="album_stat">
                                <td align="center" colspan="2">

2. yes, if someone sends you a PM with your inbox beeing full he'll get an error message
3. you'll have to add that to your css.. have a look at either the classic, oranje or tentacle css

Many thanks Stramm! now all work fine!

1) I didn't copy the functions "$template_thumbnail_view" in theme.php but I just modified it in and it works! :D
2) is not possible fix the problem? white page with error message seems like a gallery crash :(
3) I've just copied the value from oranje.css in my customized style.css and it works! :D

Best regards



1. I know but it's not recommended at all (thinking about future upgrades). Please undo the changes and do as suggested
2. I'll check somewhen later on my test gallery
3. perfect