Usernames (links) crossed up or messed up Usernames (links) crossed up or messed up


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Usernames (links) crossed up or messed up

Started by vegascoug, March 03, 2006, 06:08:48 PM

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After I completed the bridge to phpBB I have had a customer complain about the fact that when she posts pictures, they are showing up under another user.

When I checked it today, her pictures are showing up under another album, but also if you click on her User ID (and this is for several users, not just her) it takes you to a different users profile.

Login Test Account: vegascoug Pword: test

Try going to User Galleries, and clicking on the link for Paperscrapz, it takes you to StampinwithRhonda's profile, nomianca takes you to AmyH, and so on.

Is there a way to correct this?



Only by manually editting the database, not recommended. user_ids in phpbb must match what they were in Coppermine before the bridge. This is why there are warnings in the docs.


They do, each of these users exist in PHPBB and Coppermine, and did before the bridge.

Joachim Müller


So basically I am out of luck then.  I have done the bridge with several versions, this is the first time I used the web based tool.  On other versions, when I click on Users it takes me to the forum list, but on this gallery it still shows all the users listed in the gallery, not the forum.

So the bridge doesn't work after users have been created is what you are telling me right?  Because the users I have having issues with were created and matching in both the gallery and forum, so why they got all screwed up is new to me.  I don't understand why that would happen unless it's a bug in the script, because I have never had this happen in earlier versions.

How do I manually edit the database? What if I delete the users from the gallery, it shouldn't matter should it since I am pulling from the Forum DB?

Joachim Müller

Has always been the case, in all coppermine versions. How are user IDs suppossed to match between coppermine and your bbs when unbridged? Shouting "bug" in this case is just irrelevant, you shouldn't if you have little idea how bridging actually works.

Manual editing is done using a database tool like phpMyAdmin, but shouldn't be done if you're not sure what you're actually doing. Backup (dump) everything before messing with the db.


Oops, there goes another ding on my karma, crap!

I wasn't "shouting" anything, I just wondered if it was a bug, because I don't remember this happening when I used to have to do the bridge manually, this is the first time I used the tool under Admin Tools.

The link you sent me doesn't apply to my problem:

5.2.3 Coppermine users, groups and pics uploaded by users are lost when integrating
Warning: If you already have users and custom groups in your coppermine database when you enable bbs integration, be aware that they will be lost. If your coppermine users have already created private albums and uploaded pics to them, they will be lost as well!

No users are lost, the users are being crossed referenced to other users.  For example, I had user A, B and C in phpBB and the same users A, B and C in Coppermine.  The two have run seperately for a while.  I bridged them using the tool.  Now if User A posts to the gallery, it shows up under User B's gallery.  Likewise for User C, her posts show up under User A, and so on.  The same exists for the link to the User Profile.  If you click on User A link (profile) it takes you to the profile of User B.

No users are lost, no galleries are are lost, no photos/files are lost.  I have been using your great (and I honestly love it) product for a long time now and this is the first time I have seen the Coppermine Gallery confuse the user IDs like this before.  That is the ONLY reason I mentioned the "B" word, my mistake.

I guess this user can't bridge her Coppermine and phpBB, must not be possible in this case.  I followed the instructions in your documents to the letter, and this is what's happening.  So if it's not a bug, then it's by design.


Quick question (still trying to trouble shoot this)

Are ' allowed in a user id?  The reason I ask is because there is a User DRJD2003`in the coppermine DB and I am wondering if that is causing any problems.


coppermine user table is lost and all users in the cpg user table (they still are there but don't get used anymore). Instead the bbs user table is taken into account.
cpg user table
id 1 = Harry --> uploaded pic 5
id 2 = Sam
id 3 = Jack

bbs user table
id 1 = Berta
id 2 = Mary
id 3 = Susan

cause cpg user table is lost the user id of pic 5 is pointing to bbs user table id 1 and that's Berta

it doesn't matter what kind of bridging method you use. If you have existing users in both tables something will get lost. Pics, comments don't get deleted when bridging. Just the author or owner id points now to the bbs user table. You have been told the solution already.
1. Only bridge a fresh install of CPG
2. Manually edit the user table (you need to know exactly what you're doing)

the user id is int... so it can't be DRJD2003`... the username can


So it isn't a good idea to do this post existence (vs. fresh install) or it can't be done?

I know my tone (email) offends people on here and I am sorry.  I don't know enough about this stuff and look to people like you guys for help, so when I'm lost I ask a lot of questions.  I wasn't trying to put the product down by saying bug, I was just asking a question, bad idea.

I just unbridged the two, and everything is working as it should.  I was wrong about the matching IDs.  I have 25 users in the galler (Coppermine) and 57 in the forum.

If I created the missing 32 users so they matched up perfectly, would that help things or is it a lost cause because it wasn't done at the beginning.

When I set up a forum and gallery for my customers, I ALWAYS do the bridge before any users have access to the site, as described.  However this woman has come to me for help with her website, and I know java and HTML great, MySQL and PHP I am learning as I go.  Thankfully there are people like you that create cool things for people to use that add to their overall I don't have to do a halfarse job at it.

I just want to be able to tell this woman one way or the other.  Yes it can be done, but it will take a lot of work, or no, it can't be done.  The bridge needs to be done at the beginning, it's not possible at this point in the game



Thanks for taking the time to explain it Stramm, that makes perfect sense.  So even if the user dbs were identicle it may not matter because User ID1 isn't going to line up with user ID 1 on the forum, etc.  I assume those are assigned as they are created, not alphbetical.

That makes perfect sense to me, thank you for dumbing it down for me, seriously, that worked!

I didn't understand your last part, should I rename the user DRJD2003' and remove the single quote?


Quote from: vegascoug on March 04, 2006, 08:08:25 PM
If I created the missing 32 users so they matched up perfectly, would that help things or is it a lost cause because it wasn't done at the beginning.

not necessary.. as I tried to describe above... usernames and ids need to be the same in cpg and bbs user table

so Harry must have user id 1 in cpg and bbs user table. However that's not that easy to do cause the user id is used in various places and not only in the user table. You'd have to change it everywhere. More help you can't expect from us. We usually don't know the forum software and therefore won't mess around with it.

I didn't understand your last part, should I rename the user DRJD2003' and remove the single quote?

no, don't touch it, it can't be a user id cause user ids are stored as int.. means they only can be numbers. You must have looked at a username


Cool, that makes sense, I'll leave it up to her.  I personally would unbrige it, but she doesn't want that.

THANK YOU for your help, and thanks for taking time to explain it to me, I really appreciate it!