Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for adding comments - Page 8 Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for adding comments - Page 8


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Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for adding comments

Started by Abbas Ali, March 25, 2006, 08:39:59 AM

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Tnx Abbas for answer.

I checked fonts folder, and it is OK.

Php info:

GD Support   enabled
GD Version    bundled (2.0.12 compatible)
FreeType Support    enabled
FreeType Linkage    with freetype
GIF Read Support    enabled
JPG Support    enabled
PNG Support    enabled
WBMP Support    enabled
XBM Support    enabled

Any other ideas  ???

Abbas Ali

Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


I reupload fonts folder.

It contains files:
09-17-06  10:11AM               126492 acidic.ttf
09-17-06  10:11AM                24048 hurryup.ttf

Still not working...


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


I personally was unable to make Ali's captcha mod working on my website, so I made another captcha mod for myself


OK, 1st, thanx for this mod.

I tried to install it, but all I got is a beautifull red cross instead of the code...

Any idea of what may be wrong?

A link:

Abbas Ali

It works fine with english as lang

That means some blank line is getting outputted in your lang/french.php file.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


OK, I was wondering why the error message was in english... That should be the same reason. I'll chek the file...

Thanx a lot, Abbas...  :)


OK, I modified the french.php file as told in the very 1st message but it doesn't work. The red cross and english error message again...  ???



Grrr I didn't find how to edit my message...

In fact it doesn't work in french. I don't understand why...  ???

Abbas Ali

Remove the following line from captcha.php file and see whether it works or not.

Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


Quote from: Loïc on September 21, 2006, 03:50:54 PM
Grrr I didn't find how to edit my message...

In fact it doesn't work in french. I don't understand why...  ???

Hi Loic,

I had the same problem using the Dutch lang file. Try to save your lang file with Ansi encoding. Seems strange but it worked for me!



Quote from: paul1959 on September 22, 2006, 09:28:12 AM
Hi Loic,

I had the same problem using the Dutch lang file. Try to save your lang file with Ansi encoding. Seems strange but it worked for me!

I did what Abbas said and it works now. But your tips sounds good too since it definitly looks like a character bug (see the discussion about that bug in the french forum if you can read french)...

Anyway, thanx for your tip!  :)

Pascal YAP

Good Day
QuoteRemove the following line from captcha.php file and see whether it works or not.
bzzzzz Too Strong  ???
Nice idea  ;D


Abbas Ali

I thought why not remove the root cause (i.e. lang file). If is not included then lang file is also not included on captcha.php. This won't hamper the captcha in any way.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


I finally solved the problem... I hope..  :)

I had to add last parameter to functions imagefttext and imageftbbox (in captcha.class.php), because it is not optional in PHP Version 4.3.2

So, I changed file captcha.class.php

$aCharDetails = imageftbbox($iFontSize, $iAngle, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i]);

$aCharDetails = imageftbbox($iFontSize, $iAngle, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i],array());

imagefttext($this->oImage, $iFontSize, $iAngle, $iX, $iY, $iTextColour, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i]);

imagefttext($this->oImage, $iFontSize, $iAngle, $iX, $iY, $iTextColour, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i],array());

imagefttext($this->oImage, $iFontSize, $iOffsetAngle, $iX + $iRandOffsetX, $iY + $iRandOffsetY, $iShadowColour, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i]);

imagefttext($this->oImage, $iFontSize, $iOffsetAngle, $iX + $iRandOffsetX, $iY + $iRandOffsetY, $iShadowColour, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i],array());

I hope this is OK  :-\



Hello Abbas,

thank you for the great mod for adding comments.

I did exactly according to your instructions.

the mod worked perfectly - thank you !

but I encountered a problem somewhere else - the tabs at the bottom of the page now spans across the entire page instead of the usual small squares located at the right hand corner.

I'd like the tabs like they were previously before I added the mod.

did I do something wrong?

pse help.

thanks so much.