Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 23 Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 23


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Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools

Started by Stramm, March 31, 2006, 03:33:15 PM

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Hello Stramm,

Doing this code for Free to all is a Great Thing. Thanks.

I am a newbie here and new to photo gallery management.

I did use your codes and successfully added the image watermarking in my config.
but I find some problem when I click on image watermarking on, then put some values, and then save new config and config save successfully but when I go back to the image watermarking i can see the values reset, everyhting is going back to default. So Im thinking its not functioning.
I did follow your procedures carefully and just copy and paste.

What do you think would be problem of this one? I missed something?

Please help me on this.

Thanks a lot.



I just did running the update.php but still I can't see the watermarks.
I'm thinking maybe i didn't get what is really  "Which file to use for watermark " means. It's a complete url of the watermark.png or just a name of the image in the root directory?

Thanks for the prompt reply sir.


I see there is no reply. I added this mod as well. I get no error messages yet, I too do not see any watermark on my images.



I really didn't get it even I've tried doing it again,I've read the instruction more than twice and follow it religiously and  I don't see any errors about the codes so that means, I thought, the codes are correctly copied and pasted. But still I can't see my watermarks.

Here's what i did:
1. Copy and pasted all the codes included in this thread
2. replaced with the attached file.
3. and then run update.php
then in my config, the watermark option was added where I can put values.

Anyway,thank you very much. I just have zero knowledge about codes so that's why I didn't get it. maybe I need to learn those codes to make this work.

Great job to coders since there are lots who get it work.



from the first post
Quote...If you want old images to get the watermark too, then you have to run the admin tools. To make it more comfortable for you I've added an 'auto refresh' feature.
When you're recreating thumbs/ images in the admin tools then you can set an auto refresh flag. If set, the update process auto refreshes and you won't need to click 'continue' anymore.
The big advantage.... you can set the number of images to process to a  low value eg (2-5). Now the chances the script times out are limited. Means you don't need to restart the entire process and sit in front of your monitor for hours clicking 'continue' (if you've a huge number of pics in your db)
You can turn auto refresh on/ and off on the admin tools page
Update thumbs and/or resized photos (1) - (checkbox) Auto refresh (no need to click continue button anymore)
I admit that is not easy to understand. More info about the admin tools you can find in the Coppermine docs.



Hi Stramm.. I got this working on a gallery with an older script, however, I had some problems with this on galleries running version 1.4.21 and 1.4.25 as well.

In 1.4.25 some lines were not found, and in the 1.4.21 version, I did manage to mod the code as per your posts #1 and #2 but the script only watermarks the intermediate pics, without resizing the watermark. I also edited the code for the script-resize, replaced the and ran the update.php

Is this compatible with 1.4.25 ?
Thanks !!


I really did read all the pages inside this mod. great mod ..

I have no one error after installed it but what ever I do it does not appear .. I mean no watermark, I mad a picture and saved it to the images directory but still no watermark.

I wonder.. is the    reason  the path to image and what can the absolute path be .. I tried   images/watermark.php , /public_html/images with or without /&\ before the public.
Also tried the tow long possibilities in the sec of third page I think.. one for windows and the other for nix.. just the same result.. no error or broken pica.. either no watermark

I use cpg1.4.25 and I like this great script

thanks in advance

Joachim Müller

Don't try paths, but know them. There are many great articles about paths that you really should read (google for them). However, we can't help you getting your paths right, as we can't see the path structure on your webserver, and you failed to do as suggested per board rules...


ok... you are right about the rules. I did not see it yet.. it is ok you can look at my gallery.

there are somethings not yet clear for me. I use version 1.4.25 do I have to use the attached instead off the standard one (backup then I try ). second is it not enough to use images/watermark.png.

I have a free account at (this is an unsolicited advert that triggered the stop-word filter) GD2 is installed

when the gallery is ready I will move it to a reall account... it is well now

thanks again


Quote from: Stramm on March 31, 2006, 03:33:15 PM

just apply the following code, replace include/ with the attached file and run update.php

now have a look at your coppermine config. You'll need to modify the path to the watermark. Preset is a file watermark.png in the coppermine images folder. If that doesn't work for you, use the absolute path to the watermark image


I am using Coppermine version: 1.4.18
My album is at
I replaced include/ with the attached file and run update.php
and ran , I saw some green OK

I uploaded my watermark image here

As it didn't show in the album, I went to coppermine/config.php to see where i could edith the watermark full path but i cannot see it.

What else can I do please

Thank you

Joachim Müller

Quote from: bukavu on November 23, 2009, 01:46:35 PM
I am using Coppermine version: 1.4.18
Then upgrade. We're not ready to discuss the need to keep your gallery up to date.


Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 23, 2009, 01:49:21 PM
Then upgrade. We're not ready to discuss the need to keep your gallery up to date.

I have smoothly upgraged to coppermine 1.4.25, took less than 5 minutes..
Thank you

Now my question is, is the watermark going to show on pictures which were already in albums or on news pictures only, because i still cannot see the watermark on my pictures


Quote from: Stramm on May 01, 2006, 06:44:06 PM
you need to enable the watermark in config
you need check twice if you followed the instructions 100%
make sure albums folder and it's subfolders are chmod 777 or 755 (depending on your system) and the files at least 644

how do i enable the watermark in config please



if you edited as suggested english.php then switch to english US to do the settings


whenever i ste language to english, it goes back to gb_english

i also tried to chech the english.php file but couldn't see where to set the watermark link

using coppermine 1.4.25 on
