Get selected album/file does not exist error, but image actually does upload Get selected album/file does not exist error, but image actually does upload


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Get selected album/file does not exist error, but image actually does upload

Started by bbouton, June 17, 2006, 07:48:17 PM

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Hi all,
I've been having a very strange time of it with a bunch of seemly unrealated error messages. I "fix" one and then another one pops up.

The current problem is that when a user tries to upload a file. After they enter all the info they get the following error:
The selected album/file does not exist !
File: /xxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/membergallery/include/ - Line: 1316

But if you look at recent uploads or their album, the file IS there and can be edited, deleted, viewed etc.

Prior to this error I had the following errors in this order and this is what I did:
1) Nobody could upload. Upload wasn't even offered.
    Solution: I found that omething reset all user permissions to default? of everyone can just look but no album, commenting, ecard, etc priv. So I reset all the User group permissions.

2) Then got Sorry there is no album where you are allowed to upload files  error message.
    Solution: Checked User permissions again. I had allowed users to have Personal gallery, no approval; but had Public albums upload set to Allowed No and Approval No. I changed the Public albums upload to match the Persoanl gallery settings of Allowed and No Approval and that got rid of the Sorry there is no album where you are allowed to upload files  error message.
3) Then the upload failed with:
The file 'albums/userpics/10065/Mel_s.gif' can't be inserted in the album
Unable to create thumbnail or reduced size image.
File: /xxxx/xxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/membergallery/db_input.php - Line: 402
   Solution: I changed from using ImageMagick to GD2.

Now I am left with the current problem and I have run out of ideas.

Here is some recent history and config info:

  • I upgraded from 1.4.6 to 1.4.8. but I was having problems before that.
  • Recently my hosting service installed PHPSuExec (without any prior notice!)
  • I have double checked and all album folders are 755 (prior to the PHPSuExec installation I used 777)
  • I was set up for ImageMagick but when one of the many strange error messages came as a thumbnail problem up I switched to GD2 which made the thumbnail error message go away only to be replaced with a different error.
  • I have set debug to show for all, although to see the debug info you have to select all. I have to find the css for this and change it after I get this other stuff fixed.
  • I set uploads to fixed/1/0 for all user groups
  • I have set up a test account that is Username: test Password: demotest
    Site is safe for work and is
    I got this error
    One of my users said they got this one:

Anybody got any ideas of where to go from here?

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when you changed to gd library
did u change the path to ur gd in the config and did u select gdv.2 or v1?
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‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Thanks guys for your help in troubleshooting this problem and a Happy Father's Day to you if any of you are Fathers or if you have a Father   ;).

To Vargha:
My gd i ver 2. No, i didn't change the path in config, I don't see a place to do that for GD only a config line for ImageMagick. I have since gone to config and removed the path entry of ImageMagick, but that did not seem to make a difference. Is there some place other than the section where the gd ImageMagick drop down is that a path to gd should be specified? I am not getting thumbnail errors now, and image  resizing and thumbnailing is working, so I guess I'll stick with GD2.

To Stramm: With all due respect, I thought I did do everything that the link you gave said to do. If I've missed something, I apologize and really hope that you will let me know what it is that I should do.  I do admit that this problem has me a bit frazzled and it is entirely possible, even probable that I missed something.

To bmossavari
Yes, I am bridging to Joomla! with Guessous Mehdi's  ( ) Coppermine/Joomla! bridge, and I should have mentioned that in my original post, and investigated that line better. Thank you for pointing me in that direction.

I disabled bridging, created a new user, (all my current users went away with the bridge) and my problem was gone. Restarted the bridge, reset the Group permissions, and my problem is back the same as before.

So apparently the problem is in the bridging somewhere.

Mods can you move this thread to the integration section or should I start a new/dup post over there? Or should I stay here with the problem because it poses as an upload problem?

Still working my way through...

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If you'd read the link I posted you knew that you've missed a bunch of things

Nevertheless your question changed.
Bridging an existing coppermine (one with a user db) necessarily will result in losing data cause coppermine will n ot use its own usertable anymore but the forums/ content management systems one (except of course you have some programming skills and write a converter).

If GD2 worked for you then continue using it.

Do as I've suggested, reread the above link and do the necessary settings.


Hi Stramm,
I really do appreciate your help and I want to make sure that I understand your directions correctly. The link you posted goes to section 4.11.4 Upload troubleshooting in the Docs. I did do and still have in place the settings outlined in section 4.11.4 and I have listed them at the end of the post. I also followed the other advice about setting up the test accounts and RTFM on the error message output

I am still having the upload problem, that much hasn't changed and I don't know what caused the problem to begin with. I had bridging in place and working flawlessly as was ImageMagick until then they didn't.

At this point it looks like it could be a bridging issue, but I don't know for sure that other factors are not involved or that in fixing one problem another something gets broken. That is why I really want to understand and follow correctly all of the appropriate troubleshooting methods that you and others have documented or suggest.

My Coppermine was installed as a standalone and has its own database as does Joomla!. I have always used it as a bridged setup, so the Coppermine user database only had the Admin account. I understand that when I unbridge it I only have the Admin user unless I create user accounts while unbridged; which I did for testing purposes. When I reenabled the bridge my users came back and my users can still upload if they are willing to ignore the bogus upload error message.

Because all my user's info is in Joomla! I can only unbridge Coppermine for short periods of time, and I currently have the bridge enabled. I did update the bridge files which curiously are labeled as being Coppermine 1.4.9.

I would be glad for any further guidance you can give me.

My very best regards,

# Enable debug mode for everyone
# Leave display of notices switched off
As Previously Noted : Due to a CSS issue, the text in the Debug box is not visible unless you highlight it.

And in the User tab all users  have upload methods set as follows, except Guests who have everything set to 0 or no except fro the upload method column which is set the same as everyone else.

Group           Permissions       Public albums upload      Personal gallery       Upload method
All users           Rating Yes          Allowed Yes                 Allowed Yes           No. of boxes      fixed
except Guest     Ecards Yes         Approval      No             Approval  No          File upload boxes: 1   
quota:  5120kb  Comments Yes                                                                 URI upload boxes:     0
assigned album(s)     

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