Copper Ad ! First advertisement plugin for coppermine Copper Ad ! First advertisement plugin for coppermine


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Copper Ad ! First advertisement plugin for coppermine

Started by Sami, June 26, 2006, 04:14:14 PM

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This is a advertisement plugin for coppermine
Copper Adv1.2.4 (Stable)
  2006/08/06 - 05:30 GMT

- It has 3 banner type (picture/flash/html)
- It's using iframe to put your banner on page
- It didn't use anycontent
- Position of banners is configurable (after sys menu,after sub menu,Multi banner)
- Iframe will use Height & width of banner, suggested by PYAP
- you can Enable/Disable banners,suggested by tfischer
- French translation by PYAP
- Italian  translation by lontano

Known Issue
- Some theme do not work with "after sys menu" or "after sub menu"

-   Bug in Uninstallation system , found by GordonRaboud

- Check it ! and give me feedback

I use some code from Paver and donoman's plugins
Special thanks to Paver ,donoman for their good documenting

Direct Download   Demo

[Edit GauGau 2010-03-03]
This plugin has been added to the subversion repository:

It has been updated as well to reflect the version checking routines in the plugin manager that are meant to make sure that galleries don't break because of plugins installed that aren't meant for that particular version of the gallery.

‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Looks good.  I haven't used it much yet, but I have noticed a few typos on the configuration page:

  • Statuse of Plugin -> Status of Plugin
  • Enter the title blow the banner -> Enter the title below the banner
  • Do you want to banner appears on admin mode -> Do you want banner to appear on admin mode

Looks nice & easy to configure from what I've seen so far.

Davide Renda

Where are the banners put in the page? I'm experiencing conflicts installing it (Internal Server Error) on a modded (the Stramm's modpack) 1.4.8 CPG gallery using Oranje theme.
A part from the error, it seems enlarge the page to the left, hence why I ask where the iFrame containing banners is put.


@lontano:sorry, plugin is made to use with standard theme not moded theme ,
let see and check your issue:
plugin has 3 positioning configuration:
1.after sys menu , it add it self (iframe) to "$template_sys_menu" variable (work with most of themes)
2.after sub menu , it add it self to "$template_sub_menu" variable (work with most of themes)
3.multi banner , it add it self after each "<!-- End standard table -->" but you can limit the number of apearance

by default (when install) positioning is set to 1

I'll check stramm theme structure to find conflict ...and I'll correct this if possible
anyway thank you for feedback
@Paver:thank you for your answer ,much appreciate,I'll correct those ... but let see, is there any other issue?
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


I'm trying to set this up to work with Google Adsense (previously I used anycontent.php and hacked the album and thumb pages to have them display anycontent as well).

When I go to delete any add from the banner list page, I get "There is only one banner on your databse and it can't be deleted!!!".  There are currently FOUR ads in the banner list -- the three originals, plus the one I created for Google Adsense.

Am I missing something?  I didn't notice any user docu, so if there is some, I apologize and ask that you point me to it...



‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP

Morning Borzoo,

I can not install your Copper-Ad  ???
I receive this alert :
Critical error
There was an error while processing a database query

Install stop just after :
Configure plugin: Copper ad
Click button to install plugin.
Configure plugin using button on Admin toolbar.

Because i'm french see inside my attached file (1.2.1) French.php (for Copper-Ad 1.2.2  ;D
Look carefully in this translation because french &egrave; etc. characters  ???



can you check it on debug mode?
on installation stage it's run "schema.sql"
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP


I know, i need to replace with this in schema.sql.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cpg143_plugin_copperad` (
  `adv_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `kind` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  `address` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'Only if its picture or flash',
  `height` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '100',
  `width` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '780',
  `linkto` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'index.php',
  `alt` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'Advertisement',
  `html` text NOT NULL,
  `showd` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'Copper Ad default name',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`adv_id`)

And replace cpg_plugin_copperad by my own cpg143_plugin_copperad (in other file too)
Copper-Ad work nice now  ;D

Finally, my French Translation work fine too  :o
For INSTALL and others  ;)



- okey the first issue ENGINE=>TYPE fix now
- the secound is not really an issue , on installation proccess , plugin will change CPG_ with your prefix ;)
- thank you for feedback & translation
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP


I'm OK for All.
But if I need a smaller banner than 100x780 px ?
Then, i am obliged to modify my database, and also codebase.php
Search and replace  (height)(width) values :
<iframe align="middle" frameborder="0" height="YOUR-VALUE" id="adver" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="adver"  scrolling="no" src="banner.php" width="YOUR-VALUE">

Table on DB : your cpg_plugin_copperad (height)(width)



okey , I'll make it dynamic(take height & width from banner properties) on next ver
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Got it working!  Thanks for a great plugin.

A quick feature request:
- On the Banner List page, it would be nice to have a checkbox, or some other way to enable and disable ads without deleting and recreating them.  That way, we could have differnet ads ready to run as necessary, e.g. a seasonal sale ad that could be activated only during the sale.



‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP


Package Updated by french.php Lang
Thank you PYAP
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP


Because my host do'nt allow CHMODed at all, i need to "comment by PYAP" some lines in codebase.php
// Install Plugin
function copperad_install()
global $CONFIG, $lang_plugin_copperad, $lang_plugin_copperad_config, $thisplugin;
require ('plugins/copper_ad/include/');
if ($_POST['submit']==$lang_plugin_copperad_config['button_install']) {
require 'include/sql_parse.php';
    // Copy needed file and ADV directory
// COMMENT BY PYAP copy($thisplugin->fullpath."/banner.php.sample","banner.php") or cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_plugin_copperad_config['permission'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
// COMMENT BY PYAP copy($thisplugin->fullpath."/bannermgr.php.sample","bannermgr.php") or cpg_die(ERROR, //COMMENT BY PYAP $lang_plugin_copperad_config['permission'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
// COMMENT BY PYAP mkdir('adv') or cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_plugin_copperad_config['permission'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
// COMMENT BY PYAP mkdir('adv/pic') or cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_plugin_copperad_config['permission'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
// COMMENT BY PYAP mkdir('adv/flash') or cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_plugin_copperad_config['permission'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
// COMMENT BY PYAP copy($thisplugin->fullpath."/adv/pic/copperad.jpg","adv/pic/copperad.jpg") or cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_plugin_copperad_config['permission'], __FILE__, __LINE__);
copy($thisplugin->fullpath."/adv/flash/copperad.swf","adv/flash/copperad.swf") or cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_plugin_copperad_config['permission'], __FILE__, __LINE__);

I need also to place by hand in my Gallery's root http:// myCPG/ this two files banner.php.sample and bannermgr.php.sample (remane banner.php and bannermgr.php)


Davide Renda

On the readme file you ask to chmod de gallery folder to 777, install the plugin, and re-chmod back to 755 (only the folder); what about galleries directly installed in the root directory (like mine)?
May this be the server error I am facing while trying to install this plugin?


Thanks for adding the enable/disable feature so quickly! 

Here's a few more issues I noticed:

- When upgrading to 1.2.2, I lost all my settings and ads, even though I said "don't remove the table" when uninstalling the old version.  Not a big deal at this point, but would be a major pain if someone set up lots of ads and wanted to upgrade.  (steps:  uninstall old, delete old folder, ftp new folder, reinstall).

- When enabling/disabling ads on the Banner List page, after submitting the changes, there is a line of SQL debugging code at the top of the screen.  Not a big deal since an end user should never see this.

- The "after sys menu" option doesn't look good with the "Rainy Day" theme.  I think this is known, but just wanted to make sure.

- When creating a new HTML ad, there's no way to set the height and width.  You need to go back and edit these values in the Banner List page.

- Not sure if this is under your control or not -- but a few screens (e.g. Create New) take you back to the home page when submitting changes.  It would be nicer to have it take you to the CopperAd page.

Hope this is helpful...  Thanks again for a great plugin!