Copper Ad ! First advertisement plugin for coppermine - Page 2 Copper Ad ! First advertisement plugin for coppermine - Page 2


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Copper Ad ! First advertisement plugin for coppermine

Started by Sami, June 26, 2006, 04:14:14 PM

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I was nosy and gave your mod a try. Nice :)
But I couldn't see a problem with the modpack. All works smooth on my test install (no internal server error)

The only issue I've seen is with right hand or left hand menus. But that you can't press eg. a 480px image in a 130px width menu should be clear to everyone. Therefore I'd say lontanos problem has some other source.

Pascal YAP

Hi Borzoo,

Since I installed Copper-Ad v1.2.2, my Coppermine seems to have some problems to access to my DataBase!
Here's the regularly posted message error :
     Coppermine critical error:
     Unable to connect to database !
     MySQL said: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

Any idea ?



sorry for late answer ;)

@ lontano:
Quotewhat about galleries directly installed in the root directory (like mine)?
May this be the server error I am facing while trying to install this plugin
if you think this was your issue then lets try Manual installation
- you need to edit codebase.php and comment line 40~46 (all copy and mkdir) then try to install
- after installation you should manualy copy "banner.php.sample" and "bannermgr.php.sample" to your root gallery folder and then remove ".sample" extention from them

QuoteWhen upgrading to 1.2.2, I lost all my settings and ads, even though I said "don't remove the table" when uninstalling the old version.  Not a big deal at this point, but would be a major pain if someone set up lots of ads and wanted to upgrade.  (steps:  uninstall old, delete old folder, ftp new folder, reinstall).
oops ! yes you are right it's my mistake I have "drop if exist" on schema.sql so even if you don't remove table on uninstall proccess , the installation proccess will remove !!! them ...(I'm working on that to fix it on next ver)

QuoteWhen enabling/disabling ads on the Banner List page, after submitting the changes, there is a line of SQL debugging code at the top of the screen.  Not a big deal since an end user should never see this.
yea , it's for my sql checking I forgot to comment that  :P it's done on 1.2.3

QuoteWhen creating a new HTML ad, there's no way to set the height and width.  You need to go back and edit these values in the Banner List page
it's done ;)
on 1.2.3

QuoteNot sure if this is under your control or not -- but a few screens (e.g. Create New) take you back to the home page when submitting changes.  It would be nicer to have it take you to the CopperAd page
I'm working on that ...

You are great ,thank you for you information and experince.

thank you for your reply I don't use modpack , I was going to install it to see the issue , so there is no problem with Copper Ad and ModPack ::)

Copper Ad execute 3 query each time to populate banner, I don't think it's CPA Issue but let see if anyone have this problem too!
you can disable CPA and check if you got that error again ...

Thank you All for your time and sharing your experince with Plugin , CPA 1.2.3 is under way it will be here soon ;)
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Davide Renda

After manual install all works fine! I can confirm Stramm's Mod does not interfere with this plugin.
See plugin at work HERE

Great great work. Thank you! :D :D

PS. My little contribution, italian translation attached here


Copper Ad v1.2.3 (Stable)
Is ready...

@lontano:Thank you for translation and nice site ;)
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP

Pascal YAP


[03 july 2006]
QuoteCopper Ad execute 3 query each time to populate banner, I don't think it's CPA Issue but let see if anyone have this problem too!
you can disable CPA and check if you got that error again ...
Oh so sorry , there's no error with your plugin... it's only on my host. All work nice now. Host SQL / Maintenance only  ;)

Thanx a lot for all



‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP

Hi Borzoo,

For some reasons, i try to make my Gallery OffLine for some days.
And Copper-Ad do not work at all !
Zero banner is on the screen  ???

Is there a known issue ?


Joachim Müller

Expected behaviour: when set to offline, plugins get disabled (as plugins are multi-purpose and could be used to display actual content from coppermine, which would be a bad idea if it is offline). Haven't actually looked into the plugin itself, so I'm just judging from my basic understanding how coppermine works. Wouldn't make sense to display ads on pages that have no real content.


as gaugau said this is expected ,banner.php couldn't show actual ad beacause of offline mode ( automaticly overwrite offline message on banner.php)
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


havent installed it yet i was wondering does it suport mutiple adds? lets say you have Mandortoy adds in one place but then you also want to add a banner can you do that?


yes you can have multiple add
you should set status of plugin to Enable(multi location)
and then set How many times you want the banner appears
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


First thanks for the plug-in.  It is just what I was looking for.
I installed the plug-in and noted that it seemed to ruin the look of the web page, so I uninstalled it, choosing NOT to remove the database.  Then I tried to re-install the plug-in and it would die with the following error: "please CHMOD your gallery folder to 777 (only gallery folder not the files and directory in it)".  The gallery folder was already set with permissions at 777 (RWX for user, group and world).

I commented out lines 40 to 58 (the copy needed files and the create database sections) and the install would complete.  However, I wasn't able to get the default pics and flash ads to show correctly and reliably until I entered the full URI.


Sorry but it's a bug !!!
I forgot to correct it on last version
You need to uninstall the plugin agian and this time also remove database , then look for banner.php and bannermgr.php and delete them too , and also delete adv folder if you have it
then reinstall plugin and create your ad again !
- I'm working on that bug and I'll release new version soon
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Copper Ad v1.2.4 (Stable)
Is ready...

Uninstallation System bug fixed

@GordonRaboud:Also there is an option ( under copper ad=>Configuration=>Status of Plugin ) to temporary disable plugin ;)

@All: Soon you can enjoy AJAX version of this plugin without IFRAME
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board



I realy like this mode. i aslo created a small file sow i can track the banner clicks.
Its not perfect but hey it works a bit :P
It still has allot of bugs mut maby the iedee is good enough the implant it

file named out.php in coppermine root
define('IN_COPPERMINE', true);
define('INDEX_PHP', true);
$script =  $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
if ($_GET['site']) {
$site = $_GET['site'];
$sql1 = 'SELECT * FROM `cpg11d_clicks` WHERE `Naam` = "' . $site . '" LIMIT 1';
$result1 = cpg_db_query($sql1) ;
$record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1);
$clicks = $record['clicks'];
$location = $record['url'];
$id = $record['id'];
$clicks = $clicks + 1;
$sql = 'UPDATE `cpg11d_clicks` SET `clicks` = ' . $clicks . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $id . ' LIMIT 1';
$result = cpg_db_query($sql) ;
header("Location: $location/");

The sql table looks like this

CREATE TABLE `cpg11d_clicks` (
  `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `Naam` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `clicks` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

Feel free to modify this. The only way to add data to it right now is with phpmyadmin. and thats btw also the only way to see the clicks counter.
If u like it feel free to make it better but please add the code here sow we all can enjoy it.


Hi guys,
I was looking but I couldn't find it :(
is it possible to display google adsense 90% of my all advertisements and 10% for another company? Are there any options to set this requirement?

Best regards,

Joachim Müller

Google adsense code can easily be added to template.html, there's no need to use this plugin.


there is sense to use it,
I would like to present 100,000 times banner of Company X and after that I would like to show AdSense.
Another situation, I would like to present 2times AdSense then 3times Company X and againg AdSense and again Company X,
is it clear what I would like to achive?

best regards,