Can't seem to make the PM, Buddylist and Add Friends work... Can't seem to make the PM, Buddylist and Add Friends work...


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Can't seem to make the PM, Buddylist and Add Friends work...

Started by YoYoJo, September 09, 2006, 04:17:05 AM

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I added your Modpack to my test site before going completely live with it... There are a lot of features that I like.  For the particular site that I want to actually use it in, the PM/Buddy List system seems most ideal.  I turned everything I could find on in the config area and went back to the main page.  I created a second user (the first being mine: admin) and opened the gallery in another browser as the second user.  Nowhere could I find a buddy list or PM function... I couldn't see who was logged in and I couldn't add the second user to a buddy list because I simply couldn't find it... Can you help me figure this out?  Here is my info:

Cpr 1.4.9
Theme: max os x (modified) :: added <!-- BEGIN --><!-- END --> necessary to remove buttons in main menu selection...
Final Extract 2 :: removed last upload, comments, my favorites
I also added some code (that I received from these forums) that removed the file information button and function...

Thank you...


QuoteLogin form on top of the page (default off)
Config->Themes settings
This login form will be visible below the top menu if you enable it in config (config->Language, Themes & Charset settings ). If you have the buddy list enabled logged in users will see buddy quick stats (eg. Friends: 3 request, active 15). Otherwise users just see a 'Welcome back USERNAME'... use it only when you haven't a bridged coppermine

Additional info when logged in (default off)
Config -> Performance settings -> Display buddy status info when logged in, Display pm status info when logged in
displays additional info when a user's logged in, PM info only when you don't use a bridged coppermine

If you enable the extra info for logged in users you can access the buddylist / PM, if you do not, you'd need to add a static link somewhere. You'd also have to modify/ copy modpack gfx to your theme's images directory. Otherwise a lot will stay unvisible (like the lil PM gfx next to each username, the PM
and become friends button in the profile. Also necessary is to add some css to your style.css file) ... read here about theming


Hello Stramm,

Thank you for your reply but I simply don't understand part of it.  I have all of the 'config' functions enabled.  As of right now, in the 'random' and 'last upload' section, under the thumbnail, the name of the uploader is shown and alongside of the name it displays the link "send PM"...  My guess is that without some code tweaking, the PM system won't work with some of the themes.  For example, I changed the them to Tentacle and it worked fairly well...  The links and Welcome Back links appeared at the top of the page.  Following the links I was taken to the PM area where it showed the number of PM's that I had.  I could read them and reply...  I changed the theme back to Max os x and the login links at the top of the page were gone (nothing at the bottom as well).. I followed the link "My Friends" and it took me to the same PM area as before except now there are no PM's listed and no way to send any either... I changed the theme to Oranje and it was all there again...  So far I can't get it to work with the themes Mac and Igames...

I'll have to reconsider my theme choices I suppose since tweaking .css files is well outside of my knowledge base...  Thank you for your help! Much appreciated!


have you read the therad I posted above... it contains everything you need to do to make themes work together with the modpack. If the menus work then it's a breeze to adapt stuff



Yes, I tried to follow the info and it just doesn't make sense to me... I don't know php coding, I don't know .css coding so it is all foreign to me.  I thought I followed the information listed in the thread you left the link for me to view but all I ended up with was this:

I made it worst in the process...  I lost the structure/design of mac ox x in the header... 


your theme.php doesn't need any modifications!!! Undo them. Haven't you seen that you already have the menu entry 'My friends' without the need to mess around with it?

Only things to do is to add the placeholder {LOGIN_FORM} to your template.html and the css to your styles.css (adapt the colors). That's all


I looked through the template.html and placed the {LOGIN_FORM} tag in...  No matter where I put it or how I put it, it disrupted the layout of the head of my gallery page...

This is what I have:
Quote<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html dir="{LANG_DIR}">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={CHARSET}" />
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
{META} <link rel="stylesheet" href="file:///G|/Theme_CSS_Modifications/max%20ox%20x/mac_ox_x_originaldata/themes/mac_ox_x/style.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="file:///G|/Theme_CSS_Modifications/max%20ox%20x/mac_ox_x_originaldata/scripts.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
  var p,i,x;  if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
    d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
  if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[n];
  for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers.document);
  if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;

function MM_showHideLayers() { //v6.0
  var i,p,v,obj,args=MM_showHideLayers.arguments;
  for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3) if ((obj=MM_findObj(args))!=null) { v=args[i+2];
    if ( {; v=(v=='show')?'visible':(v=='hide')?'hidden':v; }
    obj.visibility=v; }
</script> <!-- $Id: template.html 2688 2005-12-04 03:22:35Z donnoman $ --> <div id="CUSTOM_HEADER">
{CUSTOM_HEADER} </div><div class="top_panel"> <div class="top_panel_r"> <div id="GAL_NAME">
<h1>{GAL_NAME}</h1>{GAL_DESCRIPTION}<BR><BR></div></div></div><div id="MENUS">
<div id="SUB_MENU"> {SUB_MENU}<BR></div><div id="SYS_MENU"> {SYS_MENU} </div></div><div id="GALLERY">
</div><div id="SELECT_FLAGS"> {LANGUAGE_SELECT_FLAGS} </div><div id="CUSTOM_FOOTER">
{CUSTOM_FOOTER} </div><div id="VANITY"> {VANITY} </div>

I have no idea where in this mix the {LOGIN_FORM} is supposed to go... I went to your website and selected different themes to see how the layout appeared... When I selected mac ox x, the Login and Password form wasnt there, but when I went back to Tentacle it was...  It didn't seem to appear in either of the two themes I prefer: mac and Igames...

Quote from: Stramm on September 10, 2006, 01:49:36 AM
your theme.php doesn't need any modifications!!! Undo them. Haven't you seen that you already have the menu entry 'My friends' without the need to mess around with it?

Only things to do is to add the placeholder {LOGIN_FORM} to your template.html and the css to your styles.css (adapt the colors). That's all

Without any modifications, yes, the "My Friends" link is there... Unfortunately, that is all it does...  I created an user so that I could be in the gallery as two different users at the same time... As the user "Joey" I sent a PM to myself using the 'send pm' link found next to one of my uploaded test photos...  When I clicked the "my friends" link signed in as the admin, there was nothing there.  There was no pm, no inbox or outbox option...  This the main PM/Active/Block/Request to be friend screen... That's all.

I changed the theme.php back to the way it was...  That's why the "my friends" link is back...  I don't have a need to change the .css yet because the colors are the same... I'm only interested in making the system work... I can adjust colors later if necessary... I followed all of the steps listed in the other thread and the ones found in this one and it's just not working.  I am a novice with this stuff.   At this point I don't know what to do...  I like the function of PM'ing and being able to show who is online and logged in and add buddies and so on...  It's perfect for the site I want to attach this gallery too...  It is very frustrating and I know you are probably a very busy person with all of this... My apologies if I am asking too much...  I'm probably missing something that is very simple, sitting right before my eyes and it is making me crazy...  I've been staring at this gallery stuff for a couple of weeks and now it all just looks like a bunch of scrambled letters...  If I can't get it, then I'll simply go with out it and stick to just the basic gallery functions... Thank you for you help in either case... It is appreciated...



Eyeball theme eg.
<h3 align="center">{GAL_NAME} - {GAL_DESCRIPTION}</h3>{LOGIN_FORM}

Mac OX X theme eg.
<div id="GALLERY">
  <div style="margin:12px;">{LOGIN_FORM}</div>