Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for comments/registration/reporting/login/ecard - Page 28 Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for comments/registration/reporting/login/ecard - Page 28


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Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for comments/registration/reporting/login/ecard

Started by Sami, September 17, 2006, 07:04:22 AM

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Hein Traag


Quote from: Sami on June 09, 2008, 06:54:14 AM
please disable all other plugins and try again and let me know the result

I have tried to disable all plugins but that did not work, also what if it did, i use all the installed plugins, then i would be at the start without a solution, so i uninstalled Captcha, and only reg. users can know post comments, great plugin anyway, keep up this work..  ;D

I´ll wait for the release of CP 1.5.. Thanx anyway. :-)

Best regards


Hein Traag

We are not a support board for Freetype installation. If you are your own host then you had better also know you're way around installing additional software on your own server to support various items. The link i already gave you clearly says "It comes with simple 'install' and 'uninstall' scripts". Download it and install it. If you do not know how to do this go ask somewhere else or get someone else to do it for you.


Suggestions for next version of plugin:

1) Link directly to the captcha.php in the plugin folder. That would remove the need to move the file to the root manually after installing the plugin.


Find all occurrences of

<img src="captcha.php"

Change to

<img src="index.php?file=captcha/captcha"

2) Clean the output buffer just before the image is displayed.



$code = $oPhpCaptcha->Create();

Change to

$code = $oPhpCaptcha->Create();

3) Check for the required functions for generating the image at install time and display a helpful error message.

That should cut down on the number of support posts.


Nibbler:Thanks for Very helpful suggestions , I'm working on a ajax based version (based on JQuery) and I'll take your suggestions too
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


well i cant seem to figure out how to install this mod. is there another mod like it that i can use that doesnt require me to install any addons?

Hein Traag

This is not a mod. It's a plugin. Which you can install using the plugin manager. A mod is.. wel it's a mod which basicly means more manual work to get captcha working.


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


I uploaded the latest Captcha 3.0 plugin in my CPG 1.4.18, but it is not working on the registration page. I currently block users from seeing photos unless registered. The captcha image shows and works correctly in login page, but not in register page. I am using the mac OSX theme. Website is here: Looking for suggestions on how to get this to work, I am getting registration attempts by Bots every day, good thing I have to approve new users first.



Yes, that's the first thing I did. But it does not apply to my setup:

1. There is no mention of registration page, and why captcha it's not working in my case.
2. From the README: "You can set which group shouldn't see captcha on each page"
    What group is it when you have not logged in yet, and all you see is the login or register page? I tried a few combinations without success.

By the way, my captcha plugin codepase.php code is this:

/*                              Setting Options                                        */
     * Enable/Disable array
     * Set which group should NOT see Captcha on each page
     * ''=> Captcha Enable for all users
     * COppermine Standard Group Name:
     * Administrators,Registered,Guests,Banned
     * You can add your custome group name too
     * Seprated by ','

    $CAPTCHA_DISABLE = array('login' => 'Administrators,Registered,Guests,Banned',
        'register' => '',
        'comment' => 'Administrators,Registered',
        'report' => 'Administrators,Registered',
        'ecard' => 'Administrators,Registered',

I think something from this code in codebase.php is not working properly

case 'register.php':
            $valid_groups = explode(',', $CAPTCHA_DISABLE['register']);
            if (!in_array(USER_GROUP, $valid_groups) OR $CAPTCHA_DISABLE['register'] == '') {
                $exper = '(<td colspan="2" align="center" class="tablef">.*
                 .*<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $lang_register_php['submit'] . '" class="button" />.*
                if (preg_match($exper, $html)) {
                    $newcpch = '<!-- CAPTCH PLUGIN 3 --><tr><td class="tableb" height="25" width="40%">' . $lang_plugin_captcha_conf . '</td><td class="tableb_compact" colspan="2"><input type="text" name="confirmCode" id="confirmCode" size="5" class="textinput"><img src="captcha.php" align="middle"></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="center" class="tablef">
                    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $lang_register_php['submit'] . '" class="button" />
                    $html = preg_replace($exper, $newcpch, $html);


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


I have been using Captcha V3.0 for ages without any problems but now when I log in I get the error 'confirmation code didn't match'.  I followed the advise in a previous thread as follows:

"I was able to add comment on your website. Check and you will see a comment 'Nice horse' added by me. Make sure that 5 letters are coming in the image. If not then reupload the fonts directory. Also make sure that the image reads different letters every time you refresh a page. If not then that means the image is coming from your cache and is not the correct image."

However, I still can't fix the problem and can no longer log in.  Any ideas?



- Please post a link to your gallery
- Did you install any other plugin?
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Quote from: Sami on September 17, 2006, 07:04:22 AM
Captcha ver 3.0
As I see , we have more than 240 downloads (till now) from Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for adding comments mod by Abbas Ali , yes it's a great mod ;)
(IMO it should goes to core)
So here is the mod as a plugin ... Enjoy

- GD 2.x (2.0.28 or later is recommended) with Freetype support
- Better compatibility with php 4.3.5 or later

0. Uninstall any older version of this plugin
1.Copy captcha folder to your plugins folder
2.Use plugin manager to install it
3.Copy captcha.php to gallery root

- Captcha for Comment
- Captcha for Registartion
- Captcha for Report to admin
- Captcha for login
- Captcha for Ecard

-You can set which group shouldn't see captcha on each page
    if you are using custom group name or using bridge then you should use your custom group name or bbs's group name
-You can set how many secounds should pass before we delete old records from database
-You can set captcha image setting under captcha.php
More detail under Readme.txt

- Italian Thanks to lontano
- Dutch Thanks to Hein
- French Thanks to spikeweb
- German Thanks to m@rk
- Brazilian portuguese Thanks to Bonato
- Spanish thanks to pepemosca
- Turkish thanks to Benim


v3.0 - 2007/11/21 7:30 AM GMT
- Rerwite whole plugin engine (improvement)
Captcha code now stores to db instead of session

Have an issue with plugin ? can't login to disable it ?
Manually disable captcha plugin:
- Use a mysql tool (e.g. phpmyadmin)
- Drop xxx_plugin_captcha table
- Open xxx_plugins table of gallery DB (xxx_ is your table prefix)
- Delete CAPTCHA row

- works with bridged gallery to SMF

Added language:
- Turkish thanks to Benim
- Hungarian thanks to Szalay ( hungarian.php is in the file. Put this file into the /captcha/lang/ )


‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board



I've looked through the pages here but haven't found the solution to this problem.

I had this captcha plugin working perfectly, and then moved to a new server.

The new server has the latest GD (2.0.28 or whatever it is) and freetype both installed. All the files are in the right place and the plugin is "running" etc (ie it's identical to the old setup)

for some reason however I get no letters in my generated captcha image... just the scratchy background line.
Does this problem seem familiar to anyone? does anyone have any ideas where I might find a solution?
