Can't upload anymore, just like that??? Can't upload anymore, just like that???


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Can't upload anymore, just like that???

Started by SAV, February 09, 2004, 06:47:18 PM

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Hi i work at a school and the website is part of my job
Now i found this pic album wich is very very great!!!
I spend all day transfering the pictures from the old site into the albums
Sorting them on year and events adding comments and stuff

Now after a few 168 pictures i get this error when i upload:
Warning: getimagesize: Read error! coming from the file db_input.php from line 263

i didn't quit or anything between the last succesfull upload and the first error
As i never used php before i have no idea what to look for on that line and what it all means
I'm not (very)stupid i thought well these are newer pics as i'm almost on the current year, But when  i try to upload a picture wich worked 5 minutes back i get the same error

Something changed while i was working on it
I did not do any script changing i just spend all day uploading and adding comments and stuff
I even uploaded the db_input file just to be sure

I searched this forum and it doesn't look like anyone has this problem?
Does anyone know how to fix this as i would like to get this up and running for the kids a.s.a.p.

Thanx in advance

<<< oh and for extra info, i'm have the admin acount for the albums so no limits or anything like that >>>



Go into config, and turn on debug mode (near the bottom).

Report here the results.  Also, if your site is online, can we have a link and test account, with upload rights.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


this is what i get with that debug option on:

The file you have uploaded is not a valid image !

File: /***/db_input.php - Line: 275

Warning: getimagesize: Read error! in /***/db_input.php on line 263

oh and this is an image that is already up i only renamed it, so it worked earlier today!!!

i made an acount: test (pass = test)
album link:

could you please upload in one of the still empty albums like Klasse Foto's
that way i can clean up easy after you

before i go to sleep i will remove the acount (about 4 hours from now)
i cant have any illegal pictures on our schoolsite as you can understand

i also turned on the english part wich is probably easier for you being non dutch  :lol:

thanx for the very quick reply!


Ok, I will go and look now.

I would never upload an illegal pic anywhere, but understand your concern.

You can turn it back to Nederlands if you wish, I can turn it to English just for me on my browser  :wink:
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Hi again,

I could not upload to the album you said, as it is restricted, so I created an album in the user galleries 'test album'.  (when you delete the user 'test', this album will also be deleted.

I tried to upload a known good, small pic, but received the same error as you.

Try again, and scroll down to the bottom of the debug info, and click on 'Advanced debug'.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


oh didn't know about the language part being user specific
i found it this morning and was working on it this afternoon
didn't check out all the features yet

and i didn't mean you or anyone specific with the pic upload
but everyone can read the posts and use the acount now, that how i meant it

thanx again for checking it out this so quickly, what a service!




normally the language is not user specific, although there is a mod available to let users choose language and theme.  Any user can force the language by changing 'index.php' to 'index.php?lang=english(or french etc)'.

I assume you are using batch add.  If this is so, then it is not a problem with db_input.php, but possibly a database problem.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


no single pic upload
i want them to be up there time specific as school events where posted on our old site that way (set date sort under options)

with this album i can now post our future pics under event names
so single upload not batch yet


Database looks ok?

 Tabel   Records Type Grootte
 cpg11d_albums    9   MyISAM    3,3 KB  
 cpg11d_banned    0   MyISAM    1,0 KB  
 cpg11d_categories    4   MyISAM    5,6 KB  
 cpg11d_comments    0   MyISAM    3,1 KB  
 cpg11d_config    68   MyISAM    6,1 KB  
 cpg11d_pictures    168   MyISAM    54,4 KB  
 cpg11d_usergroups    4   MyISAM    2,1 KB  
 cpg11d_users    2   MyISAM    3,1 KB  
 cpg11d_votes    1   MyISAM    2,0 KB  
 9 tabel(len)   256  --  80,7 KB  

don't think that's the problem



that's a very slow way of doing it.

Try ftping and batch uploading a couple of pics.  If this works, then it may be your upload.php is corrupt.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


i get this when i do that:

Warning: getimagesize: Read error! in /***/ on line 193
Unable to create thumbnail or reduced size image.

still a read error only now he also reports something about the resize
look i don't want you to waste any time and of course i like some time off myself, tomorrow another day working

It could be the schools provider who runs our sql, php and webspace
Wether it works tomorrow or not i'll post because i know how important bug reporting is

Thanx anyway for your time you'll see me post tomorrow!


Both these errors are about the 'getimagesize', so now I'm thinking this may also be due to the image lib software (GD or imagemagick).
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


getimagesize is a PHP default function, which is independent of GD or IM.  It determines the image size and MIME type. Usually this error occurs in older versions of PHP where this function is buggy with certain picture types.

Alternatively, the fact that you were able to upload for a short time before losing that ability would suggest the php files responsible for this function could have been corrupted.
&quot;Then, Fletch,&quot; that bright creature said to him, and the voice was very kind, &quot;let&#039;s begin with level flight . . . .&quot;

-Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull



Hi a bit late but as promised still a reply!

I contacted the schools provider
They said nothing was wrong but after checking it anyway for me
It came up as a problem with the connection to the site between their servers and ours
It took them untill today to fix it so it was a nasty bug

So this was a one off error and your album is not the problem! (of course i hear you say hehehe)
Thanx anyway for the quick support and thanx for this album
A school needs to watch it's budget and this is perfect!
Keep the freeware going

Greetz SAV


Glad to hear you got it sorted.  :wink:
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here