Permanent Watermark with GD2 - Page 5 Permanent Watermark with GD2 - Page 5


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Permanent Watermark with GD2

Started by Sammy, March 05, 2004, 07:53:14 PM

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Jachim thanks for your answer already I have post again in post of the version 1.3.x
Bye !


Tnx for the mod, works really great, although i have one problem.
At first i didnt see it was for version 1.2, but i didnt care when i saw it, cause it worked, but now i noticed that my
crop and rotate buttons and edit picture buttons are gone.. Does anyone have a solution ?

tnx in advance



actually i used the zip, and copied the files, and the index.php head said it was the correct version. Didnt anybody else have this problem ?


I am using cpgnuke at my homepage and now I wonder if it´s a watermark hack for
cpgnuke or if some one can help me to write the code I need.
I have looked in the forums but the watermark hacks are just for coppermine stand alone version.
Please can some one help me..
I really need that hack

My php is not good


Why don't you ask for help at They have forums too.


Or do what we suggest is best, and watermark them on your client before upload, using a free batch watermarking tool like this
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


I'd like to use Burpee's mod of this mod, for CPG 1.3... however I'm wondering where the watermark will appear?  and how to set it so that it will appear at bottom - 10px left - 10px  (in the bottom left corner with a 10 pixel offset).


I am sorry if this is answered somewhere in this thread allerady.
How exactly does this MOD work:
1) do all the batch uploaded pictures get watermarked?
-- or, do I get to chose if batch uploaded pictures get watermarked?

2)  do individual uploaded pictures get water marked?
-- do users/members (as opposed to admin level) have any control over the water marking process in this case.

3) what happens when a user uploads video, mp3, zip, pdf file?
-- does the upload faile?
-- does the file become unreadable?

The reason I am asking this is because I am designing a site that will have  a gallery that allows loged-in members to upload there own pictures/videos/documents. I want to have a watermark on the pictures that the users upload. The user should not be able to upload a picture without a water mark (although it is ok if they have a choice where to place the watermark on the picture)

The rest of the galleries are not for uploads by users. For these galleries I do the batch uploading and the pictures are already watermarked on my desktop pc prior to upload.

So, to some it up: all pictures that are uploaded via http/form need to be watermarked.
Batch files should not be watermarked.
Non-picture files should not be a problem (since I do not limit the file type to be uploaded)

I also think that anyone that thinks about using water marking should have these answers before going through the work of installing and testing the MOD's.

Please help, thank's in advance


David, don't post identical replies in two different threads.  If you are using 1.2, post here.  If you are using 1.3, post in the other thread.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


I am getting
Parse error: parse error, unexpected ';' in /usr/home/sirjinx/public_html/RSP/util.php on line 279

This is what is on line 279
        ?>" class="submit" /></form>

But I am also a noob when it comes to modifications.
For step 2, I didnt understand what you ment by
QuoteActivate all after above code and paste all from below
What do you mean by "activate" ?

(I've attached the files in case you might want too look at it.)


Try changing
        ?>" class="submit" /></form>
" class="submit" /></form>


Quote from: TranzNDance on March 03, 2005, 06:54:23 PM
Try changing
        ?>" class="submit" /></form>
" class="submit" /></form>

ok i've tried
stills says the error on line 279. so problem has to be coming from ?>
but I'm not very good in php. I've tried moving it around. Making it /> or just >


When I opened the file you included in your post, it included lots of extra lines. So line 279 isn't what you posted. You probably have issues elsewhere. I would suggest starting over. Sorry.


I think your problem is in this line:

<input type="submit" value="<?php print $lang_util_php&#91;'continue'&#93;;

Try this

<input type="submit" value="<?php print $lang_util_php['continue']

When you copy and paste, make sure you are using notepad or something like it.  Frontpage and other crappy tools like it will change certain characters to the ascii number, which screws up your code.

That's in util.php.  Sorry I didn't mention at the start of this post.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


k nvm.
im too much of a noob.
installed the wrong version...
sry :(

i have 1.3.2
and this 1.2.x =/


Is there any easy way to watermark existing photos to match the way the new modification watermarks new uploads?!

I'd like to watermark all of the existing photos in our gallieries to match but dont want to have to re-upload everything and ask our members to do the same. Any advise would be appreciated. I would also like to thank everyone for the informatitive posts, I installed the mod in about eight minutes with no issue whatsoever. Thank you.

Our Gallery:
C. Johnson
Owner - Top Shelf Exotics


in admin mod, go in util, and select "watermark", and watermark your existing photos in your gallery.
poubao :D
L'incohérence de ceux qui nous dirigent, l'incompétence de ceux qui nous commandent,sont un vibrant hommage pour ceux qui exécutent.
                                          **Général Patton**


hey all

first i wana thank for this great mod

ive installed it before and had no problems , but now on another gallery im having difficulties

when i wanna upload a new picture , it uploads fine but when i want to assign it to an album , it says Warning: getimagesize(albums/userpics/10001/normal_test.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /****/include/ on line 231

Line 231 is -  $imginfo = getimagesize($src_file);

Ive modified the  myself and also put the file included in the .zip by sammy , and the same thing ...

The files added before get watermarked , but now i cant even upload new pics , not to mention upload + watermark automatically
What could be the problem ?

And also , if u could help with one question , how to batch the entire gallery , not every album separately , there are 2000+ albums



what coppermine version You are using?
This mod is for 1.2.1.

1.3 version is available also, You can obtain it from different location.
It's made by BurBee and U can find it in same category as this topic.