Need help with intergration similar to this website. Need help with intergration similar to this website.


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Need help with intergration similar to this website.

Started by just_some_guy, August 16, 2007, 11:52:45 PM

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I am going to intergrate a SMF forum into my coppermine gallery, i know that when you bridge it with the wizard the forum becomes the main page. However how did you guys have it where there is a seperate link to the "Support Forum", because when you register for the demo on this website you become a member of the forum and vice-versa. This is the exact effect i am wanting to achive. So you dont get brought straight to the forum page and you have the option of clicking "Demo" or "Support Forum" and you will be a member of both.


btw i am not using phpbb anymore.
Tambien, Hablo Español      PHP - Achieve Anything
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Joachim Müller

Use the custom link feature in coppermine's config to accomplish this. RTFM in the future before asking questions.
If you're not using phpbb any longer and therefor are not interessted in resolving the open thread you started in relation to that, you should have resolved that thread by replying to it accordingly. This would have saved others from reading and replying. Marking the other open thread accordingly. Respect board rules and common sense in the future. >:(


Ok sorry, But how do i bridge the gallery and the forum but not put prority on the forum. So i click on your "demo" gallery i am not redirected to the forum. When i bridge them together i get brought straight to the forum to enter my password. How do i hsve it where i click on gallery i can just enter my password there?

How do they share the same user db?
Tambien, Hablo Español      PHP - Achieve Anything
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Joachim Müller

Quote from: just_some_guy on August 17, 2007, 09:48:24 AM
Ok sorry, But how do i bridge the gallery and the forum but not put prority on the forum.
Not at all. That's nonsense.

Quote from: just_some_guy on August 17, 2007, 09:48:24 AM
How do i hsve it where i click on gallery i can just enter my password there?
Not at all. The entire point of bridging is that the user management and authentification is done using the app you bridge with. You already have been told so on the other thread. It is independant of the app you bridge with, but generic to the bidging process.

Quote from: just_some_guy on August 17, 2007, 09:48:24 AM
So i click on your "demo" gallery i am not redirected to the forum.
Because you're already logged in. If you're not logged in and click the "login" link on the demo page, you'll be sent to the forum's login screen just as well. As you have set you gallery's config to disallow anonymous guest, you'll be sent to the forum's login page immediately when you go to your gallery.

Quote from: just_some_guy on August 17, 2007, 09:48:24 AM
How do they share the same user db?
Not at all.

Read up the bridging section of the docs - this is all being explained there.

We have a strict "one question per thread" policy that you agreed to respect when signing up. Afaik you have been told so already in another thread as well. The custom link feature and the way bridging works are clearly two different animals, so you shouldn't have posted both questions in one thread. Keep on misbehaving and no supporter will help you any longer...


Okay i have made my SMF forum and bridged with CPG, however if i go to it redirects me to the forum where i enter my login details and when i click login, i go to the forum instead of the gallery. i couldnt access the gallery because whenever i went to the gallery url i was brought straight to the forum. So i had to go to /bridgemgr.php and disable it there.  :'( :'(

Have done something wrong?

The cookie names are different.

Thanks for your help.
Tambien, Hablo Español      PHP - Achieve Anything
"The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. " - Bill Gates
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When i click logout on CPG i get redirected to forum logout with an error saying:

Unable to define reffering url, go back.
Tambien, Hablo Español      PHP - Achieve Anything
"The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. " - Bill Gates
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I have followed the steps in the docs to bridge my CPG with SMF and i got no luck, nobody exept the admin could login. When you went to the CPG you got forwarded to the forum (this is normal) and when i entered the details of my normal user account it just said it was not a valid username. However when i try the same with my admin acccount it works but does not go back to the gallery instead it just goes straight to the forum (this is not supposed to happen).


I have the following issue when trying to bridge coppermine and XXX:
[error message here]

Coppermine install:
Forum install:
Forum version: SMF 1.1.3
Test user account: test/test123

BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../forum/ 
Use post-based groups?:  0
Cookie name/preifx: SMF

Cookine name: Coppermine.

I have disabled the bridging as users could not login.

Sorry if i was a pain earlier.

Tambien, Hablo Español      PHP - Achieve Anything
"The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. " - Bill Gates
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Joachim Müller

Quote from: just_some_guy on August 17, 2007, 04:51:08 PM
I have disabled the bridging as users could not login.
We can't help you with bridging disabled. Re-enable it, then report back here. And fix your theme as well - there is gargabe showing through at the bottom.


Ok, i have re-enabled the bridging.  The login details are above.

Your help is much appreciated.
Tambien, Hablo Español      PHP - Achieve Anything
"The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. " - Bill Gates
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Also, the login wont work as it only logs in admins. I have tried to other accounts and they will not login.
Tambien, Hablo Español      PHP - Achieve Anything
"The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. " - Bill Gates
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Joachim Müller

You'll have to provide an existing user account? Re-read the bridging section of the docs as I suggested earlier: when bridged, Coppermine drops it's user management in favor of the app it gets bridged with. Subsequently, users that have been created in Coppermine do no longer exist. Only the users that exist in the app you bridge with (in your case SMF) are being taken into account. Therefor, the test user account needs to be created in SMF, not in Coppermine. If you can log in with your admin account, then that's pure coincidence: you probably used the same user name and password both for coppermine as well as for your forum.
I'm reluctant to explain this even more. Read the docs. Re-read them. Read them again. I'm not going to repeat stuff any more that is being covered in the docs.


I have read the docs but i never knew that all pre existing accounts would be lost. Is there a way to import all existing users into the database and save them?

user: test
password: test123
Tambien, Hablo Español      PHP - Achieve Anything
"The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. " - Bill Gates
Windows 7 Forums


I have decided i no longer want to bridge. You can mark this one as solved. Thanks anyway!
Tambien, Hablo Español      PHP - Achieve Anything
"The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. " - Bill Gates
Windows 7 Forums

Joachim Müller

Quote from: just_some_guy on August 17, 2007, 09:28:10 PM
I have read the docs but i never knew that all pre existing accounts would be lost.
The docs clearly say so: "5.2.3 Coppermine users, groups and pics uploaded by users are lost when integrating"

Quote from: just_some_guy on August 17, 2007, 09:28:10 PMIs there a way to import all existing users into the database and save them?

Quote from: just_some_guy on August 17, 2007, 09:59:43 PM
I have decided i no longer want to bridge. You can mark this one as solved. Thanks anyway!
Marking thread accordingly. Reading the manual in the first place would have saved you a lot of work. Additionally, it would have saved a lot of time of supporters.