Another Batch Add Problem Another Batch Add Problem


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Another Batch Add Problem

Started by Kattis, March 18, 2004, 09:09:08 AM

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When I click Batch Add I get the following message:
QuoteFatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/alyson/public_html/gallery/searchnew.php on line 205

Now, this is just from clicking the initial batch add button, which lists the folders. I have a feeling that there are too many folders to show or something, but what can I do about that. I can't delete them obviously, as all the uploaded pictures will disappear if I do. I am attaching a screen cap of the problem :)


Joachim Müller

the error message you get simply means that listing all folders and subfolders takes too much time, so you're experiencing a timeout. If the webserver you're hosted in is yours to administer, you could modify the settings in php.ini for the maximum time a script is allowed to run before it is terminated. If you're webhosted, you could politely ask your webhost to raise this setting for you (although I doubt that you'll be succesfull with this request). You could as well try using a different browser for a start (something else than IE, Opera recommended), and if you're on a slow dial-up connection it might also help to try to go to a friends pc with a broadband connection.

If none of this suggestions apply to you or help you, I'm afraid that you will have to change webhosts or reduce the number of folders you store pics in - this can be done with ftp access and modifications of the mySQL database entries, but is only recommended for experienced users (since it's not rocket science, but cardial surgery :wink: ).



I'm sure I saw this before, and someone came up with a hack to display only so many folders, and a next/previous type nav.

BUT, after searching for some time, I can't find it :?
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here



If you are not in safe mode, you can add this to the beginning of searchnew.php.


This will raise the time limit to 60 seconds, etc.  However, it will have no effect when in safe mode.
"Then, Fletch," that bright creature said to him, and the voice was very kind, "let's begin with level flight . . . ."

-Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull



It's been some time since these postings (about 10 months), so I'll ask.

I'm using coppermine in such a way that I'm putting up about 7 events per week, that's 365 events in a year.  It does not matter how I arrange them in the folder structure, because in any case, the "batch add" utility does not allow for folders to be "collapsed/expanded".. therefore, if I use folders like /2005/01/14/event/ it will actually use up more space than just using /20050114event/, since the extra "date" folders will not be used, and cannot be collapsed.

Has anyone been able to find a solution (or the mod) for this problem? 


Joachim Müller

Quote from: jriba on January 19, 2005, 02:57:35 AMIt's been some time since these postings (about 10 months), so I'll ask.
What did you expect on the support board for version cpg1.2, which has been outdated for very long. Using cpg1.2.x is not recommended any longer.
Quote from: jriba on January 19, 2005, 02:57:35 AMI'm using coppermine in such a way that I'm putting up about 7 events per week, that's 365 events in a year. It does not matter how I arrange them in the folder structure, because in any case, the "batch add" utility does not allow for folders to be "collapsed/expanded".. therefore, if I use folders like /2005/01/14/event/ it will actually use up more space than just using /20050114event/, since the extra "date" folders will not be used, and cannot be collapsed.

This is not an actual problem, but a matter of design. We're working on a workaround for the next coppermine version, but currently you will have to live with this I'm afraid (there will be no backport). However, you could use one folder per week - this will reduce the number of folders to 52 instead of 365...



Didn't notice that it was a CPG 1.2 post.. oops..

Good idea about the 1 per week folder, sounds more manageable.

Any idea of an estimated public release date for CPG 1.4?? That way I can estimate around how many foldrs I'll be working with before I can start testing/upgrade to CPG 1.4.  Let me know.. & Thanks!

Joachim Müller

you're welcome to test cpg1.4 anytime, but upgrading your "live" gallery with cpg1.4 files or (generally speaking) using cpg1.4 in production environment is not recommended. Cpg1.4 comes without support, if you can live with this, you're welcome to use it. There's no release date know.



Sounds good.. Where can I download CPG1.4 from?  If this info should not be publicly available, PM me the info.. Thanks!


It's available from the first post in the 1.4 testing/bugs board.  We don't support by email.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here