Please, help me! Fatal error... Please, help me! Fatal error...


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Please, help me! Fatal error...

Started by alena, March 24, 2004, 03:21:51 PM

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I have installed Version 1.2.1 . If everything well ran, until I have anew played in ordner "themes"> "default" dateien theme.php and template.html. Since then I have this mistake.

QuoteFatal error: Call to undefined function: theme_display_album_list_cat() in /homepages/18/d74591556/htdocs/coppermain-gallery/index.php on line 493

Please, help me! Have despaired totally... Thanks in advance!


If you mean you did some editing in the default theme, and it no longer works, you can do a couple of things.
Try going into another theme.  If you cannot get to config, type this at the end of your url '?theme=water_drop'.  This should put you in the water drop theme.

You could also upload a new copy of the files you messed with.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Thanks for quick antwort  :)  
Have tried with config.php'?theme=water_drop', has not functioned... If error message comes:

QuoteFatal error : You do not have rights for viewing this page.

... excuse for mine English, can better German or Russian ...


What can I still do to save mine album?...  :(


It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


With index.php something like that comes:

QuoteMultiple Choices
The document name you requested (/coppermain-gallery/index.php') could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar to the one you requested.
Available documents:

/coppermain-gallery/index.php?theme=water_drop' (extra character)
/coppermain-gallery/INDEX.PHP?theme=water_drop' (extra character)

And if I on one or other link clik this comes here:

Quoteerror 404: file not found! Unfortunately, the given document could not be found on this server.

But files are on server - 100%... :(


have you left the apostrophy (') in, that should not be there.

And a link would help us look for the problem.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Yaa... It has really functioned!  :D  
I have given first wrong. Sorry...  :oops:  
Now I come on mine album in index seite in "water drop" design. I must still say, mine album is in phpbb2 forum integrated. Is a matter logging in about phpbb2 forum. However, after tip this comand I am not logged in, but come in index.php as well as she was. I do not come in admin site.

Joachim Müller

Alena, please do as Casper suggested and post a link and a test user account.
Do not answer in German only please - unless you post both in German and English.

Alena, ein Link zu Deiner Seite und den Benutzernamen und das Passwort eines "normalen" Benutzers, bitte.
Keine Antwort auf Deutsch, es sei den, Du schreibst zweisprachig auf Englisch und Deutsch!



The language is Russian...  :roll:

name: test
passwort: test

Joachim Müller

OK, so your problem is that when clicking on "login" in coppermine you're being sent to phpBB. You enter your username and password there and you're being redirected back to coppermine. So far, so good - but in coppermine, you're not logged in.
As the same thing happens when I try to login to your gallery, it's clear that it isn't a client issue (your computer is not to blame, as it happens to me as well), so you probably haven't configured coppermine of the cpg-phpbb bridge file properly.
Here's what you do: siwtch off integration temporarily and log into coppermine as admin (standalone) with the password you created on install. Then go to your config and check your cookie name and cookie path (make a hardcopy of the screen). Next, switch integration back on and edit your bridge file: check if you have the correct paths and a cookie name in phpbb that is not the same as in coppermine. Double-check all your settings in the bridge file.
If you have configured it properly, they should be working fine.



Thanks! I werd try. I still report about mine success or Failure... here. Please, write still this sentence in German, I would like certainly his I it has properly understood. Thanks for your trouble!

...siwtch off integration temporarily and log into coppermine as admin (standalone) with the password you created on install...

Joachim Müller

Quote from: "alena"...siwtch off integration temporarily and log into coppermine as admin (standalone) with the password you created on install...
Schalte die Integration mit dem Forum zeitweise (testhalber) ab und logge Dich als Admin mit dem Passwort ein, das Du bei der Installation von Coppermine eingegeben hast.



Hi again!
Yesterday I have still changed dei variable in forum konfiguration:

name cooke: from phpBB2mysql in phpbb2mysql
And now I can log in again in album!  :)  Come in admin site, only if I design restore (default) might it does not go. But forum intergration I have not switched off. Should I maybe do it?...


It seems to be working well now.

Leave it and enjoy.  :wink:
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Hi casper, thanks for hilfe, it really goes!  :D  :D  :D  But I would like to have my "default layout" again. In admin site I cannot change it. I can already select, but it jumps over and over again in "water_drop". What can I undertake?...


just do what you did before, but this time do 'index.php?theme=default'.
This will return you to the default theme, and should be permenant.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Hi again,
I cannot switch on yet "default design"...  :(
What can it lie with? Please, helps me...


It works ok for me in default theme.  This may be a cookie thing.  Try logging out, deleting your coppermine cookies in your browser, and loging in again.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


THANKS! Now EVERYTHING goes again!  :D  :D  :D  It is easy supper these Support here gives  :!:  :idea:  :!:

Sorry for the news.
QuoteHi again,
I cannot switch on yet "default design"...  
What can it lie with? Please, helps me...
Have not seen the answer. The Brauser does not update...  :oops:

...Because it runs now everything supper, I have still pair questions... I thinks, do not work I. I would like to place link "login-logout" below in index site and headlines "admin login".  How?