[Solved]: Edit Viewed count [Solved]: Edit Viewed count


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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[Solved]: Edit Viewed count

Started by Corrupted, July 14, 2008, 07:46:53 PM

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Is there a way to do this. The one i'm talking about is when your on the main page of the gallery and just above all the albums you see

997 files in 23 albums with 0 comments viewed 90 times

Is there a way to edit the 90 times?

Fabricio Ferrero

QuoteIs there a way to edit the 90 times?
no, it's given by the stats.

QuoteIs there a way to edit the 90 times?
Yes, in your language file. In the 'lang' folder.
Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)


So I can or can't edit the number? I looked in those files and didn't see a number to edit. I would think that there would be a way to edit it even though it's givin by stats. It's just like a hit counter pretty much and you can edit those.

Hein Traag

in what way would you want to edit it ? Try to eloborate on the question, it might help.


997 files in 23 albums with 0 comments viewed 90 times

Ok where is says 90 I want to set it to a higher number. I had to reinstall and start from scratch so I want to put the number back up where it was if it's possible.

Fabricio Ferrero

I can't understand you. You could change that number to 0 by reseting stats. But, there is no sense to change that value (you can't, I mean, there is no easy way to do it, everything it's posible.). You are only going to mess up stats and, BTW, your gallery. You are asking how to cheat yourself. Don't do it.
Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)


Quote from: fabri on July 15, 2008, 12:13:59 AM
I can't understand you. You could change that number to 0 by reseting stats. But, there is no sense to change that value (you can't, I mean, there is no easy way to do it, everything it's posible.). You are only going to mess up stats and, BTW, your gallery. You are asking how to cheat yourself. Don't do it.

Well first off if you don't understand me maybe you shouldn't answer the ? if you don't know what I am talking about. Second I am not trying to cheat the system. I had an older version installed before and started getting errors and could not figure out how to fix the errors. So I uninstalled everything started from scratch with the latest version and all I want to do is put the number back to where it was. So if you do not know how to do this then maybe you shouldn't answer the ?. Thx's for wasting my time and have a great day. Anyways i'm sure there is a way to edit this I just need to know on how to do this so if anyone actually has any help I would really appreciate it. Thx's

Fabricio Ferrero

QuoteWell first off if you don't understand me maybe you shouldn't answer the ? if you don't know what I am talking about. Second I am not trying to cheat the system. I had an older version installed before and started getting errors and could not figure out how to fix the errors. So I uninstalled everything started from scratch with the latest version and all I want to do is put the number back to where it was. So if you do not know how to do this then maybe you shouldn't answer the ?. Thx's for wasting my time and have a great day. Anyways i'm sure there is a way to edit this I just need to know on how to do this so if anyone actually has any help I would really appreciate it. Thx's

Try to explain better your question next time, ok? If you had explained this on your very first topic, you probably have a different answer. If you had read the docs 'as recomended' you would not have the problem right now.
Last, but not least, treat whit respect to others in this forum, please. I was trying to help.

[I'm out of this topic]
Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)


Quote from: fabri on July 15, 2008, 01:53:52 AM
Try to explain better your question next time, ok? If you had explained this on your very first topic, you probably have a different answer. If you had read the docs 'as recomended' you would not have the problem right now.
Last, but not least, treat whit respect to others in this forum, please. I was trying to help.

[I'm out of this topic]

I thought I did explain it pretty good in my second post. I think you said it pretty good in one of your posts that you didn't understand I see you are from a different country so maybe this is the problem. Anyways I would appreciate any help that someone has to give in order to actually change this. Thx's

Joachim Müller

It's not a bright idea to bash a supporter. You shouldn't have performed a fresh install if you're worried about the hits counter being reset. You could manually cheat by editing the counter, using a tool like phpMyAdmin and setting the number of hits to a higher value. However, you're on your own with that. As fabri suggested: what you're up to do is a childish way of cheating - I'm not willing to come up with a hack for you that "miraculously" increases your views counter.


Quote from: Joachim Müller on July 15, 2008, 06:36:49 AM
It's not a bright idea to bash a supporter. You shouldn't have performed a fresh install if you're worried about the hits counter being reset. You could manually cheat by editing the counter, using a tool like phpMyAdmin and setting the number of hits to a higher value. However, you're on your own with that. As fabri suggested: what you're up to do is a childish way of cheating - I'm not willing to come up with a hack for you that "miraculously" increases your views counter.

I'm sorry I wasn't bashing a supporter from what I saw he didn't understand me which in my eyes if he didn't he prob shouldn't have even replied. I'm guessing this is because he is from another country and prob doesn't understand english that well. Also I know how to use phpMyAdmin I just need to know what files to actually look for as i've looked through a few but didn't find any info. And also I don't see how this is a childish thing to do as all I am tryin to do it get the numbers back to what they were before. With the older version and getting a bunch of errors I tried a number of things to fix them with no luck so I decided to delete everything and install the latest version and now there are no error's at all :)  So now i'll i'm trying to do is put the count back to were it was since this is my dads site and he asked me if there was a way to put it back. Hints why I am here on this so called support forums. Thx's

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Corrupted on July 15, 2008, 07:07:38 AM
I'm sorry I wasn't bashing a supporter from what I saw he didn't understand me which in my eyes if he didn't he prob shouldn't have even replied.
That's wrong - you haven't been very clear in your posting what you want to see accomplished, so fabri asked what it was that your were looking for perfectly OK in my opinion.
Quote from: Corrupted on July 15, 2008, 07:07:38 AMI'm guessing this is because he is from another country and prob doesn't understand english that well.
Fabri's first language indeed isn't English, nor is my first language English. Yet the confusion came as a result of your unclear way of asking, so don't blame the language skills of others, but ask yourself how you could have improved your question.

Quote from: Corrupted on July 15, 2008, 07:07:38 AMAlso I know how to use phpMyAdmin I just need to know what files to actually look for
Well, if you know phpMyAdmin then you probably know as well that you don't edit files with that tool, but the database. Your question what files to manipulate simply doesn't apply.

Quote from: Corrupted on July 15, 2008, 07:07:38 AMAnd also I don't see how this is a childish thing to do as all I am tryin to do it get the numbers back to what they were before.
Those are just stats. They display the actual number of hits. Why do you want to see the hit counter increased? After all, it doesn't mean much for the users of your gallery, so it's merely a cosmetical issue. It's content that counts, not stats.

Quote from: Corrupted on July 15, 2008, 07:07:38 AMWith the older version and getting a bunch of errors I tried a number of things to fix them with no luck so I decided to delete everything and install the latest version and now there are no error's at all :)
Well, you shouldn't have performed a fresh install, but an upgrade (as suggested in the docs), which would have made the errors go away, yet your stats would have been preserved. After performing the fresh install, your hit counters are of course gone.

Quote from: Corrupted on July 15, 2008, 07:07:38 AMSo now i'll i'm trying to do is put the count back to were it was since this is my dads site and he asked me if there was a way to put it back.
Already told you: use phpMyAdmin, browse the table yourCoppermineTablePrefix_pictures and edit the values in the column "hits". Don't fiddle with phpMyAdmin unless you really know what you're doing. Always perform a backup (dump) before fiddling with the database.

Quote from: Corrupted on July 15, 2008, 07:07:38 AMHints why I am here on this so called support forums. Thx's
This is a support board. Users who behave nicely usually get help pretty fast. You haven't. You have bashed supporters. You're trying to sound sarcastic ("so-called support forums"). Review your attitude - it sucks. It's a free support board - nobody around here gets paid for what he/she does. Supporters do their best to help - that's what fabri did. It's ungrateful people like you who drive supporters away. I'm sick of having to argue with people like you.


Just to let you know I did try an upgrade the latest version that cPanel had was the version before this one. It still gave me erros and I came here when I did that upgrade as well and tried a few of the comments placed but nothing worked. Hints why I started all over from scratch with a fresh new install with the latest version. Anyways thx's for the info I will go and look at the tables now.

Joachim Müller

Upgrading coppermine using your cpanel app (usually buggy fantastico) is not recommended nor supported. The only supported upgrade method is the one we describe in our docs. You should have read the freaking manual before doing silly things like performing a fresh install and then coming here after having made a big mistake. Coming here before installing from scratch would have saved you a lot of work, time and grief.


Actually I did come here as soon as I got the errors before I even did anything and I tried everything that was throws at me with no luck. Then I proceded to try the upgrade hoping that might work and still got the same errors no new ones and still came back with no luck. So then I just decided to redo everything and start over from scratch with the latest version so installed that set it all up and poof everything is working just fine with no probs at all. Just wanted to put the count back to were it was since I was asked if I can do this. Anyways I got it all to work and thx's for all the great help. :)