Themes "DM-Series" phpBB3 ProSilver for cpg1.4.x Themes "DM-Series" phpBB3 ProSilver for cpg1.4.x


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Themes "DM-Series" phpBB3 ProSilver for cpg1.4.x

Started by DaMysterious, October 25, 2008, 01:12:25 AM

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Hi all,

Between stages I found some time to convert phpBB3's default style ProSilver for use on CPG 1.4x.

My special Coppermine section is reachable as usual here.
All ProSilver related styles are experimental (working on them) and are as they are.

Have fun with my conversions.


Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision

Joachim Müller


Hey DM, good to see you back. Excellent work, as usual. Cheers.



Thanks adding my conversions to the demo/download already.
Viewing the prosilver related demo here I'm not satisfied about what I could watch.
Your demo set-up is quite different to my default set-up, so I have to change my gallery set-up first to be able to correct some of the glitches I saw.

Furthermore I wonder if there exist a function for theme.php, except css, which can be called to have a background specified when in admin/setup mode (prosilver doesn't have any rounded boxes as background yet when in admin/setup mode).

Work in progress...

Joachim Müller

You can override all of the config vars in your own theme. Take a look at how Gizmo did that for many of his themes, e.g. in GrimmDF:
Quote from: Gizmo on October 20, 2008, 08:47:08 PM
// These parameters overide what the user inputs in the Configuration setup to prevent the theme from breaking.
$CONFIG['max_film_strip_items'] = 4; //overrides the number of thumbnails.
$CONFIG['thumbcols'] = 4; //overrides the number of columns for thumbnails.
$CONFIG['main_table_width'] = '100%'; //overrides the Width of the main table (pixels or %).
$CONFIG['picture_table_width'] = '100%'; //overrides the Width of the table for file display (pixels or %).
$CONFIG['album_list_cols'] = 2; // sets "Number of columns for the album list = 2"
$CONFIG['first_level'] = 0 ; //sets "Show first level album thumbnails in categories = no".


Thanks for the info Joachim.

Styles where updated due to several issues!
Nine new prosilver related versions where added today.

My ProSilver related phpBB3 styles:
CPG 1.4.x Theme probrown
CPG 1.4.x Theme procyan
CPG 1.4.x Theme prodarkblue
CPG 1.4.x Theme prodarkgreen
CPG 1.4.x Theme progray
CPG 1.4.x Theme progreen
CPG 1.4.x Theme proorange
CPG 1.4.x Theme propink
CPG 1.4.x Theme prorandom (random header)
CPG 1.4.x Theme prored
CPG 1.4.x Theme prosilver
CPG 1.4.x Theme proviolet

More fine tuning on css will be done when I have some more time.


Quote from: Gizmo on October 25, 2008, 01:23:07 AM
Hello DM! Welcome back!

Hi Gizmo,
Did you know already we are caring about the same dog :).

Joachim Müller

Wow, thanks. I updated my initial reply on this thread with the corresponding links to the demo/download section.


What would it take to make one of the Coppermine Prosilver based themes to fill the width of the browser, like the PHPBB3 based Prosilver themes?


Hello I have a problem with this pro themes.

Please take a look on at my categorie list. It isn't in correct shape.
What ist wrong, what must I do to make it work how it should work?

Fabricio Ferrero

Please, could you at least read what Joachim just linked?

I would lock this thread if I could... (As usual for all of the announcement thread due to people like you who doesn't take at least one minute to read the thread they're posting. Not mentioning the Board Rules....)
Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)

Joachim Müller