Need assistance with supported phpBB3 bridge. Need assistance with supported phpBB3 bridge.


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Need assistance with supported phpBB3 bridge.

Started by Felyza, November 17, 2008, 12:09:47 AM

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Original thread:,53678.0.html
(Closed due to too many people posting off topic items, such as coppermine changes)

To quote the first sentence: "Supported phpbb3 bridge file attached." - Nibbler

Per Coppermine Photo Gallery Documentation and Manual - 5.4 Bridging Support
I have the following issue when trying to bridge coppermine and phpbb3:
With bridge enabled, when I select Login in coppermine, I'm redirected to phpbb3 login.
After I login, I am redirected back to coppermine, but am not logged in.
Prevents administrative and normal access.

(mysite.tld are correct in install)

Coppermine install: http://www.mysite.tld/coppermine/
Forum install: http://www.mysite.tld/
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.19
Forum version: phpBB3 v3.0.1
Test Account:I cannot provide test account at this time.

BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:  http://www.mysite.tld
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../
Use post-based groups?:  1

Additional Information:
Coppermine Cookie prefix: coppermine_q1234
phpBB3 Cookie name: phpbb3_13ehd
Bridge Cookie prefix: phpbb3_13ehd 

Bridge cookie was successfully read at install time from the config file.

Joachim Müller

Not related to initial install, but to bridging. Moving accordingly.
Post real URLs instead of dummy placeholders, as per instructions in the docs and the corresponding sticky thread on this board "When requesting bridge support - mandatory!":
QuoteThis is how your posting should look like (with actual URLs instead of the dummy URLs given here as an example)
What good should those placeholders do? You're suppossed to post your real data, so we can take a look.

Quote from: Felyza on November 17, 2008, 12:09:47 AM
Test Account:I cannot provide test account at this time.
Why not? We need it. If you want support, do as suggested.


The website is for an airport that I am assisting with a few site upgrades on, and I am only a temporary admin and do not want to risk losing the job by bringing in other people into the admin section.
If it were my own personal site, I would have no issues with this.

If you must see the site, please visit

Due to the nature of my circumstance, I cannot provide the test account. if this is required for assistance, then please understand my situation.

Since the sound of "Post real URLs instead of dummy placeholders, as per instructions[...]" is very, well, to put it lightly, neither kind nor considerate, I must cover a few points.

1. I read through the documentation, I read through faqs, I read through stickies. I understand test accounts are normally required.

2. No, the site does not have ads, yes the site has its own server, no I cannot provide the test user. (See above)

3. I found the original support thread, but could not post in it since it was closed on page 3(!) because too many non-support posts were made.

4. I dug through about 50 different forums, and couldn't find any I could post in, other than off-topic forums.

5. Yes, I know where the new topic button is.

6. I apologize for initially posting in Install help, however I placed it there expecting it to get moved.

7. Install help was the only one I could find regarding support I was allowed to post in.. is this an issue with post count under an arbitrary number?

8. I cannot create topics in the forum it was moved to, however I CAN reply, which is why you see this post now.

9. I posted in wrong forum for move so as to not put 'useless' information on another thread.
9B. I apologize for trying to save an ounce of effort for the moderator team, by potentially preventing another locked topic and corresponding new threads.

10. Reading information took a while since it is spread across the website and forums in a manner that does not have any apparent method or order.

11. Regarding the post itself, I even used reference to the documentation including title, section, subsection and proper format for my request.

12. Due to the unique nature of my circumstance, I cannot provide a test account, I did not expect this to cause a harsh reply.

13. I provided what information I could, going above and beyond the required information, covering all aspects that should affect my issue.


Useless note (since I don't have the option to edit by post).. I now have the option to create new topics in this forum. Perhaps there's a postcount < 2 check somewhere? Or an admin changed something.

Fabricio Ferrero

I didn't take the time to read your whole reply. I just want to clarify what Joachim told you to do.

If you click on the link you will read among other things:
QuoteMake sure that the test user account doesn't have admin privileges.

So, no harm can be done with a non-admin test account. You will be able to remove that account at any time.

The only way to help you it's posting a test account and real data (links..). If not, you will have to search for help in another place..  :(
Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)

Joachim Müller

To add to what Fabri just explained: we need the non-admin test user account to be able to take a look at the cookies, which usually cause issue for most. Yes, we could indeed register on the forum to get that account, but we'd have to go through many many registrations just to allow us to support you, which is a bit off if you ask me. It's not too much asked to provide a non-admin test user account for us.
I went through registration to show that we at least know our way around without being too lazy to read the instructions. The test user account is: user name "tester", password "tester".

My initial guess is that you haven't enabled authentification by cookie in your forum - you appear to use a session-driven authentification. Coppermine can't be bridged in that mode - you need to switch your forum to cookie-driven authentification. If you have no idea how to do that, read that up in the phpBB docs, as I don't have a clue neither, but I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in phpBB's admin panel.
However, there's something fishy on your forum: after logging in and being greeted as "tester" I'm able to browse the forum and I remain logged in. If I go to the index page though (, I'm logged out again.

This being said: fix your forum first. Then return here.


Ok, update to working copy of phpBB3. It is now version 3.0.3.
I used emergency recovery to gain control of coppermine again.
I reran the bridge wizard.
Still does not work.

Regarding how it logs one out if they select login in coppermine, yes I know that occurs.
I know that's wrong.
I have no idea why its doing that, which is why I am here.
If it kept them logged in, then it would *probably* succeed in logging in the user.

Now, I went through all settings I can find.

I found "Session IP validation" which I attempted to disable to see if it would help (yes, I understand the implications). No, didn't help.
I attempted with and without force server settings (root as / and site as appropriate (including www)), again, nothing.

I poured through settings, and there's no option to explicitly enable cookie or session authentication. By testing IE and Firefox, it creates cookies, and instantly loses login information if the cookie is removed. This is the best I can do to test authentication method. Login is maintained when opening a new browser, while a cookie is present, which is I'm not mistaken, would not occur with session.

Since I didn't mention it, the bridge version I have is the one that was attached to the thread which was closed.

Regarding test user, I guess I should have read more thoroughly, I thought you needed a test user with admin rights, I apologize for my confusion.

Joachim Müller

There is only one cookies that get set, named "style_cookie". Probably not a cookie meant for authentification, as the value is just "printonly", and definitely not within the scope of what you specified in your bridge.
Your board is not set to use cookie authentification, so bridging can not work. Stop your efforts on the bridge manager. Fix your forum first - make it use cookies. If you can't figure out on the admin panel of your BBS, ask the phpBB people for support. There is nothing we could help you with. Currently, your board uses URL parameter driven sessions.


Ok, the database had been corrupted due to reasons beyond my knowledge. Database was fixed, its now generating cookies, and login works back and forth across the board and coppermine.

New issue though. (Still falls under need assistance)
I don't have admin rights on the gallery.

Group id's in the bridge default to
$this->admingroups = array(5);
Yet, the Administrators group (ID=5) does not have admin rights on coppermine.

I created another group for assigning members to for admin rights on coppermine, which when checking group id in the database is group 8
so I changed the line to
$this->admingroups = array(5, 8);
Still, the problem is, neither group id 5 nor 8 have administration rights.

I'm so so close, yet so far.


If you look at the debug info in Coppermine you can see what groups Coppermine has you in.