Show album list inside categories but not on index? Show album list inside categories but not on index?


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Show album list inside categories but not on index?

Started by Ollydv, November 18, 2008, 05:15:11 AM

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Hi, I have looked and looked how to do this but cannot see anywhere and it's driving me crazy.

If you see my site here;

You can see the albumlist section under the categories, (Magazine scans, Photoshoots, etc...)

What I want to do is to remove that from the index. I have changed the album list settings from this; breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/random,2/lastup,2 to this; breadcrumb/catlist/random,2/lastup,2, but that removes the albums from pages like this;

The albums on that page being, "Esquire Czech Republic - Nov 2008, GQ October 2008" ...etc.

How can I do this?  ??? Thanks :)

PS: Hopefully that all made sense   :-[


I assume you mean a mod of the config setting 'Show first level album thumbnails in categories' but you do not want to show these album thumbs on the main page... if so read on

index.php ... to the function get_subcat_data's global definition add $cat
means, change
    global $CONFIG, $HIDE_USER_CAT, $FORBIDDEN_SET, $cpg_show_private_album;

    global $CONFIG, $HIDE_USER_CAT, $FORBIDDEN_SET, $cpg_show_private_album, $cat;

then find
                    if ($level == $CONFIG['subcat_level']) {

and replace with
                    if ($level == $CONFIG['subcat_level'] && ($cat > 0)) {


Thanks  :)

Hmmm, well what you describes sounded like what I want but it didn't change  ???

I made a screen shot of what I mean since it'll probably be easier to show that way. I highlighted the part I want to remove from the main index in red.
Add attachments-Do not hotlink images Edited -Fabri-

Basically, I want to do the same as changing;


that, to this;


But have it only affect the main page instead of inside categories aswell. Thanks :)


If you're talking about these 4 albums: Magazine Scans, Photoshoots, Candids, Captures
Then you should just move them into a category. Albums without any category always display on the index. If you mod the gallery to not display them there, they won't display at all.


Just when I was about to do what you said I saw that I had a bunch of albums with the same name as the categories. I must have made them in the beginning when I was still figuring out how to use Coppermine, but I deleted them and now everything is good.

Thanks for the help!  ;D