Flash Media Player plugin with visual integration (play flv/mp4/mp3/aac files) - Page 7 Flash Media Player plugin with visual integration (play flv/mp4/mp3/aac files) - Page 7


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Flash Media Player plugin with visual integration (play flv/mp4/mp3/aac files)

Started by Αndré, December 01, 2009, 04:09:38 PM

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Quote from: Αndré on June 16, 2011, 03:59:32 PM
Modify this plugin so it expects the same as 1) when the file is smaller than e.g. 1 KB. In that case it would check for a valid video url and uses that url instead of embedding the current file as video file

Open codebase.php, find
$file = $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'].get_pic_url($CURRENT_PIC_DATA, 'fullsize');
and below, add
        if ($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filesize'] < 1024) {
            $file_content = file_get_contents($CONFIG['fullpath'].$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filepath'].$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filename']);
            preg_match('/^(http|ftp)s?:\/\/.*\.'.$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['extension'].'$/i', $file_content, $matches);
            if (count($matches)) {
                $file = $matches[0];

Now create a new text file with the url of your mp4 video, change the file extension to 'mp4' and upload it to your gallery. Please report if it works as expected.


Note: this is just a draft, as the regex should be optimized. It may be possible that potential attackers inject HTML code to your gallery. If you're the only person who can upload files to your gallery you're fine.


Thanks. ;)

I tried that. But when I want to watch the movie it says:


I triple checked the path to the Video and its all correct. So why that message ?



Please post the link to the target video file or better: attach the file you uploaded to your gallery.


Here is the file. I had to zip it because .mp4 isn't an allowed attachment type.


I just can't figure out how to add a skin from the official website http://www.longtailvideo.com/addons/skins yes, Im a nooob!!!

Im extracting the zip file downloaded to the flash_media_player plugin folder but nothing happens...

structure as follows


then i created a folder with the name of the skin and extracted the content there, what im doing wrong??

would like to use following skin... http://www.longtailvideo.com/addons/skins/241/Facebook-Look-alike?q=%20alt=

Any help would be really appreciated!


Automatic skin detection has been developed here. It currently just supports SWF skins. If you want to use XML skins you have to edit codebase.php.


Quote from: Αndré on August 09, 2011, 03:50:19 PM
Automatic skin detection has been developed here. It currently just supports SWF skins. If you want to use XML skins you have to edit codebase.php.
Thanks, complety a noob i must say!!works like a charm!! tx so much  ;)


Version 1.9 attached to initial post. It adds support for zip file skins, the player.swf file has been updated to version 5.7.1896 and it also adds support for external video files (still experimental, so please don't ask for support at this stage).


Hi Guy's
I installed cpg1.5.x_plugin_flash_media_player_v1.9.zip which was my first plug in I've used and loved how easy it is. But on playback of my mp4 "Knives" I only get audio, no video. 
Any idea's.  http://arizonahealthandlife.com/Portage

Cheers,  ???
Desert Dave


Probably the used video codec isn't supported by the flash player application.


Plugin version 2.0 attached to initial post. It now uses the JW embedder instead of the HTML 'object' tag. Additionally, it now supports external YouTube videos and external media files in general (see initial post for more information). Please move your existing skin to the new skins directory.



i wan't use a skin, but the auto-detection does not work.
i have downloaded http://www.longtailvideo.com/addons/skins/30/Metarby-10?q=%20alt= and copied the swf-file into the "skins"-directory.
please help.


Please download the updated package from the initial post.

However, that page says that the skin isn't compatible with the JW Player 5.x. It seems to work anyway with the latest JW Player version.


Quote from: Αndré on May 30, 2012, 02:30:03 PM
Please download the updated package from the initial post.

However, that page says that the skin isn't compatible with the JW Player 5.x. It seems to work anyway with the latest JW Player version.

hello andre,

i already use cpg1.5.x_plugin_flash_media_player_v2.0.zip

btw. can you please tell me, how i can eventually use xml-skins ?




Plugin version 2.1 attached to initial post. The JW Player was upgraded to version 6.1.2972. There have been some changes from JW Player 5 to JW Player 6, you can find them here in detail.


Having trouble uploading video content to Coppermine. Not sure if it's a Coppermine issue or a FMP issue. My site is a WP 3.5.1 site with phpBB 3.0.11 and Coppermine 1.5.22 integrated. I have your FMP, Open Search, Online Stats, and Social Sharing (in that order) plugins activated. File upload limit is set at 600MB in both Coppermine config and php.ini.

Site is westerntrailrider.com/coppermine

Critical Error message is from coppermine/db_input.php, line 71, indicating  missing parameter:

if (!$superCage->get->keyExists('event') && !$superCage->post->keyExists('event')) {
    cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_errors['param_missing'], __FILE__, __LINE__);


What file size has the file you try to upload? Does it work with smaller files? Did you used the flash uploader or the simple upload form? Using FTP + Coppermine's batch-add feature is recommended for large files.