General upload problems with 1.5.3 General upload problems with 1.5.3


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General upload problems with 1.5.3

Started by merlin6666, April 06, 2010, 10:55:58 PM

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Hi, i made an update from 1.4.x to 1.5.3

For the first time it looks really good, but
i'm having several issues when uploading on my Coppermine driven gallery

When using Multiple files - Flash-driven and the suggested settings for upload troubleshooting in place, I get the error message
Upload Failed.
but the photo was successfully transfered into the album...

Simple upload works without problems -> Your file was uploaded successfully. It will be visible after admin approval.

When using Windows XP Uploading Wizard with windows 7 and Live Foto Gallery, its not possible to login
I get the error message
Login failed, Try again
Before i made the recommended Registry entrys for Windows Vista/7 from the Forum

When i install JUpload 4.01
I get the error message after pushing "Upload Configuration"  Fatal error: Call to undefined function logdebug() in /var/www/web337/html/Coppermine/plugins/jupload/jupload.php on line 152

Permissions are from my point of view ok.

Here's the test user account data:
    Username: tester
    Password: foobar

I have no idea what else to do, i am getting crazy

Thanks in advance for your suggestions

Joe Carver

You should first simplify things - you have a few plugins running - as an example..
Quote from: merlin6666 on April 06, 2010, 10:55:58 PM
When i install JUpload 4.01

Quote from: etienne_sf on December 07, 2009, 12:18:03 PM
===== Version 4.0.1 =====
Know issues:
 * [Cpg1.5] The edition of uploaded pictures properties doesn't work

Then you could also try a different browser - although I got an error when trying to upload a small .gif with Firefox.

Make sure that you have set the right URL in Config >> URL of your Coppermine gallery folder. Be sure that you are indeed using www or not.

You can also review the Known Issues to see if your situation might apply.

Joachim Müller

You indeed have an awful lot of plugins in place, which makes upload troubleshooting a bit hard. Congrats on your thorough report though; I wish all users would make their homework like you did. I can confirm your observation as far as http uploads using the HTML form is concerned: they work as expected (see The file uploaded using the flash upload interface is there as well (as you said) although I get the error message you refered to just as well. However, you haven't enabled debug_mode although that is suggest in the docs (section "Enable troubleshooting settings"). Please do so now. Additionally, disable temporarily all plugins by turning off "Enable plugins". Then post here again.
What you could do as well is using the subversion checkout as suggested in if you feel that you have got the needed skills to perform that.

Abbas Ali

I have added code to show flash uploader's debug messages in the main debug output. From now onwards all those who are reporting flash upload issues can give us the debug output of flash uploader so that we know where it is failing.

@Devs - please check it out

@merlin6666 - As suggested by Joachim, if you can get the latest version from svn and paste the debug info here then it will help us determining where the upload is failing as far as swfupload is concerned. Make sure you copy the debug output after it shows the "Upload Failed" message.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


If i have installed the Plugin "cpg1.5.x_plugin_flf-histotag_v1.6" only then i get the error message

Upload failed

If i uninstall this plugin, the flash-upload works.

Debug after Upload failed:

    [ID] => 2184f4651d40e302eee94b7eef90e0fe
    [liv_a] => Array
            [0] => 15
            [1] => 38
            [2] => 27
            [3] => 30
            [4] => 56

    [liv] => Array
            [0] => 2487
            [1] => 2525
            [2] => 2477
            [3] => 1311
            [4] => 2394

    [upload_method] => swfupload
    [am] => 1
    [lang] => german

    [user_id] => 2
    [user_name] => admin
    [groups] => Array
            [0] => 1

    [disk_max] => 500000
    [disk_min] => 500000
    [can_rate_pictures] => 1
    [can_send_ecards] => 1
    [can_post_comments] => 1
    [can_upload_pictures] => 1
    [can_create_albums] => 1
    [has_admin_access] => 1
    [access_level] => 3
    [pub_upl_need_approval] => 0
    [priv_upl_need_approval] => 0
    [group_name] => Administrators
    [group_quota] => 500000
    [can_see_all_albums] => 1
    [group_id] => 1
    [allowed_albums] => Array


    [0] => SELECT name, value FROM cpg133_config [include/] (0 ms)
    [1] => SELECT * FROM cpg133_plugins ORDER BY priority [include/] (0 ms)
    [2] => SELECT * FROM cpg133_plugins [plugins/xfeed/include/load_xfdset.php:24] (0 ms)
    [3] => SELECT * FROM cpg133_plugin_xfeeds [plugins/xfeed/include/load_xfdset.php:34] (0 ms)
    [4] => SELECT user_id, time FROM `usr_web337_1`.cpg133_sessions WHERE session_id = '38f58db3e575b6565d976fdffb74812e' [bridge/] (1 ms)
    [5] => SELECT user_id, user_password FROM `usr_web337_1`.cpg133_users WHERE user_id = 2 [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [6] => SELECT u.user_id AS id, u.user_name AS username, user_password AS password, u.user_group AS group_id FROM `usr_web337_1`.cpg133_users AS u LEFT JOIN `usr_web337_1`.cpg133_usergroups AS g ON u.user_group=g.group_id WHERE u.user_id='2' [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [7] => SELECT user_group_list FROM `usr_web337_1`.cpg133_users AS u WHERE user_id='2' AND user_group_list <> '' [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [8] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) AS disk_max, MIN(group_quota) AS disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) AS can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) AS can_send_ecards, MAX(can_post_comments) AS can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) AS can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) AS can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) AS has_admin_access, MAX(access_level) AS access_level, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) AS pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) AS  priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg133_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1) [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [9] => SELECT group_name FROM  cpg133_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1 [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [10] => UPDATE `usr_web337_1`.cpg133_sessions SET time = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE session_id = '38f58db3e575b6565d976fdffb74812e' [bridge/] (1 ms)
    [11] => SELECT lang_id FROM cpg133_languages WHERE enabled='YES' [include/] (0 ms)
    [12] => SELECT user_favpics FROM cpg133_favpics WHERE user_id = 2 [include/] (0 ms)
    [13] => SELECT * FROM cpg133_plugins [plugins/slider/include/load_sliderset.php:23] (0 ms)
    [14] => SELECT * FROM cpg133_plugin_slider [plugins/slider/include/load_sliderset.php:35] (0 ms)
    [15] => DELETE FROM cpg133_banned WHERE expiry < '2010-04-08 17:54:41' [include/] (0 ms)
    [16] => SELECT null FROM cpg133_banned WHERE (user_id=2 OR '' LIKE ip_addr ) AND brute_force=0 LIMIT 1 [include/] (0 ms)
    [17] => SELECT aid, title, cid, name FROM cpg133_albums INNER JOIN cpg133_categories ON cid = category WHERE category < 10000 [upload.php:573] (0 ms)
    [18] => SELECT aid, title FROM cpg133_albums WHERE category = 0 [upload.php:575] (0 ms)
    [19] => SELECT aid, title FROM cpg133_albums WHERE category='10002' ORDER BY title [upload.php:601] (0 ms)
    [20] => SELECT user_id AS user_id, user_password AS pass_hash FROM `usr_web337_1`.cpg133_users WHERE user_id = '2' [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [21] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg133_pictures WHERE approved = 'NO' [include/] (2 ms)
    [22] => SELECT lang_id, abbr FROM cpg133_languages WHERE available='YES' AND enabled='YES' [include/] (0 ms)
    [23] => DELETE FROM cpg133_temp_messages WHERE time < 1270738481 [include/] (0 ms)
    [24] => SELECT cid, parent, name FROM cpg133_categories WHERE 1 [upload.php:249] (0 ms)



    [cpg15_data] => YTo2OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiIyMTg0ZjQ2NTFkNDBlMzAyZWVlOTRiN2VlZjkwZTBmZSI7czo1OiJsaXZfYSI7YTo1OntpOjA7aToxNTtpOjE7aTozODtpOjI7aToyNztpOjM7aTozMDtpOjQ7aTo1Njt9czozOiJsaXYiO2E6NTp7aTowO3M6NDoiMjQ4NyI7aToxO3M6NDoiMjUyNSI7aToyO3M6NDoiMjQ3NyI7aTozO3M6NDoiMTMxMSI7aTo0O3M6NDoiMjM5NCI7fXM6MTM6InVwbG9hZF9tZXRob2QiO3M6OToic3dmdXBsb2FkIjtzOjI6ImFtIjtpOjE7czo0OiJsYW5nIjtzOjY6Imdlcm1hbiI7fQ==
    [ff1473ec891e29459ab2a2187084df07] => 2ed29ae5f57fb4676215cda5bef85c17
    [cpgim_1259] => 0
    [cpgim_1267] => 0
    [cpgim_410] => 0
    [cpgim_403] => 0
    [cpgim_1258] => 0
    [cpgim_898] => 0
    [cpgim_1006] => 0
    [cpgim_1308] => 0
    [cpgim_1479] => 0
    [cpgim_897] => 0
    [cpgim_899] => 0
    [cpgim_1615] => 0
    [cpgim_1616] => 0
    [cpgim_745] => 0
    [cpgim_747] => 0
    [cpgim_748] => 0
    [cpgim_749] => 0
    [cpgim_750] => 0
    [cpgim_751] => 0
    [cpgim_752] => 0
    [cpgim_2089] => 0
    [cpgim_1739] => 0
    [cpgim_1056] => 0
    [cpgim_1009] => 0
    [cpgim_1011] => 0
    [cpgim_1012] => 0
    [cpgim_1013] => 0
    [cpgim_1014] => 0
    [cpgim_1015] => 0
    [cpgim_1016] => 0
    [cpgim_2240] => 0
    [cpgim_2336] => 0
    [cpgim_2332] => 0
    [cpgim_2485] => -1000
    [cpgim_2394] => 0
    [cpgim_2488] => 0
    [cpgim_2487] => 0
    [cpgim_2486] => 0
    [cpgim_2481] => 0
    [cpgim_2489] => 0
    [cpgim_2448] => 0
    [web337_SID] => 6a8ed08be5d67914fd98a557ee71782e
    [cpgim_2525] => 0
    [cpgim_2477] => 0
    [cpgim_1311] => 0

PHP version        5.2.13            OK
MySQL version      5.0.51a-24+lenny3 OK
Coppermine version 1.5.3             RC

Module: GD
Exact version                    2.0.34                     
GD Version                       bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support                 1                         
FreeType Linkage                 with freetype             
T1Lib Support                    1                         
GIF Read Support                 1                         
GIF Create Support               1                         
JPG Support                      1                         
PNG Support                      1                         
WBMP Support                     1                         
XPM Support                      1                         
XBM Support                      1                         
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support                           

Key config settings
charset              utf-8                                                                 
allow_private_albums 1                                                                     
cookie_name          cpg15                                                                 
cookie_path          /                                                                     
lang                 german                                                                 
main_page_layout     anycontent/slider/breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/topn,2/toprated,2/lastup,1
silly_safe_mode      0                                                                     
theme                curve                                                                 
thumb_method         gd2                                                                   

Name           Favorite Button                                                               
Name           Flash Media Player                                                           
Actions        plugin_install, plugin_uninstall, plugin_cleanup, page_start                 
Filters        html_other_media                                                             
Name           Google Analytics                                                             
Actions        plugin_install, plugin_configure, plugin_uninstall, plugin_cleanup           
Filters        gallery_footer                                                               
Name           Image Manipulation                                                           
Actions        page_start, plugin_install, plugin_uninstall, plugin_configure               
Name           XFeeds                                                                       
Actions        plugin_install, plugin_uninstall                                             
Filters        gallery_header, admin_menu, page_meta                                         
Name           Mousewheel support for filmstrip                                             
Actions        page_start                                                                   
Name           Slider                                                                       
Actions        plugin_install, plugin_uninstall, page_start                                 
Filters        plugin_block                                                                 
Name           Remote Videos                                                                 
Actions        plugin_install, plugin_uninstall                                             
Filters        html_other_media                                                             
Name           Keyboard Navigation                                                           
Name           LightBox                                                         
Actions        plugin_install, plugin_uninstall                                             
Filters        file_data                                                                     
Name           Bild-Beschriftung                                                             
Actions        plugin_configure, page_start, plugin_install, plugin_uninstall, plugin_cleanup
Filters        meta_album_get_pic_pos, meta_album                                           
Name           flf histotag - Geotagging and hstogram support for Coppermine                 
Actions        plugin_configure, plugin_install, plugin_uninstall                           
Filters        add_file_data_success, after_delete_file, theme_img_navbar, post_breadcrumb   

Server restrictions
disable_functions        shell_exec, popen, pclose, proc_open, proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_nice, proc_terminate, passthru, show_source, escapeshellcmd
file_uploads             1                                                                                                                                 
include_path             .:/home/php5/lib/php:/usr/share/php                                                                                               
open_basedir             /var/www/web337/html:/var/www/web337/phptmp:/var/www/web337/files:/var/www/web337/atd:/usr/share/php:/var/www/empty/web337         
allow_url_fopen          1                                                                                                                                 
max_execution_time       30                                                                                                                                 
max_input_time           60                                                                                                                                 
upload_max_filesize      10M                                                                                                                               
post_max_size            16M                                                                                                                               
memory_limit             48M                                                                                                                          300                                                                                                                               
suhosin.request.max_vars 400                                                                                                                               

Page (performance)
Parameter        Current Peak   
Memory usage     6,92 MB 9,19 MB
Page generation  83 ms   83 ms 
Page query time  4 ms    4 ms   
Page query count 25      25     



I get these failures.  Just received this debug message...


Here is a picture that fails upload...


I just checked, and it fails after being renamed to TEST.jpg as well... So it is not the name.  ;)


One more to give specific info etc...  I do not have any plugins, and it was a first time installation.

I do have a test ID set up.  ID=Test17  PW=17Test

Gallery is at

It is being set up as a private gallery for a small private PHPBB forum.  I have done nothing other than the install, the uniq fix (adding '' ) and adding a php.ini to increase memory to 40MB and turn off register_globals.

Even though I do plan to bridge, I have done nothing to make that happen yet other than using my PHPBB database as the installation DB.

Let me know if I should provide anything else.

Abbas Ali

@merlin6666: You need to first update cpg with latest copy from svn and then provide the debug info. The code I added is not in your current copy.

@Darwin: The error you are getting seems to be because of theme. Are you using default curve theme? Also try to setup using the latest copy from svn (if you can) and then try uploading.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


Is SVN only available to certain people?  I haven't looked to see, and I probably won't until Saturday since I am going to see TSO tomorrow night.  I have been in IT for 30 years, so I expect I could struggle through patching if it is available to me.  ;)

Joachim Müller


If you have issues with a particular plugin, disable that plugin. That particular plugin you're refering to is... how can I say this nicely.... it has got lot of room for improvement.


Quote from: merlin6666 on April 08, 2010, 10:07:30 PM
If i have installed the Plugin "cpg1.5.x_plugin_flf-histotag_v1.6" only then i get the error message

The room for improvement has been used. A fix for this problem has been included in the newest version of flf_histotag. Please refer to the plugin contribution thread for download.

Cheers, Florian