Invision (IPB) 3.x Bridge for Coppermine 1.5.x - Page 2 Invision (IPB) 3.x Bridge for Coppermine 1.5.x - Page 2


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Invision (IPB) 3.x Bridge for Coppermine 1.5.x

Started by Fast Lane, July 21, 2010, 09:40:54 AM

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Fast Lane

make sure the conf global file has the right group for the admin (which you are).  Next you will need to re-enable permissions in coppermine for uploading (when I upgraded all the permissions were random/demoted).


thnx for replying...well...i just did like you told me....

1. the congif_global (of the forum) 'admin_group' is set to 4
2. Premission (on the gallery) for the admin is ok. and i can upload pics.

but still, "I don't have premission!" :(

i'm sorry for my stupid question but do i have to edit these lines?
this one?
if (isset($bridge_lookup)) {
    $default_bridge_data[$bridge_lookup] = array(
        'full_name' => 'Invision Power Board 3.x',
        'short_name' => 'invisionboard30',
        'support_url' => '',
        'full_forum_url_default' => '',
        'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash',
        'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../forums/',
        'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,conf_global.php',
        'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0',
        'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0',

and this?
function cpg_udb()
            global $BRIDGE;
            if (!USE_BRIDGEMGR) {
                $this->boardurl = 'http://localhost/ipb';
                $this->use_post_based_groups = 0;
            } else {
                require_once($BRIDGE['relative_path_to_config_file'] . '/conf_global.php');
                $this->boardurl = $INFO['board_url'];
                $this->use_post_based_groups = $BRIDGE['use_post_based_groups'];

because it seems that the url to my board is not correct yet the bridge is working. My problem is that I can't upload photos.

Fast Lane

Yes, "" needs updated as well as "../forums/"

if you fix these hopefully everything will work for you.


Fast Lane

I suggest this be rolled into the next release pending anyone here objecting.  I hope it proves helpful :).


Quote from: Fast Lane on August 17, 2010, 10:16:11 AM
I suggest this be rolled into the next release
Do you mean the next release of cpg1.5.x? If so, please contribute an updated bridge file.


I had read earlier that if I cannot use this bridge if I have files already uploaded in the gallery because the users who are already defined in the gallery with be overwritten. Is this true? Can I use this bridge even with members and files already in the gallery or is it only possible for a new installation?


It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


i get this error
QuoteYou don't have permission to access this page.

if i unbridge everything works ok (apart from being

i cant log into gallery even with stand alone link it just sents me to my admin cp on ipb to log in. this does no good
so how to i change permissions with out being able to log in?

im running IPB 3.1


Lane, can i give you ftp pass, because i cant do it  :-\



Give it a go and find out? If it works please come and tell us all. If not post here and maybe someone in the community will be able to assist.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Elemental Crisis

Just letting everyone know that this bridge still works with the latest versions of both IPB (3.3.2) and CPG (1.5.20).

The only problem I've encountered is I was unable to get the bridge to properly work if I set it to use IPB's group settings. It looked like the bridge was setup successfully but I was unable to access the config panel, keep getting the you don't have permission error. Granted I didn't spend too much time trying to it to work and just stuck with CPG's groups. 

Elemental Crisis


@Andre would you please think about including this InvisionPowerBoard 3.x bridge into the next release of Coppermine?  You include the IPB 2.x series in the bridge, but it's out of date. 


Quote from: pols1337 on September 30, 2012, 04:31:31 AM
You include the IPB 2.x series in the bridge, but it's out of date.
It wasn't me, but another dev team member ;) However, I'll check if it's possible to add new bridge files to cpg1.5.22. Please reply to this post, as I'll receive a notification in my mailbox.


@Αndré Yes, you may want to include InvisionPowerBoard 3.x bridge since right now, IPB is still on the 3.x series.  Their current release is 3.3, and it seems like they're going to release 3.4 in the future so this bridge will be valid for awhile. 

You may want to remove the IPB 2.x series since I read somewhere that they announced the end-of-life for that series.  (No more support or development).

Looking into the future, after IPB 3.4 (where the board is at the core) is moving over to a new platform called IP Community Suite 4.0 series (where the core is stand-alone, and things like the forum, gallery, and blogs are all add-ons).  It will also use a brand new system called "IP Connect" to connect with other software.  If you're interested, you can read more about "IP Connect" here:

Hope this information helps,


Hi, in case anyone was wondering, this bridge file DOES work. (Actually, I ended up using the bridge file from here, because it looked like it was updated more recently. 

I am bridging between Coppermine 1.5.20 and Invision Power Board 3.3.4 -- the latest versions of each.  Tested with guest (no log-in), a regular member, and admin.

Some installation notes for non-technical people:

  • Make sure you disable bridging on Coppermine first!
  • After you download and unzip the bridge file, use FTP to copy the file to your "coppermine-gallery/bridge/" folder
  • Go back to your coppermine gallery, log-in using your original (unbridged) admin, and start the bridge wizard.  In the bridge wizard, you should be able to follow the directions as normal.  Be careful with the settings for the URL and relative path.  One of them wants a trailing slash, the other doesn't.
  • I didn't use custom groups since both my Coppermine and IPB groups are pretty simple

What I tested:

  • When you click "Register" or "Log-In" from Coppermine, you are correctly taken to the "Registration" and "Sign In" page on IPB, respectively.
  • After you log-in from IPB, it redirects you back to the gallery.
  • After you log-in as a regular member from IPB, the "Member Profile" in Coppermine properly redirects you to your member profile on IPB
  • When you try to log-out from Coppermine, it takes you back to your IPB page but it doesn't actually log you out.  Wish this could be fixed, but it's relatively minor.

Hopefully someone technical can take a look at the files attached on this thread and in the other IPB bridge thread to ascertain any differences and converge them before it gets released as an official bridge.

But yes, it works  :)

Joel / pols1337

Elemental Crisis

I've attached the bridge file from the other thread to this post so it's easier to find. Anyone using IPB should use this file instead of the one in the original post as it's been updated to work with IPB 3.X.

Quote from: pols1337 on October 08, 2012, 04:38:37 AM
  • When you try to log-out from Coppermine, it takes you back to your IPB page but it doesn't actually log you out.  Wish this could be fixed, but it's relatively minor.
I was unable to fix this for IPB 3.3, it has something to do with the session ID not being generated correctly by the bridge script.

I HIGHLY recommend reading the instructions from the bridge file, I've even copied them so make it easier for everyone. 

  3.x Bridge by Steve Palik
  Note: If you have a cookie prefix you will need to revise the following
      items on lines 143-145. In in the "cookie_extraction" function (lines 143-145) edit the words
      member_id and pass_hash to myprefix_member_id and myprefix_pass_hash (where "myprefix_" is
      your custom prefix defined in IPB (IPB control panel... 1.  Tools & Settings  >    2. System Settings > Cookie Prefix).
  3.3.X Fixes by Elemental Crisis and Dahrkael
  Note: All of the redirect links with the expection of Logout should now work. As I was unable to get the logout link to
        properly work, I set it to redirect the user to the forum index where they can log out. I also was able to fix the
      problem when "Use bridge app custom groups?" was set to "yes", you'll just need to make one small edit to get it
      working properly.
      Open - Its located in the "bridge" folder.
      Find (Starting at line 153):
       if  ($this->multigroups){
            $USER_DATA['groups'] = $this->get_groups($row);
        } else {
            if ($this->use_post_based_groups){
                $USER_DATA['groups'] = array(0 => $row['group_id']);
            } else {
                $USER_DATA['groups'] = array(0 => (in_array($row['group_id'], $this->admingroups)) ? 1 : 2);
      Replace With:
            if ($this->use_post_based_groups){
                $USER_DATA['groups'] = array(0 => $row['group_id']+100);
            } else {
                $USER_DATA['groups'] = array(0 => (in_array($row['group_id'], $this->admingroups)) ? 1 : 2);
      If you want more than one goup to have admin access, do the following.
      Find (In this file):
      $this->admingroups = array($INFO['admin_group']);
      Replace With:
      $this->admingroups = array();

        Put whatever group ID's (Taken from IPB, not Coppermine) you want inside the parentheses separated by a comma.
      Make sure to also include your admin group ID, otherwise you won't get admin access.
      Example giving admin access to my admin group (ID:4) and my staff group (ID:6).
      $this->admingroups = array(4,6);
      Hope this helps!


This is excellent -- thank you Elemental Crisis  :)