Problem with Languages Problem with Languages


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Problem with Languages

Started by nova-bossa, June 11, 2004, 04:50:59 PM

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the languages are not showing properly.
i see "?"-signs after selecting languages that have letters like á or ü.


Each language has two options. Be sure to try both the regular encoding and the UTF encoding.
"Then, Fletch," that bright creature said to him, and the voice was very kind, "let's begin with level flight . . . ."

-Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull



i found out that some language files are corrupted. letters with accents like "á" or "ã" are not correctly writen in their original language files.

this was taken from the lang folder of the downloaded coppermine1.3.0 folder:
file brazilian_portuguese-utf-8.php ---> "Informação" but it should be "Informação".
file brazilian_portuguese.php         ---> "InformaÁ"o" but it should be "Informação".

and so are other brazilian words with special caracters.

french words in the french files have the same problems.
so i suppose this is happening with all languages that have special caracters.
why i don't know. could it be that the files got corrupted when they were first uploaded to ?


In your config, what is the setting for you ' Character encoding'?
If this is set incorrectly the characters may display wrongly.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


what i described above happens already BEFORE the language file is uploaded to my gallery.
i see the errors when i already open the files with an text editor on my desktop.

and this problem has nothing to do with html characters because in html "Informação" is "Informação"
and not "Informação" --> the way it appears on the language file when i already open it with an text editor.

please download the brazilian portuguese language file and check for yourself.
look for (for example):
'lang_name_native' => 'Português',   --->  correct it would be 'lang_name_native' => 'Português',
$lang_info = 'Informação';   --->  correct it would be $lang_info = 'Informação';

i saw similar errors in the french files too. so it could be that all language files with special characters got corrupted when they were uploaded to sourceforge.

ps: the brazilian portuguese language files for version 1.2 do not have these errors when i download them and open them on my desktop!


That's how unicode text is encoded in ascii. Upload it on your server and you'll see that everything looks fine.


Quote from: Titooy on June 12, 2004, 11:25:38 AM
That's how unicode text is encoded in ascii. Upload it on your server and you'll see that everything looks fine.

please go to my gallery
click on the brazilian flag.
look at the forth link from left on the top (navigation menu).
mac ie explorer shows "?ltimos envios" and safari shows "ltimos envios" but it should be "Últimos envios".

click on the austrian flag (german).
look at the second link from left on the top (navigation menu).
mac ie explorer shows "Alben-?bersicht" and safari shows "Alben-bersicht" but it should be "Alben-Übersicht".


OK, I've looked at your gallery, and I see what you are saying,
BUT, I am unable to re-create this on my site.  The language files work correctly.  Have you made changes to files other than your theme?  Please also state what your config setting for language coding, not which language.

You can see my site has it displayed correctly.  I tried both standard and utf-8 versions,

[attachment deleted by admin]
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


thank you!

it's not a matter of misconfiguration because my gallery is correct cofigured.
nevertheless i found a solution that works fine for me:
i converted all letters with accents like "página" into html code like "página" and now all such words are displayed correctly by my browsers.

i want to say THANK YOU for this nice software! great work, you developers!

just one thing: i am brazilian and i speak a very correct portuguese. if you don't you are not going to be able to verify what i am going to say now. i notice that the brazilian translation has many many MISTAKES. i know, i should be thankfull for this free translation (and i actually am), but as a perfectionist and portuguese-"insider" (and i write short stories in portuguese) i must say, the person who translated the gallery into portuguese made many typing mistakes, case mistakes and wrong translation (for example:  'instruction_parameter' => 'Ajuste os parâmentos' should be  'instruction_parameter' => 'Ajuste os parâmetros'). the brazilian language has many accents like "página". sometimes the translator correctly typed "página" and sometimes just "pagina". and so one with other words. but for someone who speaks portuguese "pagina" without "á" is ugly and wrong! so he was not really accurate. i think he didn't REVISED his work. if other translators worked in their languages in the same way so i believe many translations have similar mistakes. but we will never be able to verify that if we don't speak, for example like me, chinese...

in my opinion a translation should only be made by people who are accurate and write a lot (not only emails but articles, stories, etc.). this should be checked before they are asked to contribute  ;).



Quote from: nova-bossa on June 13, 2004, 01:13:49 PM
in my opinion a translation should only be made by people who are accurate and write a lot (not only emails but articles, stories, etc.). this should be checked before they are asked to contribute  ;).

I understand what you are saying, but the translations are done by users, normally when there is no existing translation, as was the case with the Brazillian file.  If it had not been for the work of the person who did that, you would not have had a translation at all. 
If we were to require proof of professional writing ability before allowing a translation, there would be very few languages available.

Most files originally have the odd error, and there are often disagreement about what is correct and what is not. We fix the problems when they are made known to us, and translators are asked to work together to get a file they agree on.

You are also welcome to send in your translation.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Quote from: nova-bossa on June 11, 2004, 11:30:54 PM
french words in the french files have the same problems.

I confirm these problem...
If I set CPG to use "french-utf-8" as Default Language and "Unicode (utf-8)" as Character encoding, I get problems.
French letters are # not visible # in the menu, and if I go back in the configuration menu, the Default Language is set to "french" and not to "french-utf-8" (even if it is correct in the SQL database)
The only solution I've found is to set the Character encoding to "Western (iso-8859-1)" and to display language flags on the Home page to allow visitors to choose.


eventhough i am really thankfull for the work of the translators it makes me mad to think that a translation can contain many errors and mistakes and i am not even able to verify that since i may not speak that language!

so i decided to use only three languages, the main languages of my whole webiste: english, brazilian and german. first of all in the language files i converted all letters like "á" into their respective HTML code: "á" ---> "á", "ä" ---> "ä" and so on. i deleted all other language files, put the three respective flags on the main page and set the main language of the gallery to "english" and "utf-8". so if someone outside these three languages visits my website he well see my gallery in english. and that is ok because today almost everyone can handle "navigation english". and if someone sees my gallery in brazilian or german he will get a revised and IMPROVED translation with no typing mistakes or translation errors!

to see here:

Tarique Sani

@nova-bossa - why don't you take up the task of gathering volunteers who would be able to check for mistakes in translations of CPG and also since you have improved the German and Brazilian files let us have the URL for downloading the same!
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


hi all

I have the same problem with the utf-8 encoding in stable and in 1.3.0 beta.

Casper - your gallery works fine because it uses Western ISO for each language. Try to change the encofing to UTF-8 in coppermine configuration. Then just change to language that has special national character. It could be German for instance - but try to find special national Geraman character as that with umlaut. Its going to look "STRANGE".

Please - let me see coppermine 1.3.0 that uses utf-8 encoding and works fine. Please! All gallery I have seen are using ISO encoding and that why they looks well.

What i have observed in 1.3.0 beta is that when I opened the german-utf-8.php in Dreamwaver and saved it again using utf-8 it was working fine. But i have to overvrite normal german.php with that changed german-utf-8.php file.

I am not a coppermine developer - have no idea whats going on. I have only found solution that works. For sure coppermine 1.3.0 stright from pakage have something wrong with the utf-8 encoding support.

I would plase again - let me see working 1.3.0 with utf-8 encoding - so I could say: "ok - its my fault - I do something incorectly"

thanks for help with tahat issue



Its me again.

The quick solution for that problem is as follows:

1. open in Dreamwaver [language].php file
2. in "Page properties" change encoding to utf-8
3. save the file
4. save as.. [language]-utf-8.php (overvrite the file - its coded badly)

two files will be identical
transfer it to your server

it should work fine - works with mine gallery ::)
if i would have some time I will change all the language files that way and give a link so any who like would download this

see ya

Joachim Müller

Doesn't sound practical to me - Dreamweaver is a commercial (and expensive) app. Should be possible with free editors as well.



of course it doesnt matter its Dreamwaver or any other editor
it must have just the encoding conversion - thats all

btw - all coppermine developer - thx for coppermine - its the best gallery I have ever seen :)




anyone who is interested
if somebody have a problem with uft-8 - here is the link that my help him

just replace your catalog "lang" with that files

i couldnt manage to correctly convert greece, hebrew, chinees, japanese and few others language files

here are that language files i have done:


both files in each language are the same - i dont know why it should be like that but it works :)




Quote from: kss on June 18, 2004, 01:26:54 PM
The quick solution for that problem is as follows:
1. open in Dreamwaver [language].php file

i just did exactly that and it doesn't work for me!
portuguese letters like "á" or "ç" doesn't show properly on my browser after uploading the language file.

so i returned to the solution i already mentioned some postings above:
transform all those special letters into html code (ex. "á" ---> "á").
then set the language of your gallery to "english" (for example) and character encoding to "utf-8".
that works fine for me!


i repeat: many thanks to all translators!!! but let me say only one thing: let's just be realistic. do we really need so many languages? how many visitors does your gallery get? millions? from all of the world? there are big enterprises whose very professional websites don't have so many languages! why should "normal" human beings webmasters like us need so many languages?
most of the coppermine language is "navigation" language. i think today maybe 90% of the people who surf on the internet can understand "navigation english" anyway.

so i think if someone wants more than one language on his gallery he should take english as the main language and the language of his own country, which he would revise for errors or adapt for his needs. that would be enough instead of having dozens of languages whose translations may not be accurate or free of mistakes and typing errors and which we will be never able to verify.

on my gallery i use only 3 languages.
and i'm happy!
