image of the day/week/month (user defined) image of the day/week/month (user defined)


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image of the day/week/month (user defined)

Started by pinguish, June 29, 2004, 02:00:32 PM

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I've been working on a mod to provide an 'image of the week' function to my gallery.
its not the best code in teh world and i'm sure it could be cleaned up a bit.
However it does work
i have 3 files:
the image of the period file (which displays the current image of the period) and also by selection the last 10 images in this category.
the image of the period admin page (which allows you to edit/add/delete from the list).
and the sql file (as it makes an extra table).
the method used doesn't worry about images being deleted as its join works by only listing those where the image still exists in the picture table.

first off would peopel be interested in this as a general mod..
and second if so how do i submit it?

(currently it assumes the 1.3 table structure eg cpg130_)
but easily changed for non standards.

users would also have to add thier own link to the image period page.

you can see the mod in action on a friends website (

*****EDIT: files attached! - must learn to look properly now i know how to uplaod things to the board :) *****
*****EDIT:19/7/04 - security flaw on admin check fixed****

[attachment deleted by admin]

[edit GauGau]
archive re-attached. Sorry for the confusion, was deleted in error.


It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


cool got moved to mod..i assume i just update the zip file as i work on this mod as it needs to be streamlined a bit and i have plans for a few additions ;)


Yes, just update the attachment on the first post, so that will always be up to date.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


zip file updated due to a security flaw in the admin check...if you are using this mod please check to ensure you have the latest version!


Thanks for this MOD. Works fine  :)

With a few changes, I be able to show select pictures of the gallery in a website.


I hope it is not too late to ask you for advice!this mod seems to be exactly what I need!
I am running Ipb 1.3 with MyiBportal and my cppermine gallery is integrated with the bridge
I went to see on your site and this is exactly what I need :images from the gallery in a block of my portal
Can you explain me how to do it and if it is possible.I looked in the zip,understood a little for the files
for sql you mean to run the query in my ipb admin?and my main question is what code to put in my block?
thank you for a little help

Ps:I also saw on your portal the D-shoutbox in a block,I really looking for that a long time
because it only shows on the forum pages


this isn't really a coppermine problem (its ipb) most of these questions should be discussed at a site like (which is where the invision mods are posted) the portal block was a quick hack i did and not related to the mod in this thread.
the shoyubox is shown all over the site as i have edited my board wrapper to include it (the instructions for which are contained in the invision mod).
the mod this in thread is PURELY an image of the week mod. (its also very scrappy i just haven't got round to streamlining it yet - until that point its not even following standard coppermine conventions such the db prefix usage).
with regards the sql you shoudl run that from your php admin screen.
I'm happy to give advise regarding the changes you are talking about (and how i did them) but probably best you contact me via pm/email as i feel coppermine issues should be discussed on the coppermine board.


I'm sorry for this kind of question:
"What excactly is picture ID?"



picture id is the number of the picture within the coppermine system..
(to find it go to an image and click (i) to show the information.
this gives a link to the image ie:
that number at the end is the picture ID (everything after the - so in this example the picture id is 6858 )
and no need to say sorry i really do ihave to upgrade this mod to use proper coppermine functiosn and a better helpfile ;)


Quote from: pinguish on November 28, 2004, 06:14:46 PM
and no need to say sorry i really do ihave to upgrade this mod to use proper coppermine functiosn and a better helpfile ;)

No, you don't I'm just a new one in this stuff. :))


I notice the zip file was deleted by the admin...?

Joachim Müller

archive re-attached to first posting. Sorry for the confusion, was deleted in error.

