Ban Users - issues Ban Users - issues


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Ban Users - issues

Started by Makc666, August 08, 2004, 04:18:20 PM

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Ban Users - issues

I attached the picture.
You can see all three issues there.

1. I suggets to add something to field with green frame.
Like "click here" words. Of course with translation if you can.
Or!!! -- you can add words up to the right of that field like:
[:::::::::] <-- click here

2. When you cross mouse over field with green frame you will see "select date" (red frame)
So there is no translation for that one!

3. Yellow frame - I suggest to change from words "Lookup an IP address" to "WHOIS for IP address".
It is more correct and will not mess up people with idea that they will look for IP addres in gallery database!


One more BUG I found.

When you add your own IP adress gallery check it and says:
'You cannnot ban yourself!'

If you add some IP and then you changed it to its own IP and press
'Save Changes'
Gallery doesn't check your IP at this state.

The same problem is with "You were going to ban your own server? Tsk tsk, cannot do that..."

And with 'You cannnot ban this IP - it is non-routable!'

This is a very serious BUG indeed!!!


Please stop shoting bug for what are cosmetic issues.

Items 1 and 3 in your first post are purely down to cosmetic taste and understanding.   Item 2 is something that can be improved for internationalism, certainly, but is not a bug. The banning feature works well, and there is no bug in your first post.

Perhaps there is a bug as reported in your second post, if it is still possible to ban yourself.  I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean with the last 2 points.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


One more.
About 'You cannnot ban this IP - it is non-routable!'

I understand that in your country people don't use these IPs.
But there is a lot of countries were people use these IPs.
phpBB for example don't have this restriction.
For we it is not clear to why you add such restriction.
I think you have to remove it!

If you still for some unknown reasons don't want to remove than add some line to "english.php"
<br /><br />This IP is routable only in private networks.<br />If you want to add this IP anyway, you have to open file "banning.php", find line "$illegal_ip = array(" and delete necessary IP mask.

Full line will look like:
'error_ip_forbidden' => 'You cannnot ban this IP - it is non-routable!<br /><br />This IP is routable only in private networks.<br />If you want to add this IP anyway, you have to open file "banning.php", find line "$illegal_ip = array(" and delete necessary IP mask.', //cpg1.3.0


I am trying to make gallery pritty. I am making Russian translation now and that is why I see all bugs, misprints and so on.
I remove word BUG from topic title. But I was not shoting. I was trying to separate this topic.

What is not cleary for you about second post? I will show you by numbers.
1. You add any IP you like to BAN. For example
2. Then you open BAN page and change to your own IP.
3. Then you will see that gallery will say you: 'You are currently banned from using this site.'

The same is for if you change to server IP or to any non-routable IP.

Quote from: Casper on August 08, 2004, 04:53:24 PM
Please stop shoting bug for what are cosmetic issues.

Items 1 and 3 in your first post are purely down to cosmetic taste and understanding.   Item 2 is something that can be improved for internationalism, certainly, but is not a bug. The banning feature works well, and there is no bug in your first post.

Perhaps there is a bug as reported in your second post, if it is still possible to ban yourself.  I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean with the last 2 points.


First, the issue '2' in your first post has been added to the language files for version 1.4.

I accept that your second post may contain a bug.

Please understand that a bug is when something will not work, or stops something else from working.  Language issues are not bugs, although we do of course want to get rid of such issues, and welcome suggestions for changes.  We are constantly trying to remove any hard coded language, and we know there are a few remaining, but we cannot make these changes at bugfix version issues, as every language file would need to be re-done.
That is why I told you yesterday that your previous report was added to the next version, and how to do it yourself if you need it now.

The check to stop admins banning themselves was only added in version 1.2 I beleive, and is to stop accidental banning.  But Why anyone should change a successful ban to their themselve I don't know.

As for the non-routable issue, I can't remember why, but I'm sure there's good reason for it.

Please don't be put off from reporting real bugs, and language or cosmetic issues, but please make clear which is which.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


There is button 'Save Changes' which allow users to change IPs.
Why they have to change? Because they can want to put there server IP but to make error in it.
They will than change that "bad" ip to good one and gallery will not check it.

So for your words "Why anyone should change a successful ban to their themselve I don't know." The answer is very easy:
Because there is button 'Save Changes'.


Quote from: Casper on August 08, 2004, 05:43:08 PM

The check to stop admins banning themselves was only added in version 1.2 I beleive, and is to stop accidental banning.  But Why anyone should change a successful ban to their themselve I don't know.

Joachim Müller

OK, let me clarify some things:

the additional field to select a date was a last minute addition just before cpg1.3 came out - I added it, because the old date field contained a real bug: it simply didn't work. As we were in the last stage before the release, we had already gotten back all language files from the translators, it was impossible to internationalize it. As the banning page will be only visible for the admin I think it's only a minor issue if a tooltip is in english for the moment. This will be all internationalized in cpg1.4

I agree with Casper: do not shout "bug" if you only discover cosmetical issues that depend on personal taste in the future, this is similar to shouting "liar" or "thief" all the time - it upsets developers...

CPG1.2.1 introduced banning, and the admin was able to ban any IP address. This resulted in a couple of support requests of "not-so-experienced" wannabe admins who accidentally banned themselves. Users who can't tell their own IP address from another user's IP address should in fact not touch the banning feature at all - those who are even silly enough to change a vaild IP address that already exists in the database to their own shouldn't touch banning either. To get rid of those support requests were unexperienced users banned themselves I decided to add the "is-admin-IP-address" check, and I think it works fine, since the number of support requests of people who banned themselves has dropped.

There has been a discussion on IP banning in the past, I won't repeat it in detail, just giving some facts: most users don't have static IP addresses, but get one assigned from their ISP once they log in, so their IP will differ each time they visit a webpage: banning doesn't make sense at all for those users, as they will be able to log in later with another IP address. Instead, someone else who will be assigned the banned IP address from the pool of the ISP will not be able to visit your site, although has hasn't done anything wrong. Another drawback of IP banning is the fact that users behind a proxy (e.g. in a company) might appear to all have the same IP address publicly visible - if you ban one of them, you'll ban all.

The banning of non-routable IP addresses has been discussed on the devel board before, and we decided to make this admin settable if the admin wants to be able to ban non-routables, e.g. if coppermine runs on a LAN. The admin switch will be in cpg1.4 - if you need it urgently, just remove the checking routine from cpg1.3.x

I appreciate your language file contribution and your willingness to help coppermine mature, but it would be even more helpfull if you could provide real code, themes, support etc. instead of fighting bugs that are merely cosmetical issues (if at all).
