cpg1.3.1 vb3 integration problem cpg1.3.1 vb3 integration problem


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cpg1.3.1 vb3 integration problem

Started by unixboard.de, August 09, 2004, 07:51:27 PM

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i have a big problem with the integration of cpg1.3.1 and vb3.0

users & admin can`t login in the gallery, even they are logged in vb

cpg1.3.1 is up and running - all config files double checked - but still not work

tried the vbulletin30.inc.php sessionhash hack, still no login :/

any hints ?


Please provide the usual info, bits of files you altered, your cookie settings, a link, a test account, anything else that may be useful.



//NOTE : Your vBulletin license number is provided at the top of every php file in your vBulletin installation!
define('VB_CUST_NO', 'xxxxxxxxxx'); // Your vBulletin license number (NOT your customer number)
define('VB_DB_NAME', 'myvbdb'); // The name of the database used by the board
define('VB_BD_HOST', 'localhost'); // The name of the database server
define('VB_DB_USERNAME', 'mydbuser'); // The username to use to connect to the database
define('VB_DB_PASSWORD', 'mydbpass'); // The password to use to connect to the database

// The web path to your vBulletin Board directory
// In this example http://yoursite_name.com/vbulletin3/
define('VB_WEB_PATH', '/vb3/');


define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'vbulletin30');


user/pass - test/gallery

PS : More Info needed ?


Have you also set
define('VB_COOKIE_PREFIX', '');
- looks like it needs to be set to 'bb' for your forum.


Quote from: Nibbler on August 09, 2004, 08:40:05 PM
Have you also set
define('VB_COOKIE_PREFIX', '');
- looks like it needs to be set to 'bb' for your forum.

omg - sooo many thanks ...

i tried everythink, installed so many times ....

works now ... thanks


Hmmm ... my Users can't Upload .... ?

Any hint ?


Please read the documentation and search the board for 'Sorry there is no album where you are allowed to upload files', this is a very frequently asked question. If you really cannot work it out, feel free to make a new thread in the appropriate section of the forum - we have a one question per thread policy here. Thanks.


Quote from: Nibbler on August 09, 2004, 09:00:16 PM
Please read the documentation and search the board for 'Sorry there is no album where you are allowed to upload files', this is a very frequently asked question. If you really cannot work it out, feel free to make a new thread in the appropriate section of the forum - we have a one question per thread policy here. Thanks.

ok, but this problem is thread related - isn't it ?

without  "define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'vbulletin30');" the "picture upload" button is shown
but with the vbulletin30 integration the button disapears ...


Did you go to your coppermine groups page afer doing the bridge, to sync the settings?
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Quote from: Casper on August 09, 2004, 09:26:16 PM
Did you go to your coppermine groups page afer doing the bridge, to sync the settings?

i got it - group/user rights where wrong :/

thanks again for the help ...


Quote from: Nibbler on August 09, 2004, 08:40:05 PM
Have you also set
define('VB_COOKIE_PREFIX', '');
- looks like it needs to be set to 'bb' for your forum.

where is this line
i can't find it

Joachim Müller

include/init.inc.php - re-read the docs!



I've looked around and at the 2 php files for bout 20 mins looking for the define ('VB_COOKIE_PREFIX', '');  line. do you have the line number it's on?

Joachim Müller

it's in bridge/vbulletin30.inc.php:

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.3.1                                            //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Gregory DEMAR                                     //
// http://www.chezgreg.net/coppermine/                                       //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Updated by the Coppermine Dev Team                                        //
// (http://coppermine.sf.net/team/)                                          //
// see /docs/credits.html for details                                        //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         //
// (at your option) any later version.                                       //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CVS version: $Id: vbulletin30.inc.php,v 1.5 2004/07/09 06:57:55 gaugau Exp $
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Modified for vB3 by Nanobot at www.f5hosting.com                          //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// vBulletin 3.0 Integration for Coppermine                                  //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Modify the values below according to your Board installation              //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// database configuration

//NOTE : Your vBulletin license number is provided at the top of every php file in your vBulletin installation!
define('VB_CUST_NO', 'xxxxxxxx'); // Your vBulletin license number (NOT your customer number)
define('VB_DB_NAME', 'forum'); // The name of the database used by the board
define('VB_BD_HOST', 'localhost'); // The name of the database server
define('VB_DB_USERNAME', 'username'); // The username to use to connect to the database
define('VB_DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); // The password to use to connect to the database

// The web path to your vBulletin Board directory
// In this example http://yoursite_name.com/vbulletin3/
define('VB_WEB_PATH', '/vbulletin3/');
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Nothing to edit below this line
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Prefix and names for the database tables
define('VB_TABLE_PREFIX', ''); // Leave empty, not supported by vBulletin 2.3
define('VB_USER_TABLE', 'user'); // The members table
define('VB_SESSION_TABLE', 'session'); // The sessions table
define('VB_GROUP_TABLE', 'usergroup'); // The groups table
define('VB_COOKIE_PREFIX', '');  // Cookie Prefix, not supported by vBulletin 2

// Group definitions (default values used by the board)
define('VB_GUEST_GROUP', 1);
define('VB_MEMBERS_GROUP', 2);
define('VB_ADMIN_GROUP', 6);



just fyi, i ran into this too... just download the coppermine package from sourceforge, the correct file with the cookies line is already there.  if you download the separate file for vb integration, it's an older, smaller file and does not contain this line.